Question about Feral Cats



Dixie said:
I know I'm posting in the wrong place but I'm thinking I'll get a better response here. I have been feeding this cat that hangs around the barn for several years now. Recently she brought her kittens with her and one of them has this huge lump on the side of it's face, no fur growing on it and it's really sore looking. Yesterday it looked gangrenous. They're all feral cats but the mother cat lets me pet her; the kittens run as soon as I open the door. There are a lot of animal lovers on this forum any ideas on what can be done to help this kitten out? Thanks.

If you can trap it... you can take it to the vet or tri-county... catching the one kitten tho... that will be rough...

Hint... if you are going to try to catch it.. don't spend too much time trying to get to the kittens or momma will take the kittens away... that's what happened at my house.... my daughter couldn't resist the kittens and momma took them away before I could get them all relocated ....

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
SamSpade said:
Hey! No one's mentioned anti-freeze yet....
HEY! We are trying to be very, very helpful.

If you are good at darts, perhaps you could pop the growth from a distance.


Atir211 said:
If you call the Tri county animal shelter, they can probably loan you a humane trap. If you can trap the cats, they would be better off going to the animal shelter then being left to fend for themselves. I know you feed them, but it sounds like the probably all need medical attention. Sometimes the Charles County Humane Society has traps to loan also. good luck!

Thanks for the advice I just want to get the kitten whatever that thing is - it's going to get worse. As far as the others are concerned - they're fending just fine and I doubt if any of them are redeemable - the animal shelter would have no choice but to put the whole bunch down and I have a real low threshold for guilt. I just don't want the kitten to suffer.

Maybe my neighbor will run her over....


Dixie said:
Perhaps I should have said there's a lot of animal eaters on this forum instead of animal lovers?

Yeah, they are tasty. :yum:

I love animals and take pictures of them all of the time.....but there are some animals that need to be gotten rid of. :shrug:


rack'm said:
Yeah, they are tasty. :yum:

I love animals and take pictures of them all of the time.....but there are some animals that need to be gotten rid of. :shrug:

Cats are tasty? Couldn't find any recipes - food channel maybe?

In my heart of hearts I know you're right about the cats but they were so cute when they were kittens I couldn't resist. Now I feed all of them that come to the door. In fact last year I was watching one of them from the window and thinking that it was a really big cat and really ugly. Turns out it was a skunk and I had been feeding it for nearly a week.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
Cats are tasty? Couldn't find any recipes - food channel maybe?

In my heart of hearts I know you're right about the cats but they were so cute when they were kittens I couldn't resist. Now I feed all of them that come to the door. In fact last year I was watching one of them from the window and thinking that it was a really big cat and really ugly. Turns out it was a skunk and I had been feeding it for nearly a week.
That would be the "pole cat". Good eating if you can get beyond the smell. :biggrin: