
Larry Gude

Strung Out
...are playing well the last 5 games. A beat up, beat down team with the typical Snyder chaos swirling around and they find a way, be it Lewis, Zorn, the veterans, all of the above, the team has put on a good show for 5 straight games and...and...

Dan decides to blow things up again.

There is ZERO reason this all couldn't have waited until seasons end. There are numerous reasons it SHOULD have waited. And yet, what do we do?

More chaos.



Nothing to see here
...are playing well the last 5 games. A beat up, beat down team with the typical Snyder chaos swirling around and they find a way, be it Lewis, Zorn, the veterans, all of the above, the team has put on a good show for 5 straight games and...and...

Dan decides to blow things up again.

There is ZERO reason this all couldn't have waited until seasons end. There are numerous reasons it SHOULD have waited. And yet, what do we do?

More chaos.


Vinny will still have lil danny's ear and still be in the picture in some way...this is all marketing on the lil boy's team, makes it look like he is doing something..its all about appeasing the fans and getting their money.


Football addict
There is ZERO reason this all couldn't have waited until seasons end. There are numerous reasons it SHOULD have waited. And yet, what do we do?

More chaos.

I disagree. There is at least one reason. Cerrato:howdy:.

For once this season the fans are pleased.

The Bruce also has a few weeks to evaluate the current roster and interview the players before they're spread out after the season.


Football addict
Vinny will still have lil danny's ear and still be in the picture in some way...this is all marketing on the lil boy's team, makes it look like he is doing something..its all about appeasing the fans and getting their money.

Vinny Cerrato has released a statement regarding a report earlier today on ProFootballTalk that he "will remain with the team as a Snyder consultant." Here's the statement, without any glibness from me getting in the way:

A report on early this morning regarding me, my future within the Redskins organization and the outrageous suggestions about so-called secrets is erroneous and irresponsible. Three times the blogger notes that he has no facts, and that is the only true statement made in the article. Dan has agreed to pay me through the term of my contract, which ends in February.
UPDATE: ProFootballTalk has also posted a follow-up item on this, based on a separate conversation.

The follow-up gets real juicy.:lol:


Football addict
I disagree. There is at least one reason. Cerrato:howdy:.

For once this season the fans are pleased.

The Bruce also has a few weeks to evaluate the current roster and interview the players before they're spread out after the season.

RB: “How much of a jump does this three weeks really give him?”

ML: “Any time you can come into a job where you can kinda get your feet on the ground and get yourself organized and then try to make decisions before having to actually move into your desk has a lot of benefits. And I think the timing in the NFL this year is gonna be critical, because there’s ultimately a lot of decisions that have to be made, and a lot of teams are gonna make those same decisions.”

HomerMcFanboy » mike lombardi discusses bruce allen

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I disagree. There is at least one reason. Cerrato:howdy:.

For once this season the fans are pleased.

I'm a fan. I'm not pleased with this. I am pleased with how the team has been playing for over a month now. :shrug:

This HAD to happen off season. Now, it's just more chaos. That what you want the team dealing with during preparation for the next three games, whose gonna coach, whose gonna stay, whose gonna go?


New Member
Its just in time for the Vinny Cerrato-hating boycotters to break their embargo and go buy themselves some expensive gear from the Redskins Store before Christmas!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Its just in time for the Vinny Cerrato-hating boycotters to break their embargo and go buy themselves some expensive gear from the Redskins Store before Christmas!

I don't know anyone who thinks Vinny was any thing more than a symptom.


New Member
I don't know anyone who thinks Vinny was any thing more than a symptom.
Its impossible to really know for sure who the real disease was/is.

Was it Snyder with Vinny just being a yes man?

Was it Cerrato being like a Grima Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings and Snyder not really knowing what was going on other than what Vinny told him? When Snyder found out the truth, is that when he canned Vinny?

Or were they both collectively the disease?

We will probably never know totally, all we can do is watch the future actions of the owner.


Football addict
I'm a fan. I'm not pleased with this. I am pleased with how the team has been playing for over a month now. :shrug:

This HAD to happen off season. Now, it's just more chaos. That what you want the team dealing with during preparation for the next three games, whose gonna coach, whose gonna stay, whose gonna go?
Most everything has been decided on. The inevitable is...the inevitable. A reasonable fan shouldn't expect the same line, running back corp and coaching staff next season.

They're getting an early jump on everyone else. This off-season is going to be epic for the NFL. Better to be proactive.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Most everything has been decided on. The inevitable is...the inevitable. A reasonable fan shouldn't expect the same line, running back corp and coaching staff next season.

They're getting an early jump on everyone else. This off-season is going to be epic for the NFL. Better to be proactive.

That is simply absurd. We're not talking about the local WaWa here or the local Target making a few changes here and there. As a fan, a completely unreasonable proposition to begin with, being emotionally attached to a sports team, and paying for the privilege, what I want is the best effort of the team each precious week. This is also not the NBA or baseball where entire stretches of the season can be meaningless.

There are 16 times over four months to excite and entertain fans before 8 long months set in. 16 weeks to either bond with the fans or alienate them.

What you are saying is that even in getting rid of Vin, Snyder still doesn't get it. He's wasting, according to what I am hearing you say, these last 3 games including the Giants and Cowboys.


Football addict
What you are saying is that even in getting rid of Vin, Snyder still doesn't get it. He's wasting, according to what I am hearing you say, these last 3 games including the Giants and Cowboys.

No, I don't know where you conjured that from.:lol:

The last three games mean something to the players, fans and now a new entity. The GM. If the last three games had meaning before, they're even more meaningful now.

Keeping Ceratto was meaningless. Saying otherwise is simply absurd.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
No, I don't know where you conjured that from.:lol:

The last three games mean something to the players, fans and now a new entity. The GM. If the last three games had meaning before, they're even more meaningful now.

Keeping Ceratto was meaningless. Saying otherwise is simply absurd.

You said this;
Most everything has been decided on. The inevitable is...the inevitable. A reasonable fan shouldn't expect the same line, running back corp and coaching staff next season. though it wasn't even noteworthy. You say that like it;s like the media bashing the GOP, no matter what, that it is simply the weather and nothing can be done so, don't be bothered by it, just grin and bear it.

Well, if you are right then, it's just the same old, same old and there is no solid new direction in DC, just more of the same.

A solid new direction WOULD be treating these games like they mattered and that would mean, obviously, continuing to do whatever has been going on the last 5 weeks, not throw it all up in the air and see how it comes down now.

Now, it's not like I expect Snyder to suddenly figure this out. Far from it. I am simply not willing to give him credit for nor pretend that this was a good idea, at all.