
Larry Gude

Strung Out
So, now that the season is done, all the truth starts raring it's ugly head.

Snyder has been meddling in the team, again.

Seems the Shanahans didn't want McNabb. Obvious.

Seems the Shanahans wanted Miami starter Ryan Tannehill and not RGIII, using the picks to build the team. Something the extra 4 picks coulda been used for.

Seems Dan has made it clear to everyone that RGIII is his boy and everyone else is not. Including his coaches.

Seems Mike was leaving after the season last year but, when Robert got hurt, Shanahan felt it was not the time to leave.

And so it goes in Redskins nation. The Redskins; mashed again.



24/7 Single Dad
I picked a good time to turn off my cable.

9 minutes left in the 2nd quarter and it's 31-0

They couldn't suck more if they were gay vampires


Well-Known Member
All i can say is Go Skins Go. Definitely am trying not to be a fair weather fan, but Lord it is getting tough.


Rebuild, But can't cause no draft picks. Still clean house. Fire defensive coordinator last 4yrs no better than 27th in the league defensively


Well-Known Member
maybe....and just maybeee......Danny Boy did what every other despearte team owner has done........intentionally demoralizing the home crowd and team, sell it for a cheap price (he has made his millions so far) move them to some starving city and forget all about the wooo-wooo indian name.....

Thats my 2 cents worth....