proposed MEGA expansion of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear power plant


New Member
This is a Nuclear Regulatory Commission meeting that is being presented as a "Permit Process" public informational session. Anyone who desires to educate themselves about the proposed MEGA expansion of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear power plant should attend. The meeting is being held tonight, August 14th from 5-9:30 p.m. at the Solomons Holiday Inn.

Items of concern include:
- Terrorist attack preparedness
- Nuclear waste storage
- Bay water levels and proposed construction elevations
- Commissioners have earmarked over $300M in tax breaks for Constellation Energy.
- Constellation Energy is suing the Federal Government because the government has not resolved Constellations hazardous waste issue.
- The federal government has promised, in the new energy legislation, billions of taxpayer subsidies to nuclear energy production
- Yucca Mountain will not be ready to receive any nuclear waste for almost a decade. By that time the US will have more waste stored on site that Yucca was designed to store.

You can obtain information about the License Application Process and how to participate at .

Everyone who can attend should as this is proposed in our own backyards. Will our commissioners be there?


Well-Known Member
I've been under the impression that Yucca Mt. was designed to handle at least more waste than we already have; please tell that it wasn't planned that poorly?


Well-Known Member
Choklatjunkeee said:
This is a Nuclear Regulatory Commission meeting that is being presented as a "Permit Process" public informational session. Anyone who desires to educate themselves about the proposed MEGA expansion of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear power plant should attend. The meeting is being held tonight, August 14th from 5-9:30 p.m. at the Solomons Holiday Inn.

Items of concern include:
- Terrorist attack preparedness
- Nuclear waste storage
- Bay water levels and proposed construction elevations
- Commissioners have earmarked over $300M in tax breaks for Constellation Energy.
- Constellation Energy is suing the Federal Government because the government has not resolved Constellations hazardous waste issue.
- The federal government has promised, in the new energy legislation, billions of taxpayer subsidies to nuclear energy production
- Yucca Mountain will not be ready to receive any nuclear waste for almost a decade. By that time the US will have more waste stored on site that Yucca was designed to store.

You can obtain information about the License Application Process and how to participate at .

Everyone who can attend should as this is proposed in our own backyards. Will our commissioners be there?

and how do you igure its a "mega expansion"?

They have asked for a permit for 1 more reacter....... what is so mega about 1?


24/7 Single Dad
Midnightrider said:
and how do you igure its a "mega expansion"?

They have asked for a permit for 1 more reacter....... what is so mega about 1?
It will generate mega-watts of electricity

John Z

if you will
Midnightrider said:
and how do you igure its a "mega expansion"?

They have asked for a permit for 1 more reacter....... what is so mega about 1?

I don't know if this is still true, but I thought I heard that no new reactors had been built in the US (save for Naval ships) since the TMI accident. So that qualifies as very significant.


Well-Known Member
bohman said:
Correct. I was aware that it wasn't finished, and that there have been LONG delays. I guess I'm just naive enough to hope that IF it ever gets done, it would have been designed with enough capacity to be worthwhile.
I believe it was desigend in the late sixties early seventies, so the plan may need to be updated, i dont think they have as f yet becasue of all the red tape and enviro groups it may never get done, so why waste the time redesigning


Well-Known Member
John Z said:
I don't know if this is still true, but I thought I heard that no new reactors had been built in the US (save for Naval ships) since the TMI accident. So that qualifies as very significant.
.....maybe, but not mega.....


CageKicker Extraordinaire
John Z said:
I don't know if this is still true, but I thought I heard that no new reactors had been built in the US (save for Naval ships) since the TMI accident. So that qualifies as very significant.

They were also the first to apply and recieve a 20 year renewal on their licence.

There's gonna be an evil nuclear plant! It's gonna melt down! We must protest it or we will all DIE!!!!

How DARE you guys bring FACTS into this chickenlittle tread. FOR SHAME!!!!!!


New Member
To the person who sent me the message calling me a narrow minded redneck, I believe your assumption is much more narrow minded and misdirected. I only posted the information to let people know the meeting was occuring, not to scream "the sky is falling...".


Well-Known Member
Choklatjunkeee said:
To the person who sent me the message calling me a narrow minded redneck, I believe your assumption is much more narrow minded and misdirected. I only posted the information to let people know the meeting was occuring, not to scream "the sky is falling...".
yeah, the title of the thread really shows you aren't a chicken little :sarcasm:


Warner 2006
Mega reator

Its called a MEGA reactor because it will produce 1600 MEGA Watts of power verses the current reactor that produces a little over 800 mega watts.

As related to the waste issue please review the articel in the August 6th FORTUNE magazine titled America's Nuclear Revival. Yucca is designed to hold 77,000 tons of waste. We currently have 55,000 tons of waste stored at various nuclear plants around the US. Since no work has been performed at Yucca since 1997 and no one has yet autorized the re-commencment of the construction the best case senerio is that Yucca will be able to recieve waste some time in 2017. Therefore, even if we don't build anymore nuclear plants, when Yucca opens it will already be over capacity. Also we have currently spent over $9B on Yucca and the final cost will be a staggering $58B of your tax money. NOT a single penny is being contributed by the utility companies who have more than tripled their rates since de-regulation.

For those who call this safe energy -- Nuclear cannot be considered safe until the storage and transport of the waste has been resolved.

warner2006 said:
For those who call this safe energy -- Nuclear cannot be considered safe until the storage and transport of the waste has been resolved.

:yeahthat: We had Calvert Power Plant folks come visit us at Margaret Brent Middle School when I was in 8th grade and during the Q & A portion, I grilled them on long term plans for the waste. They had no good answers then and the 'now' looks even worse than planned since they've halted the original plans. :ohwell:


Lovin' being Texican
warner2006 said:
For those who call this safe energy -- Nuclear cannot be considered safe until the storage and transport of the waste has been resolved.

You're Jane Fonda's MPD, aren't you?