Rage Against the Machine discusses Social Security


Super Genius
:dude: Ok, not really. But I was driving in this morning and the tail end of the song "Settle for Nothing" was on and it made me think of Social Security...
If we don’t take action now
We settle for nothing later
Settle for nothing now
And we’ll settle for nothing later
That's not what the song is about (now that I looked up the lyrics), but it fits, don't ya think?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
there is wisdom in a lot of politically motivated music
I disagree - there are no more dysfunctional, ignorant people than musicians and actors, and most politically motivated music is simply Marxism with backup singers.

That said:

In 20-0-3
A man drank a whisky
And then a martini or three, maybe four
He climbed in his car
And roared off at eighty
And that night he checked out
Along with three more

So they cleaned up the mess
But they didn't ban cars
And they didn't ban whisky or gin

So do what you want
Or do what they tell you
It's the land of the free, but don't take it too far
You can do what you want
You can smash up your car
But in 20-0-3 you can't smoke in a bar

In 20-0-3
A man ate a burger
And then ate another, or two, every day
At last he keeled over
But no one could lift him
And there's millions just like him
And millions to pay

So they issued more warnings
But they didn't ban eating
And they don't ban potatoes or grease

So do what you want
Or do what they tell you
It's the land of the free, but don't take it too far
You can do what you want
You can live just on lard
But in 20-0-3 you can't smoke in a bar

In 20-0-3
A man joined the army
And soon he got shipped out to fight in Iraq
He got caught in a crossfire
And lost his right arm
But they didn't ban bullets
Or missile attacks

He's on his way home now
And who wants to tell him
He can't have a smoke with his beer?

So do what you want
Or do what they tell you
It's the land of the free, but don't take it too far
You can do what you want
You can march off to war
But in 20-0-3 you can't smoke in a bar

-Joe Jackson


Super Genius
Political messages in music time! One of my favorites...Don't Tread on Me by Metallica
Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
once you provoke her, rattling of her tail
never begins it, never, but once engaged...
never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage

don't tread on me

so be it
threaten no more
to secure peace is to prepare for war
so be it
settle the score
touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore...

don't tread on me

love it or leave it, she with the deadly bite
quick is the blue tongue, forked as lighting strike
shining with brightness, always on surveillance
the eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilance

don't tread on me

so be it
threaten no more
to secure peace is to prepare for war
so be it
settle the score
touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore...

don't tread on me

so be it
threaten no more
to secure peace is to prepare for war

liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
once you provoke her, rattling on her tail

so be it
threaten no more
to secure peace is to prepare for war
so be it
settle the score
touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore...

don't tread on me


Active Member
D-ckheads sh-t-talk huddled and single-file. First-world frat-boys and prairie skinheads who will never walk a mile or mourn a murdered friend in this tiny woman's shoes. Drink up and mumble your abuse. I'm still humbled by it all: around the same time that i was riding with no hands, busting windows and getting busy behind the sportsplex (with Labonte's older sister decked out in her Speedos), Bella was flinching from the sting of a Depo Proveran "family planning", her own Pearl Harbour and a holocaust spanning 25 years to the rest of her life. A prison my country underwrote in paradise. And in the shadows of Santa Cruz, she crossed her fingers behind her back. Built Suharto a Trojan horse and lay still till the motherf-cker sent her north where as night fell she emerged with a box under her arm that held her pledge of allegiance and her uniform. She laid it at the gates of the General's embassy and her whisper echoed into dawn as she disappeared: The truth will set my people free.

Propagandhi's "Mate Ka Moris Ukun Rasik"

Not a real message, just very sad story about a woman in east timor


New Member
PrchJrkr said:
I see you use the term "music" VERY loosely.
anything that can get young people to do some independant thinking is great! music, like art and beauty, is in the eye (or ear) of the beholder. I am glad I am not close-minded, or pig-headed like some of you are!!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
just.me said:
anything that can get young people to do some independant thinking is great!
How does some singer telling young people what to believe constitute "independent thinking"?


New Member
vraiblonde said:
How does some singer telling young people what to believe constitute "independent thinking"?
I think that any material that sends a message is good. whether I agree with the message or not.....and I think they are expressing their opinions, not forcing them on others..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
just.me said:
I think that any material that sends a message is good.
So KKK recruitment pamphlets are A-OK with you? How about cop-killer songs or songs advocating violence against women? Are those "good" as well?

I think today's pop cultural icons do our young people a disservice because they rhapsodize about Leftist pipe dreams that have nothing to do with fact and history. Unfortunately, young people don't know any better and they are more interested in listening to Kanye West and Moby than some Pentagon official, so that's what they think is real.

'Tis a pity.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
So KKK recruitment pamphlets are A-OK with you? How about cop-killer songs or songs advocating violence against women? Are those "good" as well?

I think today's pop cultural icons do our young people a disservice because they rhapsodize about Leftist pipe dreams that have nothing to do with fact and history. Unfortunately, young people don't know any better and they are more interested in listening to Kanye West and Moby than some Pentagon official, so that's what they think is real.

'Tis a pity.
Criminy, I just gave you kudos too!!! I certainly don't advocate those negative things!! I just approve of politically aware artists, such as U2 and Rage Against the Machine....instead of putting out music all about partying, and the guy next door or some hot chick, they are promoting political awareness.....I am not asserting that I agree with them all the time.....And I certainly agree with you about some of the cultural icons that present a less than stellar image of themselves and what is important or even morally right.


Lem Putt
just.me said:
anything that can get young people to do some independant thinking is great! music, like art and beauty, is in the eye (or ear) of the beholder. I am glad I am not close-minded, or pig-headed like some of you are!!!

I hope you don't have kids. Please stop by the health department and ask for birth control. Do the world a favor.


New Member
MMDad said:
I hope you don't have kids. Please stop by the health department and ask for birth control. Do the world a favor.

Hey, I do!!! And they are smart, educated and great analytical thinkers. They also have great manners, and are kind, decent people....I have taught them to have respect others and their opinions, and to be nice....but....
Thanks for your constructive criticism. Hope your kids turn out half as good as mine..... :buddies:


New Member
I believe musicians are just as entitled to expressing their opinions as much as anyone else. They have an outlet to do so...and some of 'em do. If you, I , or anyone else disagree with their views, we don't have to buy their music.

(Funny how musicians and actors are looked down for expressing their views, yet we post ours on internet forums....specifially for public consumption.)

Also a bit interesting how Green Day or A Perfect Circle get blasted by, ahem... "patriotic Americans" for what they sing about, but whenever some redneck in a cowboy hat needs to sell some albums, their social commentary is a welcome addition to the country music airwaves.

Freedom of speech and expression...only if we agree with you. U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!

There's my view. Carry on...


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Relax, dude. I'm just asking for clarification and stating my own opinion.
Hey, MM is the one who jumped in here and started being nasty.....Kudos to all who can express their opinion without resorting to insults!!! Thanks, vrai and Ker......I gave both of you positive feedback.....


This is fun right?
Kerad said:
I believe musicians are just as entitled to expressing their opinions as much as anyone else. They have an outlet to do so...and some of 'em do. If you, I , or anyone else disagree with their views, we don't have to buy their music.

Heres the problem, when you go watch a musician in concert you want to listen to their music (or if it's Motley Crue you want to see the girls showing their ta-ta's) Not listen to Bruce give a 15 minute ranting speech on Bush Lied (yet he ignores all the DemocRATs who said the same thing).

Linda Rondstat(sp?) i believe caught all kinds of flack, during a vegas gig, for getting on stage and espousing how great Michael Moore(on) is (now tell me she's not looney). instead of Doing what the Audience (that would be her customers) wanted which is to listen to her sing (who'd a thunk it)

Kerad said:
(Funny how musicians and actors are looked down for expressing their views, yet we post ours on internet forums....specifially for public consumption.)

Its "Funny" how you cant tell the difference between, Coming into a Political Forum and a Rockband. you and everyone else in this forum are here because we wanted to discuss/read politics. an Audience of Greenday are there because they want to Hear them perform, not pontificate.

little twits who think Greenday has that right, forget (because its convient) that the Audience also has that right to not patronize them.

Kerad said:
Also a bit interesting how Green Day or A Perfect Circle get blasted by, ahem... "patriotic Americans" for what they sing about, but whenever some redneck in a cowboy hat needs to sell some albums, their social commentary is a welcome addition to the country music airwaves.

its "Interesting" how you feel there shouldnt be some reprecussions for a band that abuses its captive audience, once again, if i'm there to listen to Greenday, i AM NOT THERE to listen to Greenday spout the latest version of Howard Deans idiotic rantings.
its "Interesting" how you think its ok for Greenday, but not ok for a different type of Music to espouse its Views.
Its "Interesting how Greenday saying all Americans are idiots is good, but Toby Keith singing a song about how Great America is, is bad.

Kerad said:
Freedom of speech and expression...only if we agree with you. U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!

There's my view. Carry on...

Seems your guilty of your own sins

The Man

New Member
just.me said:
anything that can get young people to do some independant thinking is great! music, like art and beauty, is in the eye (or ear) of the beholder. I am glad I am not close-minded, or pig-headed like some of you are!!!

just.me said:
Kudos to all who can express their opinion without resorting to insults!!!



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kerad said:
Also a bit interesting how Green Day or A Perfect Circle get blasted by, ahem... "patriotic Americans" for what they sing about, but whenever some redneck in a cowboy hat needs to sell some albums, their social commentary is a welcome addition to the country music airwaves.

Freedom of speech and expression...only if we agree with you. U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!
Okay, so some musician expresses their opinion and it's all fine and dandy. But when I express my opinion that they are full of ####, that's somehow wrong??? Why is it that Green Day can blast our President and America in general, but people like me get a rash of #### when we blast them back???

"Freedom of speech and expression...only if we agree with Green Day and the rest of the Leftists", is more like it.

You have weird ideas of what "free speech" means. It only means that you can express yourself - not that everyone has to listen and respect your opinion. Nobody is stopping these "artists" from expressing themselves - we're merely disagreeing with them. You're teetering on the brink of fascism, there, my friend.