Professional Mothers


New Member
Wouldn't it be cool if the government would pay moms when they stay home with their kids? And maybe throw in health care?


Sounds great! As long as the acting adult acts responsbile and does the job at hand. Being at parent and just sitting there to watch your kid isnt working. Too many stay at home people want the credit when they put there kid in front of the TV and call it taking care of the child. Maybe I should put my kids on web cam and someone out there can watch them :)


New Member
Isn't it Switzerland or maybe Swedan, they pay parents to stay home with their kids for the first two years :confused:


New Member
Sounds great! As long as the acting adult acts responsbile and does the job at hand. Being at parent and just sitting there to watch your kid isnt working. Too many stay at home people want the credit when they put there kid in front of the TV and call it taking care of the child. Maybe I should put my kids on web cam and someone out there can watch them :)

There are not very many of them anymore in general.


Lem Putt
Geek, when you have these great ideas about how to spend my money, do a quick substitution. Instead of "the government" say "Geek."

Like this:

"Wouldn't it be cool if Geek would pay"


New Member
Geek, when you have these great ideas about how to spend my money, do a quick substitution. Instead of "the government" say "Geek."

Like this:

"Wouldn't it be cool if Geek would pay"

I would pay myself to stay home. :lmao: you are cute when you try logic on me.


Obama destroyed America
I would pay myself to stay home. :lmao: you are cute when you try logic on me.
He makes a great point. Where would this money come from? Or are you just trying to be cute because I know.....hope you're smarter than that.


Professional Mothers 02-11-2008 05:00 PM That is not nice

whoever sent this must be completely retarded to thing it's a good idea to reward women and encourage them to...
A....have as many kids as possible
B....suck money from the government
C....not contribute to society at all

I can hear the conversation from the guidance counselors office already..
so jane, what do you want to be when you grow up?
nothing...i wanna stay home and be pregnant 24/7 and have taxpayers support me and my kids