Procedure for pulling a tooth


Twenty Something
pixiegirl said:
This is why people don't like you. Why are his teeth any less important then your graduation party?

It's not my fault he didn't floss his teeth. I spend like 20 min on my teeth every night.


Cleopatra Jones
janey83 said:
It's not my fault he didn't floss his teeth. I spend like 20 min on my teeth every night.

No one said it was your fault but you're being awfully judgemental when you freak out about issues that other people see as just as menial.

And remember.... You use to swap spit with that mouth. :lol:


New Member
pixiegirl said:
No one said it was your fault but you're being awfully judgemental when you freak out about issues that other people see as just as menial.

And remember.... You use to swap spit with that mouth. :lol:

:killingme :huggy:


Football addict
pixiegirl said:
No one said it was your fault but you're being awfully judgemental when you freak out about issues that other people see as just as menial.

And remember.... You use to swap spit with that mouth. :lol:

It's not my fault he didn't floss his teeth. I spend like 20 min on my teeth every night.
You're better than I now please STFU.
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Football addict
These are the procedures I remember. Some of them work better than others and some you should NOT try at all.

1. Pliers, needlenose or regular. Have a grown-up (but NOT an uncle) grab the tooth with the pliers and wiggle it til it comes out. This is pretty easy and does not hurt UNLESS somebody grabs the tooth way too hard and crushes it before it releases.

2. String. Tie some string around the tooth and wiggle it around til it comes out. You can wiggle it yourself or let somebody else do it (not an uncle). Also you can tie the string to a doorknob and slam the door or tie it to a brick and throw it as far as you can or to an arrow and shoot it as far as you can (away from houses because that arrow really will go far when that tooth releases). Do NOT tie it to an animal. Animals can be unpredictable and WILL NOT stop when you want them to.

3. Hammer and flathead screwdriver. Put the tip of the screwdriver at the bottom of the tooth (ABOVE THE GUMS) and hit the end of the screwdriver with a hammer. Do NOT use a phillips screwdriver to do this! You will regret it! Also do NOT do this with front teeth because the screwdriver will keep going when that tooth releases.

4. Fist. Punches to the mouth can release teeth, but this is NOT recommended. Punches are unpredictable and cannot focus on specific teeth. This should be used by accident only.

These are the ones I remember. Also I remember a lot of blood is involved. For kids, tooth faries are good to make them believe that tooth has to come out.

I wonder where RodRugg is now...:lol: