Prostitution penalty's...

Sentencing fairness???

  • Equal for johns, pimps and hookers?

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • More for johns? (than the other two)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • More for hookers? (than the other two)

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • More for pimps? (than the other two)

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • other...'splain

    Votes: 4 11.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out it fair that 'johns' tend to get of rather lightly, while hookers and pimps tend to be punished more severely?

Spitzer put people away, in jail, for running prostitution 'rings' (aka pimps).

So, same punishment? More for hooker? More for pimp? More for john???


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'd give the customer the death penalty. Pimps and whores, everyone knows what they are. But some bonehead boinks a hooker, gets a disease and brings it home to his wife or SO. That should be punishable by death.


Well-Known Member
Gotta go with more for either pimps or hookers by going with the drug dealer analogy. You punish the person selling more than the person buying. Aside from the weighing in of the law, if you get rid of vendors, the customers go away, but if you punish only customers, you do very little to end to process.

It just makes more sense to me to punish more severely someone who is selling something illegally than someone who is buying something illegally. And it just seems to work that way with the law in most things.


Lem Putt
Under Maryland law, a hooker and John get the same penalty, 1 yr./$500. The pimp gets far more, 10 yr./$10K.

I think it's appropriate for the pimp to gat far more since he's a parasite feeding off of a transaction between consenting adults.

I also say that this should not be a crime unless one of the participants does not take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of disease. Public health is the only valid justification for these laws.


Splat it fair that 'johns' tend to get of rather lightly, while hookers and pimps tend to be punished more severely?

Spitzer put people away, in jail, for running prostitution 'rings' (aka pimps).

So, same punishment? More for hooker? More for pimp? More for john???

It's the same as trading MP3's. The people downloading them don't get into much trouble. The people making them available for download are subject to getting their left hands and/or their weenies chopped off.

Personally, I dont' think the practice should be illegal at all. Really, who cares if some loser buys himself a blumpken?

Having said that, I think that anyone who would put their pee-pee into one of those rancid goo-receptacles should be held liable for any public endangerment, including spreading the disease to their spouses or significant others, respective to the consequences of the disease.

IOW, someone who contracts AIDS from an infected sleezebag, and it ends up killing their husband/wife, they should be charged and convicted of manslaughter and reckless endangerment.
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Under Maryland law, a hooker and John get the same penalty, 1 yr./$500. The pimp gets far more, 10 yr./$10K.

I think it's appropriate for the pimp to gat far more since he's a parasite feeding off of a transaction between consenting adults.
I agree with this. Because more often than not, the pimp turned the woman out by getting her addicted to drugs, and uses mental and physical abuse to control them.

This is why I hate when morons try to act like being a pimp is cool.
They are the lowest form of life and feed off the insecurities of abused women.


New Member
Having said that, I think that anyone who would put their pee-pee into one of those rancid goo-receptacles should be held liable for any public endangerment, including spreading the disease to their spouses or significant others, respective to the consequences of the disease



Well-Known Member
Gotta go with more for either pimps or hookers by going with the drug dealer analogy. You punish the person selling more than the person buying. Aside from the weighing in of the law, if you get rid of vendors, the customers go away, but if you punish only customers, you do very little to end to process.

It just makes more sense to me to punish more severely someone who is selling something illegally than someone who is buying something illegally. And it just seems to work that way with the law in most things.
I've gotta go equal for all, for the same analogy. Our policy of going after drug dealers instead of consumers has only made drugs more lucrative (more money for the same product), thus making the problem worse. The drug dealer (hooker) knows he/she is breaking the law, the drug buyer (john) knows he/she is breaking the law, and the supplier (pimp) makes the money on the deal, breaking the law. No one is less at fault than the other.

Stop coddling drug USERS (johns), and the demand will dry up significantly making the product (hooker) less profitable for all (supplier/pimp). The crime involved will slowly go away (drugs/prostitution).

All that being said, I don't get prostitution being a crime, either. If some guy with no self-worth (by definition) wants to fornicate with some whore with no self-worth (by definition), all for a meaningless sum of money (not coersion of some sort), who are we to judge?


New Member mean like, uh, alone? So, you'd lock 'em up for masturbating?

If somone has to do time for this it should be the hooker. If there is an illegal product for sale the seller should be held accountable not the buyer.

However I don't think prostitution should be illegal. As long as both people are adults it is thier choise who they have sex with and for what reason.

I have goten plenty of hookers over the coarse of my life and do not view this as a bad thing.
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Cleopatra Jones
I think the hooker/pimp should get more time due to number of occurances. Let's say a typical John buys one session a week, the hooker is open for business 24/7 and even if she's only doing one job a day that's still 6 more a week than the John. Same with drug dealers, multipule customers. :shrug:


Free to Fly
If they made prostitution legal with Health checkups, taxes being paid etc. it still would not stop the street whores who will be out there hustling for their drug money or because their man will beat the life out of them if they don't. It might help cut back on it some though as there would be a safer alternative. Reports say it works in Vegas.


If they made prostitution legal with Health checkups, taxes being paid etc. it still would not stop the street whores who will be out there hustling for their drug money or because their man will beat the life out of them if they don't. It might help cut back on it some though as there would be a safer alternative. Reports say it works in Vegas.

I know it would help me out....:coffee:
