PSA CRE Neighborhood Watch


I say that everyone that wants to bash CRE should take a good hard look around their own neighborhoods. Nowhere in the county that you don't have to go far to run through some less fortunate areas.


New Member
When you call Chesapeake Ranch Estates or any part of Calvert County ghetto/hood/slum whatever you really don't know what your talking about. Last time I checked the homicide rate in Calvert is what???? There are how many armed robberies taking place a day? :cds: Cry me a river. If you think that for 1 second that any part of Calvert is just the worst place on earth well I would beg to differ. When you compare it to a DC/PG county where crime is a way of life. People there expect to get robbed, burglarized, have their cars stolen etc. They will never ever get a discount rate on insurance and crime is entrenched in their way of living no matter how much "Gentrification" occurs or how many fools are deported, arrested and shipped off to a federal/state penn. Every single time some idiot gets out, they come RIGHT BACK THERE because its what they know, whether they have a house there or not.

The police that patrol Calvert aren't restricted by "Citizen Action Groups" (Lets get these police) and other civil rights liberals who tie the hands of police in how they apprehend criminals. The Calvert sheriffs will still chase the wheels off your car for a brake light, and you will do a year in jail for DUI alone, so don't even think about committing a criminal offense because you might end up getting LIFE! If you don't believe me ask a deputy down there about it. Then ask a DC/PG police officer what they are allowed to do if anything to go after the bad guy. Come back and tell me the difference. Compare the court systems, to where the wheels of justice up north revolve and allow Violent Repeat Offenders to roam in and out of court rooms. Car insurance is lower than it is in other places because theres not constant auto theft and auto break ins. The alcohol related fatal crashes are lower than the rest of the state, whereas in PG county right next door they LEAD the state in alcohol related fatalities. The CRE doesn't have "East Coast Rapist", suitland sexual nightstalkers, groups of robbery thugs going from business to business, citizen to citizen just doing shake downs and armed muggings like you see on the news daily up north. I often hear whining on here about how miserable it is to see that the police are writing speeding tickets here and there because someone is violating the speed limit. Thank God thats all he has to do, and he's not responding to nightly gang wars in the CRE!

Sure I have no doubt in my mind that there are a few "wannabes" and "weed smoking SMIB pillheads" roaming about, but there isn't massive groups of roving gangs just tearing CRE to shreds every night. You don't wake up to constant gunfire, fireworks, and police sirens 24/7. And yes crime always spikes in the summer time. Kids are out of school breaking stuff, acting stupid your always going to have that anywhere. Some of you might have done some petty vandalism or retardedness when you were kids yourselves I would imagine. All in all, your property value has remained the same because you don't have a crackhouse on every corner or a garden apartment complex thats infested with drugs and armed goons going buck wild every night. Police aren't engaging in ongoing gun battles with rival gangs like you have in Chicago or DC.

I have no sympathy for anyone who calls any portion of Calvert County "Hood." There might be a slight attempt at it, but there is no way that its anything like Trinidad, Berry Farms, Seat Pleasant, Simple City, Oxon Hill, etc.

To be frank if there is problems solve them. Don't be that "person" who calls the cops because the kids are "skateboarding" or "playing basketball." Theres people wearing hoodies and baggy clothing walking down the street in the evening, talking loudly. People make stupid calls like that all the time, and to be honest, THANK GOD THEY ARE EXERCISING AND DOING THAT INSTEAD OF BREAKING INTO HOUSES or STEALING YOUR CAR! When I was a kid, someone used to call that I was "Skateboarding." The cops would come and take it away or tell us to F off. The most frustrating part was it was like Well, what is there really to do in Southern Maryland??? Crime begins where.......????