question from a confused pregnant woman


Throwing the deuces
Woah... woah.... woah. It seems it's not that you have a history of "small babies" but rather a history of premature delivery. That fully explains why they want you in a NIC hospital.

I had my youngest at 37 weeks and he wasn't considered premature. :shrug: He was 6 lbs 4 oz.

I agree with everyone on here. Either talk to your doctor with your concerns or get a new one. If your doctor is telling you your baby may need a NIC unit, why risk it just because you think you're further along??
I had my youngest at 37 weeks and he wasn't considered premature. :shrug: He was 6 lbs 4 oz.
And I know of babies born 3 weeks early that had to spend time in the hospital because they weren't fully mature yet. :shrug:

The point is she delivered 3 weeks early in a previous pregnancy and now she is in her 31st week and showing signs of labor. She's considered high risk for premature delivery and it makes sense that if she delivers now, the baby will most likely need NIC.


Throwing the deuces
And I know of babies born 3 weeks early that had to spend time in the hospital because they weren't fully mature yet. :shrug:

The point is she delivered 3 weeks early in a previous pregnancy and now she is in her 31st week and showing signs of labor. She's considered high risk for premature delivery and it makes sense that if she delivers now, the baby will most likely need NIC.

I wasn't disagreeing with you. I agree that she needs to heed what her doctor is telling her. A small baby may/may not need added assistance that a NIC unit can provide.


New Member
And I know of babies born 3 weeks early that had to spend time in the hospital because they weren't fully mature yet. :shrug:

The point is she delivered 3 weeks early in a previous pregnancy and now she is in her 31st week and showing signs of labor. She's considered high risk for premature delivery and it makes sense that if she delivers now, the baby will most likely need NIC.

According to the doctor I am 31 weeks but according to my due date I am 36 weeks. Even if I carried to my November due date and he was full term the doctor would still assume that it is premature. My daughter was small but perfectly healthy. I just don't want to end up being 4 weeks overdue. I'm going to attempt to talk to my doctor again but its probably too late to find another one and my insurance sucks.... So I don't know... Thanks for all of your responses.


Well-Known Member
Umm if your last period was in February why are you just now finding out that you are pregnant? Especially if you've already been pregnant before. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Ok I am having issues lol I am pregnant and didn't find out untill pretty far into my pregnancy. I am either 31 or 35 weeks along but I'm not sure cuz my lmp was in February which would make me due in November, but a sonogram said that I am due in December. Now obviously it isn't too big of a difference and the baby will come when he is ready BUT I have a history of having small babies and I feel like my body is preparing for labor and the doctors are still assuming I am 31 weeks. So they are talking about sending me to DC to deliver cuz st marys doesn't have a nic unit. I honestly believe I am due in November. So my question is how do I convince my doctor to double check my due date so that I won't be delivering a full term baby in DC when I don't have to? Sorry if this sounds stupid but I am really freakin out about this and was wondering if anyone else had this problem... Thanks.



New Member
Umm if your last period was in February why are you just now finding out that you are pregnant? Especially if you've already been pregnant before. :confused:

I found out I was pregnant when I was 19 weeks along and had been on the depo shot before that so I was really irregular. I didn't know I was pregnant until I started getting migraines. And no I hadn't noticed any weight gain really I just looked bloated.
According to the doctor I am 31 weeks but according to my due date I am 36 weeks. Even if I carried to my November due date and he was full term the doctor would still assume that it is premature. My daughter was small but perfectly healthy. I just don't want to end up being 4 weeks overdue. I'm going to attempt to talk to my doctor again but its probably too late to find another one and my insurance sucks.... So I don't know... Thanks for all of your responses.
Odds are you will go into natural labor before go become "4 weeks" overdue so that shouldn't be a concern. If you deliver "early" by their calculation and the baby is perfectly healthy, then you'll get to go home with your newborn... no harm/no foul. However, if their calcuation is correct and you're baby is early and needs help, it will have better odds getting immediate help at a NIC facility rather than having to be flown one... and you won't be with your baby. You will remain in your local hospital and would have to wait to be discharged before you could go see your baby. Why risk it?


Jam out with ur clam out
Sorry that you couldn't get a straight answer out of the Peanut Gallery on here. I had this EXACT same problem. I ended up having to go to tri-county animal shelter to recheck my due date. It was a last resort because the doctors were of no help around here but they got it exactly right. Good luck!

:jet: Sorry to hear about your problem. How far off were they? Have you delivered yet?


Well-Known Member
And I know of babies born 3 weeks early that had to spend time in the hospital because they weren't fully mature yet. :shrug:

The point is she delivered 3 weeks early in a previous pregnancy and now she is in her 31st week and showing signs of labor. She's considered high risk for premature delivery and it makes sense that if she delivers now, the baby will most likely need NIC.

my SIL was induced 2 weeks early w/ each of hers and they both had to spend time at childrens in the nicu for underdevloped lungs. Yes after going through that ordeal w/ the first one she and her doctor decided to induce her 2 weeks early w/ the 2nd one :duh:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
my SIL was induced 2 weeks early w/ each of hers and they both had to spend time at childrens in the nicu for underdevloped lungs. Yes after going through that ordeal w/ the first one she and her doctor decided to induce her 2 weeks early w/ the 2nd one :duh:

Sorry that you couldn't get a straight answer out of the Peanut Gallery on here. I had this EXACT same problem. I ended up having to go to tri-county animal shelter to recheck my due date. It was a last resort because the doctors were of no help around here but they got it exactly right. Good luck!


A chick I know went to visit family in New York with her father and ended up having severe stomach cramping while they were there. Her Dad took her to the emergency room and ended up having to go out to buy all kinds of baby stuff before she and the baby were released. Yeah, she didn't know she was pregnant...crazy!!! She didn't gain much weight, maybe 10 pounds or so which she didn't think was anythign to worry about, and isn't overweight to begin with. How do you bring a child home and explain that one to your hubby??


Well-Known Member
My daughter was only four lbs 8 ounces when she was born at 37 weeks along. So I don't know if they can do another sono to see how developed his lungs and stuff are...

They would preform an amnio for FLM (fetal lung maturity) at this stage, not a sonogram.

They attempted to do one for me at 37 weeks, and I ended up delivering that day without the results. I had no amnio fluid left to test. I had a c-section scheduled for 2 days later, but we didn't make it that far. Her lungs were fine at birth.


Well-Known Member
So is it dangerous to carry a large baby b/c my first was 10lbs 5oz? They induced me (for other reasons), he was a week late.

Not 100% sure. Her first one was a little over 8 lbs and needed 1 week in nicu at childrens. If it were me I would rather have a healthy large baby than a smaller baby that needed to be at childrens.