Redskins/Cow#### game tread...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Its funny the excuses fans come up with... The Redskins have had like 6 starters either injured this year on defense, or suspended for PED violations, and we were down to our 3rd string FS and S, so dont use that as an excuse. dallASS couldn't score against 3rd stringers, they didnt deserve to win, period.

Might be a blowout if the Redskins have all of their starters playing

Ah, yes, but, injuries are a part of life in the NFL which is why GM's are so important, finding depth, and coaching is so important, getting guys, non starters, who can run the plays and at least compete.

Bruce Allen hasn't gotten much praise as the Shanahans are basking in the accolades of RGIII turning out better than anyone dreamed. :buddies:


A Salute to all on Watch
He wasn't suspended. He was broked. He on IR, no more play this year.

Gotcha, one of our safety's was suspended for PED and was able to come back after 4 games, which would make him eligable for the playoffs, guess I will do some reading

Larry Gude

Strung Out


New Member
I wasn't talking about the redskin game dikkhead! It was a general statement about the O-Line and a new Dallas QB. Reading comprehension, dude!

Hey asswipe, this thread is about the Redskins/Cowboys game, maybe if you didn't go off topic this wouldn't be an issue! F*ck Dallas, go play golf!!!