"puter slow as molasses...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...and I'm getting sick of it.

I have a Dell, winxp, 2.8/256 ram.

How do I speed this stupid thing back up? It is SLOW.


I'm Rick James #####!
Larry Gude said:
...and I'm getting sick of it.

I have a Dell, winxp, 2.8/256 ram.

How do I speed this stupid thing back up? It is SLOW.

Pick up some software to clean up the registry and something to find/remove adware. Should speed things up a bit. After that I would recommend a windows "tuner" package to turn off the OS services/processes that you don't use/need.

Increasing the RAM will help TREMENDOUSLY as well.

Google "windows performance" to get some ideas.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Three things.

A piece of rope
A car bumper you can actually tie something to
A heavy foot on the gas

Should fly after that!!!!

Removal of adware and spyware works wonders. I got Webroot Spysweeper and that took care of alot of my issues and you get free tech help and sweeps of your computer for a year. Cost me about 30 bucks and pathetically simple to install. Even a caveman can do it!
Larry Gude said:
...and I'm getting sick of it.

I have a Dell, winxp, 2.8/256 ram.

How do I speed this stupid thing back up? It is SLOW.
This could be helpful and more memory would be a good idea.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...and I'm getting sick of it.

I have a Dell, winxp, 2.8/256 ram.

How do I speed this stupid thing back up? It is SLOW.

After doing what everybody else suggests with registry cleaners, ad/spyware removers, more memory, etc., don't forget to defragment your hard drive.


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
...and I'm getting sick of it.

I have a Dell, winxp, 2.8/256 ram.

How do I speed this stupid thing back up? It is SLOW.
Dude, you got a Dell! :cool:

You probably have RAMBUS, so the memory upgrade will be $$$. I got 512 MB last year for $225.

If you do the RAM, you'll still have an older machine. I'd bite the bullet and get a new machine.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...and I'm getting sick of it.

I have a Dell, winxp, 2.8/256 ram.

How do I speed this stupid thing back up? It is SLOW.

Task your stepford wife with getting you a new PC.



Depends on a few things. RAM is cheap now..2.8 isnt bad, but the 256megs of ram is hurting big time.

Let me know if its pc100 or pc133 or ddr I have some extra laying around the house I could send you.

Also, is so much easier now to find cheap compuers like dell, and compaq, and hp put out.

Actually just build one from scratch its so much easier and you wont have nearly half the problems as you have now !


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
otter said:
Task your stepford wife with getting you a new PC.

Larry desperately needs to scan his computer for spyware/adware/viruses. In fact, he needs to do this on at least a weekly basis, considering some of the sites he visits (if you know what I mean).

He pesters *me* to take care of this, but I am a conservative and, therefore, reluctant to enable dependency.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
He pesters *me* to take care of this, but I am a conservative and, therefore, reluctant to enable dependency.

...the sites I visted have made me a liberal; I am more than happy to build you a fire and give you a gerber daisy because I see it as loving, caring things I can do for you that I happen to be good at.


jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...the sites I visted have made me a liberal; I am more than happy to build you a fire and give you a gerber daisy because I see it as loving, caring things I can do for you that I happen to be good at.


Plus it gets you more "rodeo nights." :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not always...

jazz lady said:
Plus it gets you more "rodeo nights." :yay:

...I did the fire last night, hung out for a bit and went to bed. There was no ulterior motive. For once.

Just love.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...I did the fire last night, hung out for a bit and went to bed. There was no ulterior motive. For once.

Just love.

The difference, though, is that you make me a fire and I'm not going to immediately undo your thoughtful gesture by throwing water on it. I know, though, that within minutes of my cleaning up your computer, you'll have it reinfected.

This is different from me, oh say, making you a delicious spaghetti dinner in that you respond to spaghetti with appreciation and the appropriate response: you eat it. If you said, thanks for the ghetti, and threw it in the trash, I would try to find another way to show my affection.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's horse####...

vraiblonde said:

The difference, though, is that you make me a fire and I'm not going to immediately undo your thoughtful gesture by throwing water on it. I know, though, that within minutes of my cleaning up your computer, you'll have it reinfected.

This is different from me, oh say, making you a delicious spaghetti dinner in that you respond to spaghetti with appreciation and the appropriate response: you eat it. If you said, thanks for the ghetti, and threw it in the trash, I would try to find another way to show my affection.

...what do you care what I do once you fix it? It just means I'll need you again. Soon. After all, you let my, our, *sob*, fire go...*weep*...out before I brought it roaring back to life. :lmao:

Plus, :drool: the spahgetti is ALREADY gone. BY your reasoning, how long should it be before we need more?