Well-Known Member
This is insensitive and cold. I believe in discipline but this is ridiculous. How could a mother subject her child to such humiliation. This could scar him for life. Discipline can be effectively addressed within the home. She could have done this by withholding his Nintendo for a month, no allowances, no treats, suspension from the baseball team, etc..there are so many other options.
All it will do is produce more anger and resentment in the child. Shame on the mother.
A parent can shape a child without being cruel. This woman should be made to take classes in good parenting. I think she should wear a sign... that reads - " I failed as a parent " and on the other side - " I will make better choices for my children " How can one belittle their own children, in public no less?
It's wrong to spank our children but it's ok to mentally abuse and humiliate them?
I do agree that the mother never should have let it come to this. Had there been a little more discipline, and maybe a few spankings, drastic measures wouldn't be needed.
I actually just finished a little reading on the MD Judicial case site. A former friend of mine will be living in state-provided housing for a while - Possession, distribution, assault, armed robbery, breaking & entering, burglary; the long list of crap he's done is all catching up to him now, at the ripe old age of 26. Throughout our childhood, his mom ALWAYS stuck up for him no matter what he did. "Oh no, he was home with me all night!" BS. He knew that Mom would always provide bail, lawyers fees & legal support no matter what.
If she would have just beat him silly a few times when he started stealing cigarettes at age 11, maybe he wouldn't be wearing an orange jumpsuit. :shrug: Should have put him out on the corner with a big sign that said, "I steal cigarettes."
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