Pure Hyaluronic Acid


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Puts to mind, have you ladies ever stepped back and tried the old classic Ponds Cold Cream?

I started using Pond's about a month ago and I love it. There's a reason why it's been around for so long. I think it's definitely for mature skin (doesn't that sound nicer than "old lady skin"?).


Surely you jest ...
I started using Pond's about a month ago and I love it. There's a reason why it's been around for so long. I think it's definitely for mature skin (doesn't that sound nicer than "old lady skin"?).

Yes it does and I think the thread I spoke of was one of yours too. My mature mind just can't remember.



New Member
I've tried Pond's cold creme. I think it's a great emollient that feels nice. My skin isn't naturally so dry, I'm just exposed to some pretty harsh environments because of my job so no matter how hydrated my body and skin is, I have to also seek products that go a step further to keep that moisture in. That's why I've tried the barrier oils like coconut and mineral oil. Hyaluronic acid is supposed to stimulate your skin to provide more moisture for itself using the additional hydration you're provided. It's not necessarily a moisturizer like Pond's, per se.


I just ordered Vitamin C Sun-Aging Defense Renewal Facial Cream and will use that when I finish up the bottle of Oil of Olay repair I'm using. It is said the combination of C, E and Hyaluronic acid holds moisture in, repairs skin, and reduces wrinkles.

I am 'almost' healed up but with the deep freeze coming, I have to make sure I stay focused on moisturizing or I'll be back to where I was... which was pretty fricken miserable.

nobody really

I need a nap
It goes on like a toner product and afterwards I put moisturizer on (a intense repair night cream). I think it really helped. I will know more after a few days.

They really should take the word "Acid" off the product IMO - call in Hyaluronic treatment or something that doesn't sound so scary. The product is meant to help your moisturizer work better.

Amazon had the stuff for $9.99 marked down from $19.99.

I saw the title to the thread and thought, wtf is a thread about hydrochloric acid doing in the ladies room lol....


Active Member
I've used Ponds all my life until recently. My Mother used Ponds too. It is a good product, but now I'm making my own Creams/Lotions by mixing Vitamin E Oil, Vaseline, Corn Huskers,Aloe Gel, and Sun Screen to a big Jar. I'm also taking Vitamin E, and Fish Oil which I think is really helping. I wrote about this in another thread. I did forget to mention, that I buy Cera V, and mix all of this other stuff in to it, in separate Jars.


Salt Life
Dakota -- give SkinCeuticals a try. It's very expensive but I've found it does work. Also, make sure you are drinking a lot of water. Hydration is key to healthy skin.


Dakota -- give SkinCeuticals a try. It's very expensive but I've found it does work. Also, make sure you are drinking a lot of water. Hydration is key to healthy skin.

I'm having a great deal of luck with the Hyaluronic Acid and C cream. I can see smoothing, reduction of brown spots, and those wrinkles smoothing out. My boys (husband included) barely ever toss a compliment without being provoked and they all have complimented me within the last few days about how much better my skin looks.

Once I finish this up, I will give SkinCenticals a try because it does seem to be along the same lines of what I am doing and I am seeing tremendous improvement with staying hydrated. :buddies:

I am also real close to dumping all my make-up in the trash. I feel wasteful doing that but it just isn't working for me. I got a starter tarte cosmetics kit (full sized make-up off QVc but they sell it at Macy's) and I couldn't be any more in love with the stuff. It is a light full coverage make-up that barely looks like you have make-up on. The eyeliner is incredible as is the mascara. In fact, I love the kit so much, I bought the eye cream and face mask (to reduce pores) yesterday and am hoping my husband buys me another kit for Valentines Day. :lol:

I have spent so much time in the dermatologist office in the past shelling out co-pays for the visit and whatever cream they decide to toss at me that my insurance never seems to want to cover.... so venturing out on my own trying various products comes out to not cost any more than it was going to the doctor and I don't have to take time out of my schedule like I was doing going to the doctor's office.

And for me to say that says a great deal. I have been on Accutane (isotretinoin), used high doses of retin, and even got subject to be lite up with a laser light :ohwell: which left me raw and bloody in spots.
I don't regret going on Accutane at all but at my age, I am too old to go another round at the derm office with any of their barbaric treatments.


These are the 3 products I'm using. I use the c cream at night and when I have no plans to step out of the house, like today. The Shiseido wears well under make-up.



Amazon.com: Shiseido Benefiance Wrinkleresist24 Balancing Softener for Unisex, 5 Ounce: Beauty


Adopt me please !
Thank you so much for sharing all of this information with everyone. I am sure many reading this with similar issues will benefit from your experiences and experimentation. :yay: that it has you looking and feeling better.
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