Redskins Pre-Season


You're all F'in Mad...
'Skins are in for another QB controversy.

Anyone think Patrick Ramsey might be blind? I was originally thinking colorblind, but after last night... :confused:


Well-Known Member
Oz said:
'Skins are in for another QB controversy.

Anyone think Patrick Ramsey might be blind? I was originally thinking colorblind, but after last night... :confused:
We are DOOMED with that guy. I don't think Joe can fix him, he needs an Optician.


You're all F'in Mad...
willie said:
We are DOOMED with that guy. I don't think Joe can fix him, he needs an Optician.

I think that giant forehead casts shadows over his field of vision... :ohwell:

What's really bad is that a couple of passes looked brilliant, thrown on a rope between coverage. But the interceptions just bring back "visions" of his terrible past. Seems like some of the receivers can't catch balls that hit them in in the hands. I always thought the rule was if a pass hits your hands, you better catch it!

I can't help but think that if had Marty stayed on as head coach, rather than the Spurrier experiment, the Redskins would have been contenders about 2 years ago.
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"Typical White Person"
I don't know if he just gets lucky sometimes or what but a couple of throws he made, you are like "damn" then he turns around on the next play and underthrows his reciever by like 10 yds. for and INT, so frustrating.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
AK-74me said:
I don't know if he just gets lucky sometimes or what but a couple of throws he made, you are like "damn" then he turns around on the next play and underthrows his reciever by like 10 yds. for and INT, so frustrating.
They lost. They suck. Chargers all the way!!!!!!! Joe Gibbs has a girlie laugh.


"Typical White Person"
BS Gal said:
They lost. They suck. Chargers all the way!!!!!!! Joe Gibbs has a girlie laugh.

And your QB has a poop stain on his face, I know they suck, what is your point?


Skins stink Glad im making so much money on betting against them.. woooo whooo another 350 keep it up skins. Ramsey SUCKSSSSSSSS

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ah yes...

...the nattering nay bobs of negativity.

Here's the deal.

Ramsey already proved his salt in the pinball machine known as Air Spurrier.
This kids has stones.

Most quarterbacks take 3-5 years to really get it and the ones who did well sooner all had one HUGE advantage; coaching consistency.

Ramsey got thrown to the wolves with Spurrier and then was told by one of the greatest coaches of all time that old man Mark Brunnel is better than you.

Then, same said great coach gets himself a slash runner for the power running line we have. Then he uses pretty much the same passing game that everyone else learned to beat over the last 12 years.

So, Brunnel we learn is as done as Jacksonville said he was by putting a youngster, Lewftwhich, in his old job.

The offense is clearly a work in progress, unknown as to how the running game will evolve and bereft of any sizable, ball control wide outs.

So, Patrick has the same coaches for the second year for the first time in his career and THEY are in the middle of overhauling the thing so, in effect, he is learning yet another new system.

In the mean time, he will still stand in there and throw the damn ball which is job one in making any completions, of which he made 62% last year, stuck looking over his shoulder every play as the master pursed his lips from the sideline and frowned unapprovingly.

Gibbs has said "you are my guy".

Patrick has to be given the first four games, win or lose. Either he'll settle in and quit second guessing himself because he's had 3 entirely different offenses floating around in his head or he won't. Frankly, nothing could be better for him right now than to be throwing a few picks and have Gibbs tell him to keep with it, that he's still the guy. Builds some trust.

With Portis putting on some pounds and the line healthy, you have to realize how big a deal that is for an offense. That's job 1.

#2 is a defense that should absolutely be better than last year. Two starting LB's back who didn't play hardly at all last year. They've got enough to have not lost much or anything with Smoot leaving. Bowen back. Taylor with a year under his belt and 9 in there to boot. D line healthy.

So, given a strong sunning game and a better defense that leaves us with letting Pat just play. We're looking at two completions a game, play action off a solid ground game, going for 14 points with the speed they have at WR.

Throw in Cooley at emergency time. Hall healthy. Decent special teams.

I think you all had better be more concerned with your vocal warm ups.

tap, tap, me me me, la la la la, tee tee tee tee


to be continued.


"Typical White Person"

I know it all sounds good and believe me I'm a big time "homer" when it comes to the Redskins, some times so big of one that in retrospect I look back and am like damn I was blind. The thing is that every year I get pumped up about the changes and have high expectations only to be let down again.

So call it reverse psychology or whatever but I am not getting too excited about any thing this year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

AK-74me said:
So call it reverse psychology or whatever but I am not getting too excited about any thing this year.

Screw that! Get fired up! Start thinking of the dream, not the nightmare!
The whole attraction to football is the emotion, the expectation of glory!

We start losing, I'll get fired up about the prospect of at least beating them gravy sucking pigs from....from...THAT place.

We do NOT go silently...

Hail, hail, HAIL VIC TOR EEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You're all F'in Mad...
Man Larry - you're the biggest homer!

I'm not sold on Ramsey. If he can stand in the pocket and wing it, he's not bad. But once he starts to move, look out! That call could go to anyone!

By your theory, he's Jeff George. I'm not sure he's that good, but his first 3 years of stats are slightly better. Year 4 was terrible for George. Then he was traded to Atlanta, and went gangbusters! If Ramsey chokes, I think he'll be on his way out of town too.


You'all sound like a bunch of homeless people arguing over the best way to decorate your box/house. Why waste your time talking about what coulda, woulda, shouda been done with the Redskins and just start chanting...



You're all F'in Mad...
Bruzilla said:

While Larry's defending a 4th year quarterback who sucks, your Steelers have a rookie phenom entering his second year! So much for Larry's 5 year theory. :ohwell:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There is no...

Oz said:
Man Larry - you're the biggest homer!

I'm not sold on Ramsey. If he can stand in the pocket and wing it, he's not bad. But once he starts to move, look out! That call could go to anyone!

By your theory, he's Jeff George. I'm not sure he's that good, but his first 3 years of stats are slightly better. Year 4 was terrible for George. Then he was traded to Atlanta, and went gangbusters! If Ramsey chokes, I think he'll be on his way out of town too.

...sold or not sold on Ramsey; he's our guy! He's GONNA play well!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You just wait...

Bruzilla said:
You'all sound like a bunch of homeless people arguing over the best way to decorate your box/house. Why waste your time talking about what coulda, woulda, shouda been done with the Redskins and just start chanting...


...I get my hands on that dollar, we're putting in a big screen...right after the plumbing is finished.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh please!

Oz said:
While Larry's defending a 4th year quarterback who sucks, your Steelers have a rookie phenom entering his second year! So much for Larry's 5 year theory. :ohwell:

It's not a theory; it's a basic rule of thumb and as such it is not set in stone. But, you will notice young Ben has one of the prerequisites I mentioned, stable coaching.

Aside from that, tell me all about Ben after this year is over. Your boy was 9-20, 131 yards no TD's and four sacks against us last year. Ramsey played him about even with 19/34/138 1 td, 1 pick and five sacks.

Call Canton!


You're all F'in Mad...
Larry Gude said:
It's not a theory; it's a basic rule of thumb and as such it is not set in stone. But, you will notice young Ben has one of the prerequisites I mentioned, stable coaching.

Aside from that, tell me all about Ben after this year is over. Your boy was 9-20, 131 yards no TD's and four sacks against us last year. Ramsey played him about even with 19/34/138 1 td, 1 pick and five sacks.

Call Canton!

Hate to tell you Larry, but the Steelers won that game. Just because Ramsey accidentally threw it to the right guy in the end zone doesn't make their stats for that game even.

I say bring in Brunell now. Let's see if he's any better against 1st teamers while it's still the pre-season. We know what Ramsey can do... If Mark sucks just as bad, send him back to the 2nd team. But find out now while it's still pre-season. Do it on the last game while you're "resting" your starting QB.

Ramsey needs to be as strong as Jeff George, and as smart as Mark Rypien in order to be successful. So far, he's 0-fer-2, plus that loss to Big Ben last year...

While we're getting rid of Ramsey, trade or cut every other offensive player that Spurrier brought in here. Bad Karma...


Larry Gude said:
...I get my hands on that dollar, we're putting in a big screen...right after the plumbing is finished.

Screw the plumbing... just get about $20 worth of 2X4s and build Vrai an outhouse. A big screen to watch the Steelers go on to Super Bowl victory is more important than plumbing for crying out loud! :lol:

Being a huge Gator fan, I still love Spurrier, and I also liked old pimple puss that he replaced. I think the biggest cause of the Redskins's problems can be spelled out with a S N Y D E R. He tried to purchase a Super Bowl ring and found out he couldn't, then he forced out Turner, then he tried to threaten Spurrier... which nobody does... and now he thinks bringing an old dinosaur like Gibbs into the fold is going to make everything better. Snyder has no business telling any football team what to do. He needs to pay the bills and shut his mouth.

Everytime I see that FedEx commerical where the office know-it-all says FedEx is too expensive and his coworker proceeds to tell him how he's wrong about everything (we get fringe benefits, not French benefits...", I think of Snyder.


Bruzilla said:
Screw the plumbing... just get about $20 worth of 2X4s and build Vrai an outhouse. A big screen to watch the Steelers go on to Super Bowl victory is more important than plumbing for crying out loud! :lol:

Being a huge Gator fan, I still love Spurrier, and I also liked old pimple puss that he replaced. I think the biggest cause of the Redskins's problems can be spelled out with a S N Y D E R. He tried to purchase a Super Bowl ring and found out he couldn't, then he forced out Turner, then he tried to threaten Spurrier... which nobody does... and now he thinks bringing an old dinosaur like Gibbs into the fold is going to make everything better. Snyder has no business telling any football team what to do. He needs to pay the bills and shut his mouth.

Everytime I see that FedEx commerical where the office know-it-all says FedEx is too expensive and his coworker proceeds to tell him how he's wrong about everything (we get fringe benefits, not French benefits...", I think of Snyder.

:nono: :lalala: :lalala: