Referee Bowl...


Active Member
My avatar has nothing to do with your lame football team. Skins suck, and will always suck. My avatar will not change that. Not will it change the fact that the Steelers have won their 6th Super Bowl.

Nor will it change the fact that the Arizona Cardinals are better than the Redskins.

Hello we beat the Cardinals!! Once again shows you know nothing about football. We knocked BIG BEN out the game too. Stop turning this into a redskins bashing. We are talking about the officials. Put your terrible towel in your mouth already.


This. ------------------>
Hello we beat the Cardinals!! Once again shows you know nothing about football. We knocked BIG BEN out the game too. Stop turning this into a redskins bashing. We are talking about the officials. Put your terrible towel in your mouth already.

I'm sorry. I was watching the Super Bowl tonight. I didn't see the Redskins there.

Please tell me how your team is better than the teams in the Super Bowl.



Active Member
I'm sorry. I was watching the Super Bowl tonight. I didn't see the Redskins there.

Please tell me how your team is better than the teams in the Super Bowl.


Never said they were but I will defend my team. Just as you have yours. Now flip over to the other thread and revel in your glory with the other steelers fans and leave us to our coversation on bad officiating. Thank you.


They're out to get us
That was an embarrassment for the league, a rip off for fans and players alike, and just a damn shame when players that good have to deal with refs that bad.

Two out right over turned calls, the Harrison TD was awful close, 3 piss poor personal foul calls on the Cards on the Steelers first drive of the second half, James Harrison faked the ref into a critical hold on the Cards next to last drive, an iffy call on the safety, a total non call on two men holding on the Holmes TD, the Holmes TD, from the down field angle, looks like his right foot is on top of his left, not on the turf meaning no TD and the last play, Warner's arm was clearly going forward which means, with the stupid helmet penalty, one more shot for the Cards from the Steelers 35.
The refs had a really tough time, I agree. I think the 1st TD overturned was a good call after the 20th time I looked at it. The first few times I saw it I coulda swore he got in and his knee didn't hit, but it did. I think the overturn was correct too, but I forget what the play was. The Harrison TD *was* awful close, which is why it wasn't overturned. When in doubt, the call stands. Great call by the official.

The personal foul calls were all correct. I'm sorry but just because it's the Super Bowl, the rules don't get changed. The only debatable one was a late hit on the QB, but that was correct because even though he was very close, he extended his arms and shoved after the ball had been released. That's the only time they call late hits that are so close. The safety was a bit lame, but also correct. I don't think you call a holding penalty that is meaningless to the play, ESPECIALLY when it results in a safety, but it was a hold.

On the Holmes TD...oh no, a non-call on a holding? Geez there is only holding in about 75% of the plays. After all the bickering you just did about all the excessive calls they made, you're going to ##### that they actually let them play? If that fantastic grab had been nullified by a holding call, you would have been up in arms on a "debatable" holding and everyone in America would have been freaking out about it. And from the downfield angle? You realize they had about 10 different views of his feet, right? Who cares if ONE view makes it look like maybe his one foot was on top of the other? He dragged his feet, don't you worry. But as I said before, something THAT close is never overturned. If you don't have a definitive 100% no doubt about it view that says the call is wrong, the call stands.

As for the last play, it was a tough call. They discussed it, a few refs said what they saw, and a call was made. It was very difficult to determine whether his arm was going forward. But then give the Cards the ball back and give them a 15 yard penalty from a BS call that wouldn't have resulted if it hadn't been a turnover? That's ludicrous. I think they were on the 44 so the ball would have been on the 29. If the Cardinals had won from that, or from the TD being overturned, fans would have been up in arms about the game being stolen from the Steelers.

The refs had a very tough game but I think for a bunch of the critical calls, they did a pretty good job. There may have been a few calls wrong here and there, but overall it wasn't bad at all.

I agree 500% THAT should have been reviewed. I was rooting for Pittsburgh but after the refs' bad calls, I started feeling bad for Arizona and rooting for them - at best THAT last pass/fumble SHOULD have been reviewed - at least review the crap.... that was just blatant and dumb. WTF????? At least review it, don't be so damn obvious :cussing: And here I was rooting for Pittsburgh even :lol:

It's reviewed in the booth. Evidently they felt they saw enough evidence there that it wasn't worthy of a review. To me, it looked like he didn't have control of the ball when he arm started moving forward. It may have been close enough for a review, but usually they won't have the ref review it if the people in the booth think it's not close enough to overturn. IMO it should have been reviewed by the ref as well, but it was another too close to call and I don't think it would have been overturned.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The personal foul calls were all correct. I'm sorry but just because it's the Super Bowl, the rules don't get changed. The only debatable one was a late hit on the QB, but that was correct because even though he was very close, he extended his arms and shoved after the ball had been released. ned.

On the 3 PF drive, the first PF was total BS. It should have been as much, or more a foul on Holmes. In that case, you make a NO CALL. The hit on Ben, the guy did NOT go to the head and had less than a step AND was trying to ease up, even if just the very last second. Warner got hit the same way numerous times, no call. The FG, my God, the guy got pushed, was pulling up and barely hit the guy.

You start making those calls and you've interjected yourself into the game and every call afterwards.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't think you call a holding penalty that is meaningless to the play, ESPECIALLY when it results in a safety, but it was a hold.

There were tons of holds on the Steelers that did NOT get called, two on the Holmes TD. They coulda called 20 more on the Cards. On the safety, the center got bowled over and was going to the ground. He wasn't even dragging the guy down with him. Again, they set the standard early that an arm across the chest was to be a hold, yet they did not come close to being consistent. They called on on Gandy (LT) on the Cards next to last drive where as soon as he put his arm across Harrison's chest, Harrison just fell down WHILE Gandy was letting go. Drive killer and a dive by Harrison.

Again, the goal is for the refs to NOT become part of the decision. Bad game.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
On the Holmes TD...oh no, a non-call on a holding? Geez there is only holding in about 75% of the plays. After all the bickering you just did about all the excessive calls they made, you're going to ##### that they actually let them play?

Nope. As I keep saying, the problem is when you MAKE a call, it's gotta be a good one. You start making marginal calls, you've made yourself part of the outcome as opposed to trying to be consistent.

You're totally right; there was holding on many plays. That's why it's a tough job; you can't make marginals calls without turning the game into a farce.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If that fantastic grab had been nullified by a holding call, you would have been up in arms on a "debatable" holding and everyone in America would have been freaking out about it. And from the downfield angle? You realize they had about 10 different views of his feet, right? Who cares if ONE view makes it look like maybe his one foot was on top of the other? He dragged his feet, don't you worry. But as I said before, something THAT close is never overturned. If you don't have a definitive 100% no doubt about it view that says the call is wrong, the call stands.

I'd NEVER make that call, holding on the Holmes TD. Point is that they opened that box by making so many other calls.

As for the Holmes RD, I have NO argument about his feet other than to illustrate, once again, the inconsistencies of the refs; that is the problem. Hell, on Ben's overturned TD on the opening drive, they showed me no angle that was conclusive that he wasn't in.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The refs had a very tough game but I think for a bunch of the critical calls, they did a pretty good job. There may have been a few calls wrong here and there, but overall it wasn't bad at all.

I think they were wrong on the first drive, Ben's non TD. They got overturned twice. They totally blew the Warner call. They threw what, 20 flags? If that's not bad at all, I'd hate to see what you think is bad.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
:yeahthat: A win is a win The feet were down:jet: and the arm may have been moving forward, but those guys get paid to make the calls and if it weren't for them, football games would be bloodbaths.:getdown:

Football games are already bloodbaths. It's a violent, brutal game. When there is holding or some form of 'unnecessary' roughness on every play, less calls is better. let GREAT plays like the Holmes TD decide the game.


They're out to get us
On the 3 PF drive, the first PF was total BS. It should have been as much, or more a foul on Holmes. In that case, you make a NO CALL. The hit on Ben, the guy did NOT go to the head and had less than a step AND was trying to ease up, even if just the very last second. Warner got hit the same way numerous times, no call. The FG, my God, the guy got pushed, was pulling up and barely hit the guy.

You start making those calls and you've interjected yourself into the game and every call afterwards.
I don't remember the first PF. The second one, you're right in that he was closer than what is normal for a PF call...but he extended his arms and took a nice shove to the QB. That's still a late hit and should have been called. There's a difference between hitting him because you can't stop and extending your arms when you clearly don't need to anymore. If he had run straight into him, it's probably a no call. The 3rd one, he slammed head-first right into the holder, who is completely exposed on plays like that. That's the definition of the penalty. Sorry but no dice.

There were tons of holds on the Steelers that did NOT get called, two on the Holmes TD. They coulda called 20 more on the Cards. On the safety, the center got bowled over and was going to the ground. He wasn't even dragging the guy down with him. Again, they set the standard early that an arm across the chest was to be a hold, yet they did not come close to being consistent. They called on on Gandy (LT) on the Cards next to last drive where as soon as he put his arm across Harrison's chest, Harrison just fell down WHILE Gandy was letting go. Drive killer and a dive by Harrison.

Again, the goal is for the refs to NOT become part of the decision. Bad game.
Yes, there were tons of holds by both teams that did not get called. As I may have pointed out, holding is probably the #1 penalty that is missed because it happens so often and there is too much to be watching in the span of 3-4 seconds. It's basically one official in charge of watching most of that stuff. It's nearly impossible to see yeah, calls get missed because they can't see everything. You can complain about the consistency of a hold all you want, but an arm across the chest for 1 second, when you're trying to watch 5 offensive lineman at once, is tough to catch. Especially when you're on field level and don't have an aerial view with replays that you do on TV.

On the safety, the center got bowled over (or took a dive to do the takedown) but was kinda tripping the guy. Again, it was an odd call and I should probably watch it again, but it looked like he may have been pulling him a bit. That was probably the most questionable call of the night in my opinion. Maybe tripping would have been a more appropriate call.

For the one called on Gandy, good call. He held and twisted him. It was a hold. Yeah he let him go but he was drawing attention to himself by that point, which is why the ref saw it. Harrison wouldn't have acted if there wasn't a clear hold...he doesn't just take dives. And yeah, he fell down WHILE Gandy was letting go, because he was already on his way down before Gandy moved his arms away. If you push someone toward the ground and let go when they've already lost their balance and started falling, chances are they're going to fall to the ground. That's what happened in this case. Just because Gandy let go didn't mean he could get up.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't remember the first PF. The second one, you're right in that he was closer than what is normal for a PF call...but he extended his arms and took a nice shove to the QB. That's still a late hit and should have been called. We disagree There's a difference between hitting him because you can't stop and extending your arms when you clearly don't need to anymore. If he had run straight into him, it's probably a no call. The 3rd one, he slammed head-first right into the holder, He got pushed AND he was pulling up. In both of those calls the refs are saying "Hey, you may as well get your monies worth next time. We're gonna call it TIGHT. who is completely exposed on plays like that. That's the definition of the penalty. Sorry but no dice.

Yeah, dice. That's the idea; to NOT have refereeing be a crap shoot. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I , holding is probably the #1 penalty that is missed because it happens so often

Holding is NOT missed, it is managed. We agree on how often it happens, just not on what to do about it. Everyone knows there is holding on each and every play, so, what to do about it? Manage it.

It was poorly managed in my view.


That game was a load of bs. Very one sided officiating.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
On the safety, the center got bowled over (or took a dive to do the takedown) but was kinda tripping the guy. Again, it was an odd call and I should probably watch it again, but it looked like he may have been pulling him a bit. That was probably the most questionable call of the night in my opinion. Maybe tripping would have been a more appropriate call.

He got RAN over! Where's he supposed to go when he falls down, into a shell, like a turtle? He did not have a handful of jersey, he did not grab his mans wrist, he kept trying to block the guy. Holding in the end zone had GOT to be a total take down, clear cut because it directly gives the other team points AND the ball. It reeked of make up call to me.