Quick - dental abcess?


New Member
I felt something on my gum. Looked in the mirror and it looks like a red/purple blister. Did some googling and this sounds like an abcess. It is located just under the spot where a tooth broke,and then fell out many years ago. Kind of freaking out since when I look online I'm seeing some pretty horrible consequences for ignoring this - but it's a Friday night. I'm not really in any pain,but now of course I'm associating that headache I've had all day with a horrible brain infection or the like. Anybody else ever have one these,and can it wait til Monday? I do have some Penicillin left over from daughter's wisdom tooth surgery......but no fever or anything,so I'm on the fence. I always thought these are dangerous when left untreated for a long time,so I figure Monday should be ok to wait until. Right? RIGHT???:cds:
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Lawful neutral
Wirelessly posted

Chill out....I bite my cheek all the time. It's a blood blister. You can ignore it or break it.


New Member
Wirelessly posted

Chill out....I bite my cheek all the time. It's a blood blister. You can ignore it or break it.

No,you misunderstood/I misexplained. I mentioned the cheek as a comment as to how I noticed it. This blister thing is in a different location.


Salt Life
When your tooth "broke and later fell out," did you see a dentist to pull the tooth/have a root canal/crown? If not, you may have some decay from neglect over the years. You'll be okay waiting until Monday. Rinse your mouth with a salt water solution -- it should help with infection. Take some Motrin/Tylenol for pain and follow-up with your dentist next week.


New Member
When your tooth "broke and later fell out," did you see a dentist to pull the tooth/have a root canal/crown? If not, you may have some decay from neglect over the years. You'll be okay waiting until Monday. Rinse your mouth with a salt water solution -- it should help with infection. Take some Motrin/Tylenol for pain and follow-up with your dentist next week.

I have a big time phobia of all doctors,and when this happened,the whole thing came out,and healed over. So that area just looks like smooth gum. I truly don't have pain,it it a little uncomfortable if I push right on the little bump thing/possible abscess,but otherwise I only know it is there by seeing it.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you might need to go to fast track and get it checked out. If its infected you might need an antibiotic asap.


New Member
sounds like you might need to go to fast track and get it checked out. If its infected you might need an antibiotic asap.

You hush! Fast Track...that sounds too much like hospital. Now say something like "Hell,I've had three of those. No big deal". :killingme


New Member
Are there any dentists anyone knows of with Saturday hours? I tried St.Mary's Dental and although the website says they have Saturday hours,the recording says they won't be back until Monday.


Salt Life
I have a big time phobia of all doctors,and when this happened,the whole thing came out,and healed over. So that area just looks like smooth gum. I truly don't have pain,it it a little uncomfortable if I push right on the little bump thing/possible abscess,but otherwise I only know it is there by seeing it.

Maybe the infection is from another tooth? At any rate, you'll be fine waiting until next week. Just keep rinsing it with salt water or mouthwash to keep your mouth clean. You could try Urgent Care tonight/morning and they may prescribe an antibiotic for you until you can be seen by a dentist.
You hush! Fast Track...that sounds too much like hospital. Now say something like "Hell,I've had three of those. No big deal". :killingme

Hell, I've had three of those. Wound up in emergency surgery, had my gum cut open and drained, and after the swelling went down I had the oral surgeon excavate the tooth hole and fill it. It was weeks before I could eat anything.

...is what I would love to tell you. If it is an abscess, you'll know it by morning.


New Member
Hell, I've had three of those. Wound up in emergency surgery, had my gum cut open and drained, and after the swelling went down I had the oral surgeon excavate the tooth hole and fill it. It was weeks before I could eat anything.

...is what I would love to tell you. If it is an abscess, you'll know it by morning.

Meaning what? It'll hurt,or swell or something? I looked around,Neibauer has hours on Saturday so I might get in tomorrow - unless it disappears overnight:starcat: all by itself! I am such a wuss about doctors I'll do anything to avoid going. I always think something will go wrong and they'll f up and give me the wrong stuff or something. That's why I go on forums,take other people's antibiotics and set my own broken bones.


Neibauer has a bad reputation (from what I have read) but has weekend hours. It wont kill you to wait until next week. Urgent care will give you an antibiotic and refer you to a dentist. A dentist will give you an antibiotic and tell you to extract the tooth if it is completely broken off. If you do not extract it (or root canal if thats an option) the abscess will continue to come back.


Meaning what? It'll hurt,or swell or something? I looked around,Neibauer has hours on Saturday so I might get in tomorrow - unless it disappears overnight:starcat: all by itself! I am such a wuss about doctors I'll do anything to avoid going. I always think something will go wrong and they'll f up and give me the wrong stuff or something. That's why I go on forums,take other people's antibiotics and set my own broken bones.

Stop whining on the forums - either go to the doctor or don't - stop acting like a baby.

If you continue to do nothing, you could end up at MD U in Baltimore for 2 weeks with drains and what-not coming out of your mouth like a relative of mine. Of course this was after they had to put her on morphine and pry her mouth open. Take a little discomfort now or later? Your choice.


New Member
Stop whining on the forums - either go to the doctor or don't - stop acting like a baby.

If you continue to do nothing, you could end up at MD U in Baltimore for 2 weeks with drains and what-not coming out of your mouth like a relative of mine. Of course this was after they had to put her on morphine and pry her mouth open. Take a little discomfort now or later? Your choice.

Well,if it's my choice.....:baby:I'm going to keep whining. But I definitely won't let it get to that point.


Well,if it's my choice.....:baby:I'm going to keep whining. But I definitely won't let it get to that point.

Is it throbbing? I was always told throbbing was a sign of infection. Also, think back to what you ate before it started, chips and other things like that could cut your gum and cause a sore.


Active Member
Start taking that Penicillin from your Daughter's Wisdom teeth. The little growth you described is a Fistula. The reason why you aren't in pain, is because that fistula is allowing the infection out in small increments, and that's why you aren't noticing any pain, or bad taste. When your tooth broke off, not all of it came out, the gum covered it, and now..your body is reacting to a foreign object. You'll be just fine if you wait until next week. Only take her Penicillin if you aren't allergic. If you have pain, then go to any Dentist that have hours on Saturday's. I've heard that Neibaurer is EXPENSIVE. Otherwise, just go to your Dentist. Motrin is the BEST for oral pain. That is if you don't have Asthma, or aren't allergic. 800 mg three times daily with food. Good luck!!


New Member
Meaning what? It'll hurt,or swell or something? I looked around,Neibauer has hours on Saturday so I might get in tomorrow - unless it disappears overnight:starcat: all by itself! I am such a wuss about doctors I'll do anything to avoid going. I always think something will go wrong and they'll f up and give me the wrong stuff or something. That's why I go on forums,take other people's antibiotics and set my own broken bones.

Lance it and rinse your mouth with listerine. You will be good as new in the morning! If you don't have listerine try peroxide or salt walter. Oh yeah you will have to sleep with your mouth open tonight and listen to lawrence welk all night. Good luck! :whistle: