100% Goapele Head!
They would LOVE you and who knows, you might win $1,000,000.00Just remember who suggested the idea
I triple dog dare you to sign up!!![]()
I wouldn't forget you.

They would LOVE you and who knows, you might win $1,000,000.00Just remember who suggested the idea
I triple dog dare you to sign up!!![]()
I can see her running up to fight the banker when he low balls her![]()
I wouldn't fight him, just put a cap in him.
I wouldn't forget you.you'd be in the audience cheering me on and I'd be sure to point you out on National TV. With the money we'll buy St Mary's County.
I would love to go. I like being on TV
You could rub Howie's head for good luck
Go ahead, try and sign up. It would be fun!! I could be one of your supporters that stands up there with you.
I would love to go. I like being on TV
You could rub Howie's head for good luck
Go ahead, try and sign up. It would be fun!! I could be one of your supporters that stands up there with you.
In order to be considered as a contestant, you have to first make a personal videotape of yourself and the supporters that you want to accompany you in your appearance on the show. Also you have to fill out their application that can be found at NBC.com > Casting. Send this and your video tape to their contestant department.
I'd rather tug at his goatee
How to Be a Contestant on Deal or No Deal
So, when are you available to make a video?![]()
My camera has video capabilities and I have a tripod. You just need to round up your two other supporters and we are game. That would be so awesome!!!
I love that show and would love to be on it. Free trip to wherever they tape...nice little vacation and hopefully $1,000,000.00 in your pocket. I only want $25,000.00 of it.
Deal, or no deal?
Tell you what, Ill sponsor you if you win the million, if not your (on your own) cool.![]()
Do you need sponsers? I figured the show would get you there and put you up. You need supporters to stand on stage with you and support you and yell at you to DEAL or NO DEAL. Loud people that will go well with Lexi's outgoing personality.
Again, I'm game. We would just have to come up with an eye catching video. :shrug:
Where did you go Lexi? Did you shake right out of your boots?![]()
She rehearsing in front of her mirror
Maybe so. We would have to come up with something interesting to outbeat all the rest of the people wanting to appear on the show.
Well you could be the pimp and she could be.....(the lady of interest)![]()
Why would I be the pimp?![]()
Lexi??? Did you come up with any ideas yet?
Why would I be the pimp?![]()
Lexi??? Did you come up with any ideas yet?
Ok..Ok..since you twisted my arm, Lexi can be the pimp and you can be the lady of interest.![]()
My camera has video capabilities and I have a tripod. You just need to round up your two other supporters and we are game. That would be so awesome!!!
I love that show and would love to be on it. Free trip to wherever they tape...nice little vacation and hopefully $1,000,000.00 in your pocket. I only want $25,000.00 of it.
Deal, or no deal?