Professional Ladies


aka Mrs. Giant
Wardrobe -

I have interchangable pieces in similiar colors and materials, and I try to make sure that everything can be machine washed. Saves so much on dry cleaning. Example I have a pair of slacks in black grey stripe, a black skirt, and a grey blazer and black blazer with varying tops. My favorite shoes are a pair of black loafers that I can wear with both skirts, slacks and casual jeans.

Purse -

I carry my id, money, business cards, change purse, phone, keys, a handkerchief, tic tacs, lipgloss, nail file, comb, eyedrops, floss, pen, note pad.

Briefcase -

Calendar (cause I have to actually have a handwritten one), laptop (when needed), emergency makeup repair kit, emergency sewing kit, gum, mini umbrella, more pens and notepads, various business cards, travel toothbrush/toothpaste, hand sanitizer, usb, additional id, ipod and sometimes a camera. I also stash granola bars for those emergency haven't eaten situations and a small bottle of water.


Wardrobe -

I have interchangable pieces in similiar colors and materials, and I try to make sure that everything can be machine washed. Saves so much on dry cleaning. Example I have a pair of slacks in black grey stripe, a black skirt, and a grey blazer and black blazer with varying tops. My favorite shoes are a pair of black loafers that I can wear with both skirts, slacks and casual jeans.

Purse -

I carry my id, money, business cards, change purse, phone, keys, a handkerchief, tic tacs, lipgloss, nail file, comb, eyedrops, floss, pen, note pad.

Briefcase -

Calendar (cause I have to actually have a handwritten one), laptop (when needed), emergency makeup repair kit, emergency sewing kit, gum, mini umbrella, more pens and notepads, various business cards, travel toothbrush/toothpaste, hand sanitizer, usb, additional id, ipod and sometimes a camera. I also stash granola bars for those emergency haven't eaten situations and a small bottle of water.

Wow! You are da bomb, lady!


Briefcase -

Calendar (cause I have to actually have a handwritten one), laptop (when needed), emergency makeup repair kit, emergency sewing kit, gum, mini umbrella, more pens and notepads, various business cards, travel toothbrush/toothpaste, hand sanitizer, usb, additional id, ipod and sometimes a camera. I also stash granola bars for those emergency haven't eaten situations and a small bottle of water.

That must be some briefcase. How much does that baby weigh when it's fully loaded?


aka Mrs. Giant
That must be some briefcase. How much does that baby weigh when it's fully loaded?

Enough to knock people out of my way on a crowded Metro. Actually without the laptop it isn't much heavy than some other women's purses - it just looks nicer, and I can put my purse inside it.


Well-Known Member
I don't have to worry about clothes because I wear a uniform every day. I don't have anything exciting in my purse except either gum or Life Savers so I can stay awake on the drive home.

Seems like you should be able to stay awake pretty easily with the 20 voices that are carrying on a conversation in your head.
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Little ol' Me
Purse: ID's, CC's, Bus Pass, Metro Ticket, tooth picks, gum, hair ring, change, Riding glasses (clear and sun), SO's clear riding glasses, tums, pen, writing pad, check book, baby wipes, cell phone.

that's just everyday... :killingme


New Member
I had a "call girl/escort" friend once and looked in her bag (saliors, you know the bag) holy crap, every size dildo you could imagine "biggest one was black":mad: all types of cremes, one of those horse wip thingy's, hand cuffs, and a freaking credit card machine. I miss her.:frown:


I had a "call girl/escort" friend once and looked in her bag (saliors, you know the bag) holy crap, every size dildo you could imagine "biggest one was black":mad: all types of cremes, one of those horse wip thingy's, hand cuffs, and a freaking credit card machine. I miss her.:frown:



My purse seems to be the cosmic collection point for every old receipt and used tissues in the universe. All of my important things seem to disappear into a vortex at the bottom when I need them most.
On such rare occasions when I do have the all things I need in there: cell phone, man-hole covers, gum, brush, eyeglass cleaning wipes, tissue, chapstick, mace, checkbook, wallet, coughdrops and an eyebrow pencil.

As far as the wardrobe, well, I have to have the black pants, and some sort of sweater and/or tunic/jacket, jeans, t-shirts and comfortable shoes.


How you like me now?
I have a lot of handbags and shoes in my wardrobe.

in my handbag, I always have

Small flashlight
mints or gum
Water bottle or two small ones
snack bar
check card
extra set of keys
small hair spray
M.A.C lip gloss shades vary on the day
Chanel "Chance"
nail file
small screw driver
baby wipes


I have a lot of handbags and shoes in my wardrobe.

in my handbag, I always have

Small flashlight
mints or gum
Water bottle or two small ones
snack bar
check card
extra set of keys
small hair spray
M.A.C lip gloss shades vary on the day
Chanel "Chance"
nail file
small screw driver
baby wipes

A partridge in a pear tree?