Public Firearm Facility Petition


New Member
2 total signatures YEAH!!! Come on people...get them signatures goin'!

I wanna shoots somethin!! :biggrin:


aka Mrs. Giant
Welcome back PT - you were missed! Check out Sanners Lake, I hear you can shoot something there already... :smooch:


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Staff member
PREMO Member
If they built it I might check it out for 200' target shooting. For everything else there's more access at Sanner's, plus swimming, fishing and hunting.


Originally posted by MarkS.
Isn't yearly membership at Sanner's over $100? A public facility would cost far less.

It's worth it!


New Member
I'm glad you enjoy that place. I'm looking for something less expensive.

I grew up in PA where you can't throw a rock without hitting a state firing range. That's something that the state of MD seems to be lacking in. Some counties realize that and are trying to make a difference.


Originally posted by MarkS.
I'm glad you enjoy that place. I'm looking for something less expensive.

I grew up in PA where you can't throw a rock without hitting a state firing range. That's something that the state of MD seems to be lacking in. Some counties realize that and are trying to make a difference.

Could it be that Maryland is a LOT flatter than Pa??


New Member
Southern MD is definitely flatter. Nothing a reinforced retaining wall wouldn't solve, though.

The facility up north had sponsors that initially contributed to the contruction. To maintain the facility, they charge the following fees:

Daily fee:
$ 5.00 - County Resident
$ 10.00 - Out of County Resident

Season pass:
$30.00 - Country Resident
$60.00 - Out of County Resident


I'd love to see a public shooting range around here. I know so many people who like to shoot and have no place to do it. Wish I could sign the petition, but I'm a Calvert County resident.:frown:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I wasn't going to sign when I spotted Hillary Clinton and Saddam Hussein, but then I found out Homer Simpson was all for it and Stephen King lives in my neighborhood! :yay:

I'm in.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by bluto
If it is such a great idea, why isn't anyone doing this on a for profit basis? ...
I'd be willing to bet liability and insurance are the major reasons.


Football season!
These are a great idea. We had a couple of them back home, but they were "private" (AKA not government funded) and they seemed to do quite well. They were combination shooting range/gun-bow shop/and shooting "school" all in one so maybe most of the money came from the things other than the range itself?

Either way, they are a great idea!
Originally posted by SmallTown
These are a great idea. We had a couple of them back home, but they were "private" (AKA not government funded) and they seemed to do quite well.
I heard they tore them down to put in a pottery barn.


aka Mrs. Giant
Mark - you confuse me - $100 for a year at Sanner's is too expensive (even when you have additional benefits than just the shooting range), yet you are willing to pay $5 a day to just go shoot? hmmm, let's say you only shoot for 30 days in a year (365 days) that equals $150. Plus you have no added goodies to your shooting package?!:confused:


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Staff member
PREMO Member

Season pass:
$30.00 - Country Resident
$60.00 - Out of County Resident


aka Mrs. Giant
Re: Mig:

Originally posted by Sharon
Season pass:
$30.00 - Country Resident
$60.00 - Out of County Resident
Okay so 4 seasons right?! That still equals $120 with no extras:rolleyes: