

Football addict though it wasn't even noteworthy. You say that like it;s like the media bashing the GOP, no matter what, that it is simply the weather and nothing can be done so, don't be bothered by it, just grin and bear it.

So, you'd be happy with the same line, coaching staff and running back corp next year?

Well, if you are right then, it's just the same old, same old and there is no solid new direction in DC, just more of the same.
If I'm correct it's the complete opposite. We'll draft some linemen, perhaps a running back and acquire a coach with experience. There will be a new, perhaps even solid direction in DC. If we keep what we have we'll just have more...of...the...same.

A solid new direction WOULD be treating these games like they mattered and that would mean, obviously, continuing to do whatever has been going on the last 5 weeks, not throw it all up in the air and see how it comes down now.
Do you really think Vinny helped win these five games?:lmao:

If anything the players will be more enthused by the new hire. If they weren't playing for their jobs before they'll certainly be now.

Now, it's not like I expect Snyder to suddenly figure this out. Far from it. I am simply not willing to give him credit for nor pretend that this was a good idea, at all.
Replacing Vinny sooner rather than later was a bold yet great move. You cannot convince me and probably thousands of Redskins fans otherwise.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So, you'd be happy with the same line, coaching staff and running back corp next year?

This team, right here, right now, is playing very well, competing hard and not making very many mistakes, right now. I will take what we have, right now, these past five weeks, over what we had the first five weeks of the season.

No names stepping up. Fat Albert out of the way. Leaders leading. The team pulling together instead of coming apart.

You goddamn right I'll take what we have right now.

This was a horrible, stupid, Snyder-esque time to do this. I'll take results. Dan doesn't want anything unless it was his idea, his hands all over it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If I'm correct it's the complete opposite. We'll draft some linemen, perhaps a running back and acquire a coach with experience. There will be a new, perhaps even solid direction in DC. If we keep what we have we'll just have more...of...the...same.

Ah yes, the Redskins new fight song; "Perhaps THIS will work..."

Drink the Kewl Aid, my man, drink the Kewl Aid.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do you really think Vinny helped win these five games?:lmao:

You think he didn't? You think London Fletcher had nothing to do with this? Davis? Thomas? You think the players not liking him can't and doesn't serve as motivation?

This isn't band camp. It is the NFL. Sometimes having enemies pulls people together. This was a terrible, stupid, Snyder-esque time to do this.


Football addict
This team, right here, right now, is playing very well, competing hard and not making very many mistakes, right now. I will take what we have, right now, these past five weeks, over what we had the first five weeks of the season.
They also have a losing record 2-3 after all that. I too love the way the team is handling, well, all they're handling. I'm willing to bet some of these young men will make it on our squad next season. These guys aren't playoff material though as they can only go so far.

No names stepping up. Fat Albert out of the way. Leaders leading. The team pulling together instead of coming apart.
The defense has been decent. Not great but decent. It's just the offense is finally catching up slowly but surely.

You goddamn right I'll take what we have right now.

This was a horrible, stupid, Snyder-esque time to do this. I'll take results. Dan doesn't want anything unless it was his idea, his hands all over it.
He should have done it years ago. I don't care when it's done as long as it's done. It's like asking for an extra stay in Hell.


Football addict
You think he didn't? You think London Fletcher had nothing to do with this? Davis? Thomas? You think the players not liking him can't and doesn't serve as motivation?

This isn't band camp. It is the NFL. Sometimes having enemies pulls people together. This was a terrible, stupid, Snyder-esque time to do this.
No, I think you're reaching. Reaching very far.

I think they're playing for their future. I think they're playing for their fallen coach.


Football addict
Ah yes, the Redskins new fight song; "Perhaps THIS will work..."

Drink the Kewl Aid, my man, drink the Kewl Aid.
That may be true for players and coaching staff but not the mighty GM.

Since Dan has been here he's had Vinny by his side.

Nothing has changed on that front in over a decade and...nothing has changed on the field.


A Salute to all on Watch
I, for one, am glad he is gone and am ok with the timing. 10 yrs of being mediocre at best and something needed to change or we would never be any better than .500; I've waited yrs for them to be a championship caliber team again and it hasn't happened, I will give them a couple more with a new plan and see how it works. Why settle?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I, for one, am glad he is gone and am ok with the timing. 10 yrs of being mediocre at best and something needed to change or we would never be any better than .500; I've waited yrs for them to be a championship caliber team again and it hasn't happened, I will give them a couple more with a new plan and see how it works. Why settle?

When someone does the same thing over and over, the BIG splash, and things never seem to work out, and then, after 10 years, they are RIGTH back where they started, Terry Robiskie anyone?, doing the same 'splashy' (desperate) things, where is the rationale to say "Oh, THIS time, it MUST be a good thing?

I mean, why celebrate, yet again, another new paint job or spiffy accessory on the machine that is the Redskins while the engine still needs an overhaul and routine, boring maintenance?

A new GM in February is a thought out, patient move. Now, it' just another "Look at me!!! New! Improved!!! " :diva:



Football addict
When someone does the same thing over and over, the BIG splash, and things never seem to work out, and then, after 10 years, they are RIGTH back where they started, Terry Robiskie anyone?, doing the same 'splashy' (desperate) things, where is the rationale to say "Oh, THIS time, it MUST be a good thing?

I mean, why celebrate, yet again, another new paint job or spiffy accessory on the machine that is the Redskins while the engine still needs an overhaul and routine, boring maintenance?

A new GM in February is a thought out, patient move. Now, it' just another "Look at me!!! New! Improved!!! " :diva:


Robiske was a coach, whom can only do so much. The Bruce is a GM, whom can possibly help turn things around.

The only available GM in February will be Matt Millen. That's what you get if you wait that long next season. The year will be uncapped, teams will move more swiftly than ever to acquire players, head coaches and GM's. You need only look to the Brownies and their talks with Holmgren.


A Salute to all on Watch
When someone does the same thing over and over, the BIG splash, and things never seem to work out, and then, after 10 years, they are RIGTH back where they started, Terry Robiskie anyone?, doing the same 'splashy' (desperate) things, where is the rationale to say "Oh, THIS time, it MUST be a good thing?

I mean, why celebrate, yet again, another new paint job or spiffy accessory on the machine that is the Redskins while the engine still needs an overhaul and routine, boring maintenance?

A new GM in February is a thought out, patient move. Now, it' just another "Look at me!!! New! Improved!!! " :diva:


I'm with you Larry, love the way we have been playing as team for the last 5 games.....Now I'm hoping this next step will work.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Robiske was a coach, whom can only do so much. The Bruce is a GM, whom can possibly help turn things around.

The only available GM in February will be Matt Millen. That's what you get if you wait that long next season. The year will be uncapped, teams will move more swiftly than ever to acquire players, head coaches and GM's. You need only look to the Brownies and their talks with Holmgren.


So, you have an affection for other peoples junk as well, huh? Dumpster diving? Yard sales? There is a young Bobby Beathard out there. There is a young George Young. A young Ron Wolf.

There is also a YOUNG Mike Shanahan. A young Cowher. A young Joe Gibbs.

One of the joys we, as Redskins fans, are both spoiled by because we had it, and will, perhaps, never enjoy again, is watching a team evolve and come together over a few years. Good lord, if we have chips on every bet on the table, how much fun is winning actually going to be?

It was STUPID to do this now. Stupid.
