

New Member
I know I'm in the minority on this one, (kinda used to that around here) but I just wanted to say that hockey is the greatest sport on the planet.

Go Penguins!



New Member
Watchin' the game? It's a great one!

Too bad the only thing the Flyers can do to attempt to slow down Sid is to put a stick to his face. :boxing:


Lobster Land
I know I'm in the minority on this one, (kinda used to that around here) but I just wanted to say that hockey is the greatest sport on the planet.

I could just never get my head wrapped hockey. Watched some on TV, went to a game thinking maybe that would get me interested, but found I just don't get anything out of it. Maybe because I never played as a kid. For me it's the same with basketball, just can't get interested in it. It's great that others like it though.


New Member
oldman said:
I know I'm in the minority on this one, (kinda used to that around here) but I just wanted to say that hockey is the greatest sport on the planet.

I could just never get my head wrapped hockey. Watched some on TV, went to a game thinking maybe that would get me interested, but found I just don't get anything out of it. Maybe because I never played as a kid. For me it's the same with basketball, just can't get interested in it. It's great that others like it though.

I have converted many non-hockey fans...some who would never even watch highlights on SportsCenter are now season ticket holders in Raleigh, NC.

The thing about hockey is, you will never figure it out by watching tv on your own. The sport is probably the worst when it comes to what happens in the arena...and what translates on tv. Hi-Def is helping...but still. obviously...the TV play-by-play guys announce hockey as if they are talking to those that know the game. It's good for us...but bad for those that aren't so familiar.

The best way to get into hockey is to get to a game with someone who knows the rules. They can explain offsides, icing, and hooking as it happens. Even in the stadium...if you don't know the rules..you'll be lost. Things that look like they should be penalties may not be...and things that look completely legal may not be.

Many try to learn on tv...but can't follow the puck...which is understandable. The trick is to know enough about hockey to anticipate whaere the puck will go in any situation...and then it's easy.

When the Hurricanes first came to NC...so many of my friends down there couldn't care less. Now....they LOVE NHL hockey. There really is nothing like it. :yay:


Once you see a game in person you are hooked. We had Caps tickets for 20 years until they priced us and all the other common people out of the game.
Spent many a night at the Cap Centre Section 101 Row A Seats 6&7. My boys pictures were in Sports Illustrated when the playoff game against the Islanders went into Easter morning (Caps lost).


New Member
Toxick said:
No Capitals fans?

'sides me?

Nope. that's pretty much verified by the lack of fans at the MCI (or whatever it's called this year) ...unless the road team brings out some fans. Too bad...as 'Vech is worth the price of admission. :ohwell:


New Member
mv_princess said:
um excuse me...

It's go Sabres.

Thank you.

Bless you. You're excused. Just wondering...did you sneeze or fart when you said "Go Buffalo Donald Trump Hairpieces." ?


I know nothing
Im a die hard flyers fan, and its killing me to watch them play anymore. I used to be glued to my tv eveynight they played. Ive had the NHL center ice package for the last 4 years. im about to get rid of it now. I have no drive anymore to see them loose.

God I hope they do something in the off season...... I cant believe they went from making the postseason for the last 11 years, to being the last team in the league. How do you go from being that good to that bad in year????


New Member
LordStanley said:
Im a die hard flyers fan, and its killing me to watch them play anymore. I used to be glued to my tv eveynight they played. Ive had the NHL center ice package for the last 4 years. im about to get rid of it now. I have no drive anymore to see them loose.

God I hope they do something in the off season...... I cant believe they went from making the postseason for the last 11 years, to being the last team in the league. How do you go from being that good to that bad in year????

C'mon, as a die-hard fan, you're required to keep watching the team...especially through the lean times. The Penguins had given me very little to cheer about the past few years. However...all those lean times have produced the high draft picks that are now bringing the team back from the dead. (Well, the picks plus the luck of the Crosby lottery.)

Being a Pittsburgh fan, you can certainly understand the delight I'm taking in the Flyers series so far. Philly owned Pittsburgh for so long.

As for what's wrong with Philly, haven't your guys had a bunch of injuries? Obviously Forsberg hasn't worked out. that, and from what I can tell (only watched the Flyers when they play PIT)....lack of team speed seems to be killing you.


I know nothing
Kerad said:
C'mon, as a die-hard fan, you're required to keep watching the team...especially through the lean times. The Penguins had given me very little to cheer about the past few years. However...all those lean times have produced the high draft picks that are now bringing the team back from the dead. (Well, the picks plus the luck of the Crosby lottery.)

Being a Pittsburgh fan, you can certainly understand the delight I'm taking in the Flyers series so far. Philly owned Pittsburgh for so long.

As for what's wrong with Philly, haven't your guys had a bunch of injuries? Obviously Forsberg hasn't worked out. that, and from what I can tell (only watched the Flyers when they play PIT)....lack of team speed seems to be killing you.

Lack of speed is one thing... We werent built for the new rule. Never were. Bobby Clark always wanted big bruising players. Im surprised we made it was far as we did last season. However we also lost Key defensemen this year. Eric Desjardin retires, even though he was old and slow, he was smart. They traded away Kim Johnson..... Dumbest move I have ever seen the flyers make. He was perfect on D. Darian Hatcher is too slow to keep up.
Peter Forsberg always hurt.... Our two goalies couldnt stop beach balls.

They just arent playing with any emotion. This season just sucked the life out of them.

Oh and most of thier Line up in from the phantoms. Bringing up a player here and there, works great... But 15..... c'mon.....

At least we may get a decent draft pick out of this mess. Hopefull get rid of Forsburg during the trade deadline. Maybe hatcher will retire or get hit by a Bus....

Im sorry, but Stevens should have never been brought up to coach. Hitch should have never been fired..... No one is buying into Steven's system..... This is just a text book Cluster Ph@#k


I know nothing
migtig said:
Okay I have to say go THRASHERS and since moving to the DC metro area go CAPS.

BTW, the Flyers suck.

You see, I cant even reply to that... cause they do.... Damn this sucks


New Member
LordStanley said:
Oh and most of thier Line up in from the phantoms. Bringing up a player here and there, works great... But 15..... c'mon.....

Looks like your team has started a full blown rebuild then, which is the way to go if you're more than 1 or 2 guys away from consistent playoff contention. The Penguins roster has many players that were starting in Wilkes-Barre a year ago...or even this year, for that matter.

Hatch was a force for most of his years, but a liability now...because his style doesn't translate to the "new" NHL. Scott Stevens saw what was coming and got out at just the right time.

Finally...in the games vs. the Pens, it seems the Flyers only plan is to rough up Sid at every opportunity. Sid reminds me of Mario in the way that he's already a pretty damn good player...but he's twice as driven when he's pissed off.


I know nothing
Kerad said:
Looks like your team has started a full blown rebuild then, which is the way to go if you're more than 1 or 2 guys away from consistent playoff contention. The Penguins roster has many players that were starting in Wilkes-Barre a year ago...or even this year, for that matter.

Hatch was a force for most of his years, but a liability now...because his style doesn't translate to the "new" NHL. Scott Stevens saw what was coming and got out at just the right time.

Finally...in the games vs. the Pens, it seems the Flyers only plan is to rough up Sid at every opportunity. Sid reminds me of Mario in the way that he's already a pretty damn good player...but he's twice as driven when he's pissed off.

Thats cause we have no one that can keep up with Sid... I dont know why they put hatcher on him. All he knows what to do is rough people up. If he gets the puck, he just dumps it cause hes too slow to do anything.

We need to rebuild our D.... gotta stay out of our end to maintain any sort of offense.

Oh my God, I cant believe I forgot about powerplays... Ive seen better powerplays in air hockey, then from these jokers..... If you cant score on a 5 on 3, get the (puck) off the freaking ice.