Project Chesapeake ... Thoughts?

Tombstone Kate

New Member
It's pretty common knowledge that DUI offenders are required to do a state approved "DUI education" program as a part of their probation. There used to be several options in the county. Now, Project Chesapeake is the only option. Once the other treatment/education programs closed, PC did away with their 12 week program and now requires all DUI offenders to do 26 weeks of "treatment" - as in 2-4 meetings a week, 2 urinalysis, full abstinence from alcohol. Bear in mind that abstinence from alcohol is a PC requirement and not required by the court unless you have supervised probation.
During my time there, as a first time DUI offender, I've heard multiple accounts of false positives for UAs, contaminated samples that aren't documented properly, people being bumped from 2 meetings a week to 4 meetings a week after a positive - no explanation is allowed or able to be proven for a false UA.
We were told in a meeting once that "addicts lie", "there are no false positives". While this may have some basis in truth, false positives occur for any number of reasons - I would think mostly because PC gets another $6,000 out of a patient when they have to be leveled up to Intensive Outpatient programs.
I've been in the program for 23 weeks at $250 a week out of pocket. I got a lot out of it for the first 8-10 weeks, now it's just an annoyance, but they have to keep me around to make their money. The thing that is supposed to help me the most, is causing me the most anxiety.
Before anyone says that I'm refusing to take responsibility for my actions, that is absolutely false. I screwed up. I didn't try to fight it. I accepted every consequence I got and immediately vowed to not make this same mistake twice - but I see no reason that I should live in fear of a for profit "rehab" facility keeping me longer than needed based on a falsified test - and believe me, it keeps me up at night sometimes.
Anyone have experience with Project Chesapeake?


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Good googly moogly! You have to go 26 weeks at $250 per week?! I'd be in a jail cell.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't insurance cover part of it?
When a friend had to take some type of alcohol rehab class in Calvert at the place next to the jail, they refused to fill out the paper work even tho the insurance would have paid a portion. Their stance was, this should hurt.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
When a friend had to take some type of alcohol rehab class in Calvert at the place next to the jail, they refused to fill out the paper work even tho the insurance would have paid a portion. Their stance was, this should hurt.

Not everyone can afford $250 a week.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience

Not everyone can afford $250 a week.
Yeah, no crap! Like I said, I'd be doing jail time. I'm so glad I don't drink any more. I know, I know, it's not the drinking part but sometimes you run out unless you have a fully stocked beer refrigerator. That's the only smart way to imbibe.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'd rather my tax dollars go to pay for addiction treatment than a large number of things they piss it away on.

So if someone can't afford the $1000/mo for treatment, just tough noogs? That seems like bullshit to me.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather my tax dollars go to pay for addiction treatment than a large number of things they piss it away on.

So if someone can't afford the $1000/mo for treatment, just tough noogs? That seems like bullshit to me.
Why do you assume someone gets a DUI because they are an addict? Maybe they just make poor decisions or are a dick bag.

This one says it's a total of $189,
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Tombstone Kate

New Member
I'd rather my tax dollars go to pay for addiction treatment than a large number of things they piss it away on.

So if someone can't afford the $1000/mo for treatment, just tough noogs? That seems like bullshit to me.
Right?! I'm uninsured and even the private insurance I looked into didn't cover any kind of substance abuse treatment or mental health treatment. In fact, they wouldn't even insure me if I had a DUI. I am fortunate that I had a savings account to help cover this cost, but others aren't so fortunate. If you don't complete the program because you can't afford it, you violate your probation and go to jail. Or you pay for your treatment, but don't pay for your rent, or car or electric etc. It just seems to me that if Narcan is free and readily available, treatment at the very least, should be more affordable.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
A family member got in some trouble that involved a trip to see a judge and court-ordered "counseling" for alcohol abuse and anger management. That "counseling" is all contracted out to an on-line entity. You take an assessment...and then the results of that determine how many sessions on in each subject area you must take..and pay for. What a surprise...their "assessment" always comes out with one answer: "You take them all! ka ching!"

Quite the scam...and pretty worthless "counseling", to add insult to injury.



Not everyone can afford $250 a week.
They accept all insurance including the state's insurance, so this is either what insurance didn't cover or the sliding scale for those who don't qualify for insurance. I do agree the costs is too high for many people and even lean towards free treatment for all who want it.

The poster only has 3 weeks left and the reason it isn't just 8-12 weeks is because you have to abstain long-term and a 6-12 month program has better success rates long-term. This finish line anxiety is actually normal.

I was one of the few who worked really hard to get Project Chesapeake in our area. I was in a meeting and heard another person praising Project Chesapeake in Annapolis and myself and another person asked for the owner's contact information. Later, we (just 2 of us) met with them, and they agreed expanding in PF and Leonardtown would be a positive move for them. Walden wasn't able to keep up with the demand in the area at the time and they were operating on grant money that often ran out. Confession, the entire meeting erupted with laughter when we said we would call them up and meet with them. We heard several people say "good luck with that" followed by an eyeroll.

I have been gone over 2 years now but many who went to Project Chesapeake at the time seemed to be as happy as expected there. It is a treatment program with accountability and whatnot so.... not everyone is going to be as pleased as punch to be there. It is just great that this area has options when these services are needed.


That's the one I started with and the court said no.
court probation? This wasn't your first DWI/DUI?

Sadly, the average DWI/DUI will cost a person $10,000. Sometimes, they make a person get an interlock device mouthpiece and that is expensive. $50 to $150 original install, $50 to $150 per month to monitor it, and it costs the same to remove it as it did to install it. :confused:
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