Question for Married Folk w/ children NOT by your spouse...


I wanna be a SMIB
You trust this person enough to marry them and possibly breed with them in the future, you should trust them enough with basic disipline.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I am not Ruby's biological mother, but I love to beat her ass when she gets out of line. :wench:


aka Mrs. Giant
baileydog said:
You trust this person enough to marry them and possibly breed with them in the future, you should trust them enough with basic disipline.
Resisting the urge to be :wench:



My husband doesn't like to punish my daughter but i try to encourage him to. I get sick of being the bad guy all the time.


Baby blues
Well, yeah. My oldest isn't his biological daughter. However, her bio dad has never been in her life and my hubby has been there since she was 4. He has even legally adopted her. He's the only father she's ever known. Fatherhood is not just about biology.


New Member
Qurious said:
Do you let him/her discipline your kids even though they aren't the biological parent? :popcorn:
I think if you're married, you shouldn't be having kids by those other than your spouse. :shrug:


Im On 1.
lovinmaryland said:
For some one who says they don't have any kids you sure do post a lot of threads about kids :coffee:

oh so u just overlooked the part that i am talking about couples who are married. :duh:


Im On 1.
lovinmaryland said:
Which one of your welfare friends has a problem w/ her man hittin her bebes daddies kids?

Which one of your friends has skeletons in his closet, got his ass beat and ended up in ICU at the Green Turtle? :popcorn: