Sick sick sick.
Took a quick look at the Saint Marys Crime report to see whats been going on in LP (only 6 items listed, not bad) but the first one listed was in california and is just plain sick.
CALIFORNIA, 4:55 p.m. March 28. A man, 51, abused a girl, 10, at a residence. He was charged with third-degree sex offense and child abuse.
This guy should be used to see if the saddam torture chambers actually work. I know I joke about a lot of things around here, and people are probably thinking "gee smalltown, that happens in NoVa too!". Yes, it does. And it doesn't make it any better.
argh, this stuff just burns me up. What kind of sick SOB would take advantage of a little kid like that?? I say tie him up to the back of your SUV by his balls and drag him around town with a big sign on his back that says "I RAPE CHILDREN"
I better stop posting about this before I really go off and get myself banned.