Reactions to Jill Biden


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What ever you do, make sure you address jill as doctor. In my entire life, I don't think I've witnessed a non medical doctor addressed as doctor as much as this pompous ass of a community college educator.
One of my professors back at Norwich in Vermont, I will call him Doctor (PhD in Cybersecurity) as I love him like another uncle.
He was my mentor and defender when I applied to be readmitted as a nontraditional completion student in the Spring of 2012.
He believed in me, and enlisted the university President to also support my effort.
This is his 45th school year there.

I earned a 4.0 in Summer semesters 2012 and 2013. I was awarded my BS in Management 38 years to the day I 1st set foot on campus, 24 August 2013.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
One of my professors back at Norwich in Vermont, I will call him Doctor (PhD in Cybersecurity) as I love him like another uncle.
He was my mentor and defender when I applied to be readmitted as a nontraditional completion student in the Spring of 2012.
He believed in me, and enlisted the university President to also support my effort.
This is his 45th school year there.

I earned a 4.0 in Summer semesters 2012 and 2013. I was awarded my BS in Management 38 years to the day I 1st set foot on campus, 24 August 2013.
I'm sure this guy didn't earn a PhD just so people could call him doctor.

Insisting on being called “Doctor” when you don’t heal people is, among most holders of doctorates, seen as a gauche, silly, cringey ego trip. Consider “Dr.” Jill Biden, who doesn’t even hold a Ph.D. but rather a lesser Ed.D., something of a joke in the academic world. President-elect Joe Biden once explained that his wife sought the degree purely for status reasons: “She said, ‘I was so sick of the mail coming to Sen. and Mrs. Biden. I wanted to get mail addressed to Dr. and Sen. Biden.’ That’s the real reason she got her doctorate,” Joe Biden has said.



Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
I'm sure this guy didn't earn a PhD just so people could call him doctor.

No, Dr. Vanacek is a man who is constantly seeking ways of improving himself so he can help others.


PREMO Member

Jill Biden Gets Busted With 'Rules for Thee' Problem After Biden Admin Raises Issue of Banning Gas Stoves

The Biden administration can’t be bothered to fix the border or do anything to curb inflation. We saw Joe Biden pay lip service to the border with a dog and pony show visit. He hasn’t done anything to change the problems at the border. But they are still intent on trying to control everything that we do.

The latest thing on the hit list? Possibly banning gas stoves. There are millions across the country in people’s homes and restaurants. There are “studies” allegedly showing that there are “harmful pollutants” being released by the appliances. How long have such stoves been in use now and suddenly someone finds some issue?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission is mulling the action after recent studies showed emissions from the devices can cause health and respiratory problems, according to Bloomberg.

That set off a raft of objections from people.



PREMO Member

Jill runs defense and BLOCKS reporters from asking Joe about classified documents scandal - after pulling him on stage at Lunar New Year celebration and telling him 'No, you're not going to dance!'

  • First lady Jill Biden coaxed President Joe Biden onstage Thursday evening during a Lunar New Year celebration to mark the end of a dragon dance performance
  • She teased him that he would 'ruin the evening' as he threatened to dance
  • Dr. Biden also expertly walked between her husband and a group of reporters shouting questions about the ongoing classified documents debacle
  • The event featured a moment of silence for the California shooting victims
  • There were also lighter moments including the president saying that he wanted to set off fireworks and making jokes about the White House cat


PREMO Member

To Learn Who Rules Over You

Simply Criticize Jill Biden’s Doctorate

And what about that degree?

Given that the centerpiece of a doctorate is the doctoral dissertation or thesis, it is fair to look at Biden’s dissertation/executive position paper, submitted to the University of Delaware when she was 55 years old, as evidence of her oft-touted “hard work” and “expertise.” Epstein had not commented on the thesis except to say that its title, “Student Retention at the Community College: Meeting Students’ Needs,” was “unpromising.” In fact, the whole more than lives down to the title.

Warning: what follows is probably far more than most readers will want to know about Biden’s thesis.

Perhaps mercifully, Biden’s discussion of student “retention” at Delaware Technical and Community College, where she taught for many years, is short: 79 pages of double-spaced text, not including the bibliography, the surveys (of students, general faculty, counsellors, and English faculty) and sets of interviews. These bring the whole to a mere 130 pages. Such a brief offering would not have been considered anywhere near sufficient for the awarding of a doctorate in any of the academic departments I have worked with and for. (My PhD, though, is in English, not Education).

More seriously, the content is not intellectually rich, well-written, or even coherent (more on this later). Its key idea, successful student “retention,” is never defined. What is a reasonable retention rate, and how do we know? Is it assumed that all students have the ability to succeed at a community college? Is there a necessary trade-off between high standards and high retention? Such questions are not even broached.

Though the dissertation uses a few terms specific to the discipline of Education, such as “institutional alignment” (the process by which students come to feel connected to their school), the argument, if it can even be called one, is shockingly simplistic: students succeed at college when their “needs” (not only academic but also social, psychological, and even physical) are met. No ranking of needs is attempted, and no other educational theories are considered. The conclusion is that Delaware Tech should track each student’s successes or difficulties by surrounding him or her (pronouns were not yet a thing) with a team of supportive instructors, counsellors, mentors, tutors, and advisers, and by providing opportunities to socialize, exercise, interact, and seek advice.

Not all dissertations are truly original (most aren’t), but Biden’s isn’t even adequate. Her literature review notably fails to identify any disagreements or debates in educational theories of retention. In explaining her methodology, Biden shows no critical awareness of the biases or limitations of her approach. At the center of her dissertation is discussion of a survey she gave to evaluate how well students’ needs were currently being met at Delaware Tech. The major assumption of the survey—that first-year students know what their needs are—is never interrogated or even defended.

Many of the questions in the survey were leading ones, and Biden’s interpretation of the answers is not always strictly accurate. Accuracy matters a great deal in a thesis claiming to be grounded in students’ and instructors’ lived perspectives. For example, a question was asked about the benefit to students of having a psychologist on campus: “In your opinion, would a campus psychologist be helpful to students?” (p. 43). The only two possible answers were yes or no. It would take a rather determined, even willfully disagreeable, student to decide that no one—ever—would find it helpful to consult a psychologist. But it is hard to conclude with Biden that “When pre-tech students were asked if a campus psychologist was needed, 123 out of 159 (77 percent) responded affirmatively.” To say that something offered could be helpful is not the same as saying it is needed. The same applies to the leading question about the utility on campus of a Wellness Center.

Discussion of a separate survey about students’ experiences with advisors was also less than convincing because of interpretative imprecision. Biden made much of the fact that students tended to rank advisors at the low end of the scale when asked about personal interactions, such as whether the advisor “encourages their growth and development as an individual” or was interested in “discussing long range goals” (p. 52). It’s not clear, though, whether students (or the college administration) clearly expected or had any right to expect advisors to demonstrate such personal and holistic interest. In particular, Biden’s conclusion about the students who rated the advisors on the low end of the scale that “These students are the alienated students who could be addressed through early intervention” was not evidently accurate or justified (p. 55).


Mostly settled in...
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My wife's Master's Thesis, on digital image processing, submitted back in mid-83, was over 500 pages.
She decided she never needed to Pile it Higher and Deeper.


PREMO Member

Jill Biden Weighs in On Joe Taking a Competency Test

Nikki Haley has called for a competency test for people running for president who are over 75. That’s likely primarily directed at Joe Biden, although since she’s setting it at 75, she’s also trying to take a shot at former President Donald Trump.

Trump’s response was pure Trump. He embraced it and said bring it on, even broadening it out to everyone should take it.

“ANYBODY running for the Office of President of the United States should agree to take a full & complete Mental Competency Test simultaneously (or before!) with the announcement that he or she is running, & likewise, but to a somewhat lesser extent, agree to a test which would prove that you are physically capable of doing the job,” Trump wrote Feb. 21 on his Truth Social messaging platform.
“Being an outstanding President requires great mental acuity & physical stamina. If you don’t have these qualities or traits, it is likely you won’t succeed. MAGA!” he continued.

What’s Joe Biden’s response to the challenge to take a mental competency test? Well, we don’t have his response exactly, but we do have the response of his “handler,” “Dr.” Jill Biden.

Biden is over 80 now and would be 82 in January 2025, the oldest person to hold the office in history.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Twitter laughs, groans as Jill Biden gives biological male Women of Courage award: 'Up your game, ladies'

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, 'It’s International Women’s Day – a good time to remember that Democrats can’t even tell you what a woman is'

First lady Jill Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken were slammed Wednesday for presenting a biological male from Argentina with an award for women on International Women's Day.

This year's annual International Women of Courage Awards ceremony at the White House honored "11 extraordinary women from around the world who are working to build a brighter future for all," according to a State Department press release.

Argentinian Alba Rueda was introduced at the ceremony as a "transgender woman who was kicked out of classrooms, barred for sitting for exams, refused job opportunities, subjected to violence, and rejected by her family. But in the face of these challenges, she worked to end violence and discrimination against the LGBTQ plus community in Argentina."



American Beauty
PREMO Member
Twitter laughs, groans as Jill Biden gives biological male Women of Courage award: 'Up your game, ladies'

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, 'It’s International Women’s Day – a good time to remember that Democrats can’t even tell you what a woman is'

First lady Jill Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken were slammed Wednesday for presenting a biological male from Argentina with an award for women on International Women's Day.

This year's annual International Women of Courage Awards ceremony at the White House honored "11 extraordinary women from around the world who are working to build a brighter future for all," according to a State Department press release.

Argentinian Alba Rueda was introduced at the ceremony as a "transgender woman who was kicked out of classrooms, barred for sitting for exams, refused job opportunities, subjected to violence, and rejected by her family. But in the face of these challenges, she worked to end violence and discrimination against the LGBTQ plus community in Argentina."

Phucking mockery.


PREMO Member

“It’s Been Really Warm Because of Global Warming in the United States”

Dr. Jill opened her big fat mouth in the beginning of the meeting and mumbled something stupid about global warming.

“Well, it’s been really warm because of global warming in the United States,” Dr. Jill said.

“On the West Coast — a great deal of rain and a lot of forest fires — we’ve had a tough year due to global warming,” Joe Biden said.




Tell me you do not understand how weather works, without telling me how the weather works


Well-Known Member

“It’s Been Really Warm Because of Global Warming in the United States”

Dr. Jill opened her big fat mouth in the beginning of the meeting and mumbled something stupid about global warming.

“Well, it’s been really warm because of global warming in the United States,” Dr. Jill said.

“On the West Coast — a great deal of rain and a lot of forest fires — we’ve had a tough year due to global warming,” Joe Biden said.




Tell me you do not understand how weather works, without telling me how the weather works

Tell Joe the great deal of rain will put out those forest fires.


Well-Known Member
Human beings do not cause climate change and there isn't a freaking thing they can do to stop it.