Project Chesapeake ... Thoughts?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This place is worthless. Group meetings via Zoom! I was 3 weeks away from being done, no problems whatsoever the entire 23 weeks. I was told out of nowhere this past week that I was discharged for not attending the group meetings. Only, they are wrong and the only way I can prove to them that I have in fact been present during the meetings is to recite to them word for word conversations I remember from the meetings, certain things and stories the moderater said. I would only know this if I were present! I tried telling them this, it didn't matter. I figure it has something to do with their rent coming up, they can't have a self pay patient get out successfully! ... Enrollment must be low, so their answer is to mess with the livlihoods of people who don't have options. ... Greed, disguised as "help" ... Check out their google reviews and see what past employers have to say! ... I think it's time for an investigation!!

Don't you have a meeting chair that can vouch for you? How would they know if you weren't attending meetings?

These things annoy the piss out of me and it's just more corrupt government bullshit.


Active Member
Wow.. I hardly drink.. but after reading this.. I will not be driving after drinking.. a drink isnt' worth the thousands you have to spend in the scam afterwards.. or the lawyer you pay.. so yea i'll just limit my drinking and spend the night wherever i drink. screw that. A friend of mine who told me about this forum told me how she got pulled over once, drunk, years ago.. the first thing she did was told the officer up front that she was drunk and he can go ahead and do whatever he needs to do. He told her to pull into the parking lot of the school that was right there and go to sleep. It probably helped that she was young and nice looking. Also it was the semi suburbs and not lots of houses around nor in the city.