Question about the Mueller/Comey bromance


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Um, why didn't anyone know about this before Mueller was appointed? Obviously if he has a personal relationship with Comey, he needs to get gone because he is compromised. But why wasn't this known before he was appointed???


God bless the USA
Um, why didn't anyone know about this before Mueller was appointed? Obviously if he has a personal relationship with Comey, he needs to get gone because he is compromised. But why wasn't this known before he was appointed???

Because our gov is not about the people, but about themselves and what 'they' want. There are a few patriots here and there that mean well (Joe Manchin for example)l, but most are Benedict Arnolds. It is the power of it all. Sad for US.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Um, why didn't anyone know about this before Mueller was appointed? Obviously if he has a personal relationship with Comey, he needs to get gone because he is compromised. But why wasn't this known before he was appointed???

because weasels tend to be sneaky son of a bitches.


Well-Known Member
Um, why didn't anyone know about this before Mueller was appointed? Obviously if he has a personal relationship with Comey, he needs to get gone because he is compromised. But why wasn't this known before he was appointed???

Because this is a made up BS narrative. The trump team vetted Mueller and no one in the right had anything bad to say about him until last week. Remember, Comey got fired before mueller was appointed. The trump team would have look at that connection, it wasn't there except on a professional level.


Well-Known Member
:killingme Yet you believe this moron - Trump - not even able to tie his own shoes, somehow colluded with the Russians to make sure he won the election. :killingme

The fact that Comey admitted that he leaked his own information to the media through a friend of his in order to get a Special prosecutor should be enough to toss out the Special Prosecutor.


Well-Known Member
:killingme Yet you believe this moron - Trump - not even able to tie his own shoes, somehow colluded with the Russians to make sure he won the election. :killingme

which moron is that?

The facts are the facts. Trump's team appointed Mueller after comey had been fired. They had every opportunity to appoint someone else but they chose Mueller. IF trump had concerns about Comey and Mueller's relationship he should have appointed someone else.


Well-Known Member
which moron is that?

The facts are the facts. Trump's team appointed Mueller after comey had been fired. They had every opportunity to appoint someone else but they chose Mueller. IF trump had concerns about Comey and Mueller's relationship he should have appointed someone else.

Especially considering we've been told numerous times over the last few months that Trump may not have political experience but he hires the best of the best.


which moron is that?

The facts are the facts. Trump's team appointed Mueller after comey had been fired. They had every opportunity to appoint someone else but they chose Mueller. IF trump had concerns about Comey and Mueller's relationship he should have appointed someone else.

Trump didn't appoint Mueller, Rosenstein did. I'm sure Rosenstein consulted with Trump and other parts of the administration, and they gave him their nod. But I have stated over and over that, given what Comey has done in this who debacle, it made no sense to pick Mueller. I think allowing a special counsel in the first place was a mistake. I said it was a mistake for Trump to keep Comey on; and it's all coming back to bite him in the ass. There's some serious short-sightedness going on in the Trump admin.

It all revolves back to - ever person that believes there is a 'there' there also say there is nothing there. THAT is the BS narrative.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There's some serious short-sightedness going on in the Trump admin.

This is where Trump's lack of political gamesmanship works against him, and frankly Republicans always suck at this stuff anyway.

For the Left, politics is a bloodsport and nothing is off limits. Nothing embarrasses them, and they are peachy keen with having exactly zero integrity and honesty. I don't think Trump was prepared for just how ugly these people are. But Reince Priebus should have been, which is why that effing durhard ####bag was tapped for Chief of Staff in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Trump didn't appoint Mueller, Rosenstein did. I'm sure Rosenstein consulted with Trump and other parts of the administration, and they gave him their nod. But I have stated over and over that, given what Comey has done in this who debacle, it made no sense to pick Mueller. I think allowing a special counsel in the first place was a mistake. I said it was a mistake for Trump to keep Comey on; and it's all coming back to bite him in the ass. There's some serious short-sightedness going on in the Trump admin.

It all revolves back to - ever person that believes there is a 'there' there also say there is nothing there. THAT is the BS narrative.
that's an understatement

If trump didn't personally approve of Mueller than he deserves what he gets. However, I would bet that he and his closest advisors picked Mueller.

As to what is there, that's what the investigation is for. We won't know, and I am not sure how you could expect anyone to know, if they don't investigate it.


If trump didn't personally approve of Mueller than he deserves what he gets.

This is a really interesting statement, and is very revealing about your thinking about this whole thing. Trump should get what he deserves based on evidence, not who is investigating or prosecuting him. Your statement implies that the system is indeed corrupt and only used for revenge and taking down political enemies, and that Trump will either get a fair shake (things go his way despite the facts), or not a fair shake (things don't go his way despite the facts).


As to what is there, that's what the investigation is for. We won't know, and I am not sure how you could expect anyone to know, if they don't investigate it.

We've been over this... in order for someone to accuse me of something, they have first have evidence for an investigation to proceed. You cannot launch an investigation against me simply based on your suspicion that I might have done something wrong. This whole thing is completely backwards. Not one person has been able say they have one shred of evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. So the whole investigation is based on suspicions and a belief that Trump must be guilty of something.


Well-Known Member
This is a really interesting statement, and is very revealing about your thinking about this whole thing. Trump should get what he deserves based on evidence, not who is investigating or prosecuting him. Your statement implies that the system is indeed corrupt and only used for revenge and taking down political enemies, and that Trump will either get a fair shake (things go his way despite the facts), or not a fair shake (things don't go his way despite the facts).
what you infer says a lot more about you than what it says about me. I didn't say or imply any of that, but go on with your bad self. My point was simply that if trump didn't do his due diligence and he ended up with a guy that he now thinks is too close to comey, that's his own damn fault. I think Mueller will give trump a fair investigation, this entire bromance is simply the trump admin trying to trash the guy because he is going in a direction they don't like.
We've been over this... in order for someone to accuse me of something, they have first have evidence for an investigation to proceed. You cannot launch an investigation against me simply based on your suspicion that I might have done something wrong. This whole thing is completely backwards. Not one person has been able say they have one shred of evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. So the whole investigation is based on suspicions and a belief that Trump must be guilty of something.

that's just not the way it works. If I reported you to the police for beating your children they would investigate. Hell, if I reported you for leaving your dog in a hot car or tied to a tree the police would investigate it. Suspicion is all a LEO needs to begin an investigation. They may need evidence for charges, but they don't need any for an investigation.

BTW, this whole investigation is based on trump team members who had questionable dealings with the Russians and then acted shady about it. if not for the people trump chose to surround himself with and their actions there wouldn't be any investigation, let alone one where trump is involved. Considering Mueller is likely investigating Trump now, I would guess that there is some 'there' there. We will see. that's how investigations go.


Well-Known Member
As to what is there, that's what the investigation is for. We won't know, and I am not sure how you could expect anyone to know, if they don't investigate it.

So, you would investigate pizzagate? How about potential collusion by the mafia into the IRS scandal? I mean, we know there's no REASON to investigate, but we'll never know for sure if they don't investigate, right?


Main Streeter
Um, why didn't anyone know about this before Mueller was appointed?

This Comey/Mueller relationship is no secret. Never was. The Administration should've known that.

Obviously if he has a personal relationship with Comey, he needs to get gone because he is compromised.

What personal relationship? They both have past working relationship in the Justice Dept. On May 23rd, the Administration's Justice Dept's Ethics panel declared Mueller ethically able to function as special counsel.

But why wasn't this known before he was appointed???

It was known before he was appointed.


Main Streeter
The fact that Comey admitted that he leaked his own information to the media through a friend of his in order to get a Special prosecutor should be enough to toss out the Special Prosecutor.

Why? Did Comey appoint the Special Council.


Well-Known Member
Why? Did Comey appoint the Special Council.

The Special Counsel gives Mueller a license to go fishing, and he is already doing that. Now he is investigating Trump for Obstruction of Justice.
Obviously for firing his friend---Comey.

Like I have said before he could bleed the US Treasury for a ton of money and investigate for the next 4 years unless the Republicans grow some balls and cut off the funding.


Well-Known Member
The Special Counsel gives Mueller a license to go fishing

You do realize that Mueller is the special counsel, right?

You also realize that Trump's DOJ (which Chris Wray, a Trump appointment, runs), chose Mueller, right? Specifically, Rod Rosenstein (the guy who wrote the letter recommending Comey be fired) appointed Mueller. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that Mueller is the special counsel, right?

You also realize that Trump's DOJ (which Chris Wray, a Trump appointment, runs), chose Mueller, right? Specifically, Rod Rosenstein (the guy who wrote the letter recommending Comey be fired) appointed Mueller. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump.

I don't really give a #### about any of that BS. Mueller is the Special Counsel and he is out for blood, and his position is a fishing expedition.
What you liberals are saying is that Trump made a mistake in appointing Rosenstein, and his mistake is coming back top haunt him.

OK; I agree Trump ####ed up and now he has to deal with this Mueller prick.
Trump has made a lot of mistakes his first one was in not firing Comey the first day he was inaugurated.
His next mistake was in not having Sessions prepare a case against Hillary.
He makes mistakes we all do I would like to see him stop making them , but If I had to vote tomorrow for him or Hillary I would vote for him.