Does anyone have any cheap and easy ways to put weight on your horse for the winter other than hay and extra grain? I was going to try the weight supplements but they are expensive?
Any suggestions?
Hey MissPrissy -
You've gotten a lot of really good suggestions! Im going to add my $.02 (I've had a horse who was at least 175lbs. under weight when I got him and he was super hard to keep weight on).
First and foremost:
1.) Beep pulp. Work up to 1/2 scoop to a full scoop along with normal feedings. Soak it with warm water before feeding so that it expand. Otherwise you risk colic as it can expand once they soak up the stomach fluids.
2.) Corn oil. No precise measurement, but start with roughly 1/3 cup and go from there. Be careful because it causes an energy increase so if your horse is high-strung, this may not be the best alternative. It does, however, work better than just about any high-dollar supplement out there.
Other things you can try are:
Blue Seal Omegatin This stuff is EXPENSIVE (over $30 for a 50lb. bag) but puts weight on a horse like Ive never seen. And you dont need a lot. Add a quarter scoop to your horse's feed twice a day to start. A little big goes a looong way. With a 20% fat content (higher than just about any other feed out there), it really works wonders. It can be hard to find, but I know for a fact that tractor supply carries it.
- Alfalfa cubes. Soak them with warm water before feeding so that they expand (just like the beet pulp).
- Bran (also mix with warm water... they just like it better that way
- Cracked and/or whole kernal corn. Im not a fan of this because you risk the horse ingensing a specific type of mold that can be deadly (amoung other reasons). It does work though.
Good luck!!!