Question for guys


New Member
It should be fun and it shouldn’t be that complicated.
If the time with him is enjoyable than go on the date otherwise skip it.
If there are questions about “intentions”, than ask directly.
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Well-Known Member
Whenever I do talk to him again, I will tell him exactly why I lost interest a long time ago. His loss, not mine.


Well-Known Member
Opinions please. I'm not stressed about this or even give 2 craps to be honest, but just curious. I was asked me out about year and a half ago. We went for coffee & lunch a few times. Then he doesn't call anymore. No biggie. When I do run into him, he asks if I would want to go out again. He'll call and says he'll call in a few day so we can get together. Again, no call. This has happened a few times with this guy. NOW, he called out of the blue (I haven't even run into him since early summer) & asked if I would still be interested in doing things with him. WTH.

Sounds like he is keeping you for his optional choice, not his main choice. Your already 200 sandwiches behind the others. He basically has his rod out trying to see which fish will bite the hardest on the hook. The hoes called him if he did not call them, so there you not a hoe, solved. I could be the next Dr. Ruth. He could just be slowly feeling you out for possible wifey material in the future.
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