Question about Feral Cats


Dixie said:
Cats are tasty? Couldn't find any recipes - food channel maybe?

In my heart of hearts I know you're right about the cats but they were so cute when they were kittens I couldn't resist. Now I feed all of them that come to the door. In fact last year I was watching one of them from the window and thinking that it was a really big cat and really ugly. Turns out it was a skunk and I had been feeding it for nearly a week.

DEMS?? :confused:


Ken King said:
That would be the "pole cat". Good eating if you can get by the smell. :biggrin:

Thanks - I'll pass. Thanks lilypad didn't know they existed.


Ken King said:
Wonder if there has been an orange oppossum sighting? :lmao:

I'm afraid to ask but boredom is winning out. What's an orange possum?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
I'm afraid to ask but boredom is winning out. What's an orange possum?
One of the many estranged critters Dem's claimed to have been providing care for. She never did give us a picture of it. And I think she was drinking heavily during that period of time. So it might be like the infamous pink elephant, who knows? :killingme


New Member
Ferel Cats

Dixie said:
I know I'm posting in the wrong place but I'm thinking I'll get a better response here. I have been feeding this cat that hangs around the barn for several years now. Recently she brought her kittens with her and one of them has this huge lump on the side of it's face, no fur growing on it and it's really sore looking. Yesterday it looked gangrenous. They're all feral cats but the mother cat lets me pet her; the kittens run as soon as I open the door. There are a lot of animal lovers on this forum any ideas on what can be done to help this kitten out? Thanks.

If you are not going to take any responsibility to have these ferel cats neutered or spayed and give them the medical treatment that they need, then you should trap them and take them to the shelter. They should not be allowed to reproduce and spread disease.


RoMary said:
If you are not going to take any responsibility to have these ferel cats neutered or spayed and give them the medical treatment that they need, then you should trap them and take them to the shelter. They should not be allowed to reproduce and spread disease.

No offense but trapping/taking them to the shelter would be taking responsibility wouldn't it? You do have a valid point but that's just not something I'm willing to do.


Ken King said:
One of the many estranged critters Dem's claimed to have been providing care for. She never did give us a picture of it. And I think she was drinking heavily during that period of time. So it might be like the infamous pink elephant, who knows? :killingme

No, I swear, it was a fluffy orange possum. I have a friend that actually did see it that I could bring on to the forums but 1) I wouldn't want to bring them on for unneeded ridicule (been there done that) and 2) I'd be accused of sleeping with them because I'd defend him or her. :rolleyes: BTW, how in the fock does seeing ONE orange possum equate to having seen and posted about "many estranged critters" I've cared and posted about???? Let alone pink elephants and basically calling me a lush all in the same post :smack: All other animals were normal :shrug:
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Lem Putt
Dixie, you might reconsider not trapping the cats. If a neighbor were bitten and they found out that you were feeding cats that you knew were feral, you could be sued. If you can't stand the thought of helping get rid of the cats, at least consider stopping the feeding.

Remember, the cats are non-native. They prey on native species. It's not their fault that they are here, but the truth is that they should not be free to roam, kill, and spread disease. If one of them has a visible health issue, imagine how many diseases they harbor that you can't see?


New Member
Ken King said:
I will not give you any ideas about how to deal with feral cats. I will not give you any ideas about how to deal with feral cats. I will not give you any ideas about how to deal with feral cats. I will not give you any ideas about how to deal with feral cats. I will not give you any ideas about how to deal with feral cats.


Atir211 said:
If you call the Tri county animal shelter, they can probably loan you a humane trap. If you can trap the cats, they would be better off going to the animal shelter then being left to fend for themselves. I know you feed them, but it sounds like the probably all need medical attention. Sometimes the Charles County Humane Society has traps to loan also. good luck!

They will lend you a trap BUT I will warn you now, they may have NO CHOICE but to put the animal down if it is feral and can not be adopted.

We rescued a kitten from under our deck back in February. I called all over the place trying to get assistance. If you are in Calvert, there is a feral rescue, but in February, they were well over quota. The Shelter in Hughesville warned me that if she didn’t “warm up” in a few days, that she would be put down. The Humane Society didn’t have the room or man power to work with “feral” cats. There are several websites on the subject and forums, and a feral cat can be a pet.

MMDad said:
Dixie, you might reconsider not trapping the cats. If a neighbor were bitten and they found out that you were feeding cats that you knew were feral, you could be sued. If you can't stand the thought of helping get rid of the cats, at least consider stopping the feeding.

Remember, the cats are non-native. They prey on native species. It's not their fault that they are here, but the truth is that they should not be free to roam, kill, and spread disease. If one of them has a visible health issue, imagine how many diseases they harbor that you can't see?

:yeahthat: I think it is highly irresponsible to be feeding cats that are feral and not getting them properly vetted. That litter of kittens will mate with each other in just a few months, than you’ll have even more kittens and the list goes on and on. Just this past summer, nearly 100 cats/kittens were euthanized from the Mechanicsville area because ONE had rabies and from what I read, it didn’t sound like the others were tested at all, just killed.

You can vet a few now, get them fixed and have them as barn cats, but if you do nothing, you will have a colony that is a danger to everyone around.


New Member
here you go..

JK :lmao:


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I bowl overhand
Atir211 said:
If you call the Tri county animal shelter, they can probably loan you a humane trap. If you can trap the cats, they would be better off going to the animal shelter then being left to fend for themselves. I know you feed them, but it sounds like the probably all need medical attention. Sometimes the Charles County Humane Society has traps to loan also. good luck!
If they are feral, you take them to the shelter they are probably going to end up dead anyways.. so just skip the middle man. A 22 caliber lead injection will do wonders.