Reactions to Jill Biden


Well-Known Member
The Democrats make accusations that Donald Trump is a threat to Democracy.
And much has been made of RFK Jr's comment that it is Biden - or at least, his administration - that poses the greater threat.

Because he was not defending Trump - he was commenting on the Biden administration trying to censor HIM. As in, I just won a lawsuit where they tried to push ME out of the race, censor ME.

It's an extremely dangerous thing that a sitting President has the power of government agencies to pressure the media and effectively silence his opponents.

Worse, that they can take steps to keep competition off the ballots. Threat to democracy my ass - a clear case of projection.


Well-Known Member
And much has been made of RFK Jr's comment that it is Biden - or at least, his administration - that poses the greater threat.

Because he was not defending Trump - he was commenting on the Biden administration trying to censor HIM. As in, I just won a lawsuit where they tried to push ME out of the race, censor ME.

It's an extremely dangerous thing that a sitting President has the power of government agencies to pressure the media and effectively silence his opponents.

Worse, that they can take steps to keep competition off the ballots. Threat to democracy my ass - a clear case of projection.
Government agencies like the Justice Department and Attorney's General who file cases against a candidate to cause them needless expanse and take their time away from the campaigns. Cases filed for political purposes or because the Attorney filing them wishes to interfere with an election.

These people and these Judges should be disbarred.


PREMO Member




PREMO Member

Jill Biden ludicrously claims Trump would ‘destroy’ public education if elected

May 19, 2024 | Vivek Saxena | Print Article

First lady and fake “doctor” Jill Biden ludicrously claimed Saturday that former President Donald Trump will destroy the public education system if reelected to office.

Speaking at the United Federation of Teachers’ annual spring conference, she argued instead that her husband, President Joe Biden, is the one who’ll bless public education.

“I always believed that Joe would be the best education president,” she said, according to the New York Post.

Uh huh …

Trump, on the other hand, “wakes up every morning caring about one person — and one person only — himself,” she added.

“Donald Trump doesn’t want to strengthen our public education system — he wants to destroy it,” the first lady continued. “If Donald Trump is re-elected, we get chaos and division.”

“A world in which public schools are privatized and their funding is gutted, teachers unions are marginalized and lesson plans are censored and books are banned. In America, we don’t ban books,” she said.

Actually, leftists ban books just as much as those on the right, but for vastly different reasons. Whereas conservative book bans tend to target pornographic content, leftist book bans tend to target allegedly “offensive” content. Take what happened with “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

The Washington Post reported last year about how four “progressive” teachers in Washington State’s Mukilteo School District sought to ban it because they thought it to be offensive.

n Mukilteo, the progressive teachers who complained about the novel saw themselves as part of an urgent national reckoning with racism, a necessary reconsideration of what we value, teach and memorialize following the killing of George Floyd,” according to the Post.


PREMO Member
First lady Jill Biden’s ex-husband has joined the chorus of people slamming her for apparently encouraging President Biden to stay in the election after his disastrous debate performance.

“The Dr. Jill Biden who I’ve seen on TV in the last five years is not the same person I married or that I recognize in any way,” Bill Stevenson, who was married to Jill from 1970 to 1975, told The Post Saturday.

“She’s matriculated into a completely different woman.”



Well-Known Member
There's this bit I read this morning on RCP -- (numbering mine)

In the increasingly pitched coverage of President Joe Biden and the question of whether he has mentally declined to the point of needing to be replaced on the 2024 presidential ticket, conspiracies and collusions seem to be around every corner.

1. One theory goes that the Biden team and perhaps even the broader Democratic Party have long known that the president is in no condition to run and have taken great pains to conceal that fact.

2. A second theory is that Biden’s family is at fault and that a scheming wife is Lady Macbeth–ing his refusal to drop out.

3. Another is that Biden’s difficulties are largely an invention of a cynical media who are determined to take down a good president because Donald Trump is better for clicks and ratings.

4. And yet another is that reporters knew or should have known about Biden’s decline this whole time and have been refusing to report it out of liberal bias or perhaps professional incompetence.

"Conspiracy theory" my ass. The ONLY one I'd dismiss - partially - is number 2. I don't think Jill is all that smart or has that much of a reach. I *do* believe she's fully aware of his decline, but is trying to support him at every turn.

1 is 100% percent true. THIS is actually coming out more and more daily. They knew, they have always known.
4 is also - 100% true - until VERY RECENTLY - they have been very willing to throw him softballs, ask him easy questions and have been utterly UNWILLING to ask the obvious hard questions - leading up to yesterday where KJP suddenly declared herself "offended" at their questions. EXCUSE ME - *those* are the kind of questions you should ALWAYS BE FIELDING. EVERY DAY when you take that podium, it shouldn't just be Doocy asking the questions you don't want to hear.

The press is SUPPOSED to hold the President's feet to the fire. That is their job. It's not their job to just repeat the crap that routinely comes out of ANY White House press secretary.


PREMO Member
cynical media who are determined to take down a good president because Donald Trump is better for clicks and ratings.

Sapidus has been making this argument - the media is trashing Biden because Trump makes them more money


Well-Known Member
Sapidus has been making this argument - the media is trashing Biden because Trump makes them more money
He's - close. I think they realize the jig is up, and they can't persist in playing the same game, or they look like fools to EVERYONE.

I think the media sees that the cat is out of the bag, and they have to clutch their pearls and pretend they never saw any of this.
AND that they believe - I think, mistakenly - that Biden is out and someone else is in, and they need to be on top of it.

I think he's in. I think he stays in. Too many people - Democrats - are saying they support him AS THEIR CANDIDATE and have too much to lose if they change their minds. If you're Maxine Waters or Debbie Dingell - it doesn't matter if you change your position every single hour - you're not ever going to run for President. But if you're Newsom or Whitmer - you better either stick to your guns or come up with SOME KIND OF STORY should things change.


PREMO Member
He's - close. I think they realize the jig is up, and they can't persist in playing the same game, or they look like fools to EVERYONE.

Well pointedly CNN, which yeah, they are in the dumpster ... CNN made bank on Rage Bait Headlines during the Trump years, the more extreme the accusation the more eyeballs on a story

killing Coi Fish in Japan
2 scoops
larger salt and pepper shakers
inject bleach
swallow a UV light to treat Covid
horse paste

Tapped my wires
China Virus
Russian Collusion

*media, Biden and leftists ARE STILL Telling these lies


Well-Known Member
Sapidus has been making this argument - the media is trashing Biden because Trump makes them more money
That's a disingenuous argument. Biden has always been a goldmine for ridicule, and he can generate more clicks than the cheerleading team at a preppy undergrad school. We see that every day.

What they are attempting to do is distance themselves from a lifelong corrupt politician now that it's painfully aware to everyone that the media has been colluding with Dems to screw over the American people.


PREMO Member
THAT is actually - somewhat - a technique that IS used, and is being further investigated on its use.

as was bleach and horse paste .... the problem is Trumps off the cuff comments Lack of ARTICULATION ...

like Covid will be gone by April .... he was accurate with the given information

FLU SEASON is usually over by April