Racism - Alive & Well in Calvert


my war
My dearest friends and foes,

In these days of uncertainty and inadvertent flatulence, I come to you with a heavy heart! In this age of cultural divide and LGBiTQ intolerance, melted into our fabric of being, I have bruised some of you. Even as I speak,(more correctly type) some may be melting with anger, frustration, sexual upheavel and tension.
I'll get to the point. Hank, in my infantile attempt to make your pointy head explode, I may have alluded to a fictional source with hearsay information about some goofy young men damaging school property.
But behind that, you expressed contempt , outrage that only you can.
Kinda like General Flynn huh? How does that make you feel? Share, please...
So, in closing, I will contribute to organizations that perform lawn care, refreeze snowflakes and support moustache wax.

Great investigative work, Barney!


Resident PIA
Little a-holes I hope they get their little a**es beat up in jail.
Since I don't like the "hate crime" law I would prefer to see them charged with something along the lines of attempting to start a riot, domestic terrorism, something more severe than simply "mischief".
They are old enough to understand what is going on in the country and the potential consequences of their actions.
One does not have to delve into the thoughts.
I don't know what was on their heart, but like whoever hit the copter in Virginia, you did something with far greater consequences than simply having to clean up your mess.
Welcome to adulting
Come on Mr Hankey, we'll check with Vrai and see if this can be a SOMD Online officially sanctioned event. We can sell tickets and donate to Calvert High School's BLM. Maybe Vrai and Monello can be in town to be guest Emcees.

Don't be a 🐤. I'm sure if you have any friends they're used to seeing you get punched in the throat by now.

JFC - this is what the Forums have become? This used to be a place to come to to catch up on what was going on, ask for some recommendations, engage in some light banter, etc. Has everybody lost all sense of decorum?

And why is the moderator actively participating? Aren’t you the one charged with shutting this s* down?

Mean people suck...


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
JFC - this is what the Forums have become? This used to be a place to come to to catch up on what was going on, ask for some recommendations, engage in some light banter, etc. Has everybody lost all sense of decorum?

And why is the moderator actively participating? Aren’t you the one charged with shutting this s* down?

Mean people suck...
This is what passes for light banter now. We have become desensitized by the actions of the left...


If I may ...
If I may ...

This is what passes for light banter now. We have become desensitized by the actions of the left...
This has been a Race War for 50 years ... time for Whitey to wake up. It was NEVER about "equality". IT has always been about REVERSING the roles ....
“White supremacist” has long been the preferred Jewish epithet to throw at White people who have the temerity to do what Jews do routinely......: openly advocate for their ethnic interests. Denigrate & degrade the White Male .... nearly all Propaganda ..... I mean MSM ADVERTISING features Black male, White female, White male always depicted as stupid or subservient.... now who designs/approves media? Start boycotting/sabotaging those that denigrate you, but mostly awaken others to the blatant pattern. SOCIAL JUSTICE?! Yeah sure http://praag.org/?p=20941
Who’s behind the race mixing agenda in advertising?

The War Against Whites in Advertising The mass-marketing of interracial relationships, particularly white women with black men, has become so ubiquitous and so militant, even the least observant members of our culture have begun to notice. http://www.thetruthseeker.c...

Why Interracial Relationships Are Pushed On White Women. Tired of the TV commercials now proliferating - white gal, black guy? Pure idiocy (and evil). We know who is behind this...it's strange to imagine the IQ of a group that, for the sake of control, wants to dumb down the entire world. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don't grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn't conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.