Referee Bowl...



He got RAN over! Where's he supposed to go when he falls down, into a shell, like a turtle? He did not have a handful of jersey, he did not grab his mans wrist, he kept trying to block the guy. Holding in the end zone had GOT to be a total take down, clear cut because it directly gives the other team points AND the ball. It reeked of make up call to me.

That was a make-up for the last call. Pittsburgh never got out of their endzone on the play before and the Refs knew they blew that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

They didn't call the Steelers on anything until the 4th quarter. Every other play, they were throwing flags at Arizona.

They made a bad call against the Steelers on the opening drive. There was no clear shot that Ben did not get in.

The Cards clearly got the worst of it. They did not get all of it.


They made a bad call against the Steelers on the opening drive. There was no clear shot that Ben did not get in.

The Cards clearly got the worst of it. They did not get all of it.

You know Larry, I missed the first 10 minutes of the game. I was listening to it on XM and they said they couldn't tell if he was in or not but I didn't see a replay so I don't know and it would be unfair for me to comment either way.

Maybe they were making up for the blown call three years ago when the Steelers played the Seachickens and Rothlisberger got a touchdown without crossing the goal line. :lol:


They're out to get us
Holding is NOT missed, it is managed. We agree on how often it happens, just not on what to do about it. Everyone knows there is holding on each and every play, so, what to do about it? Manage it.

It was poorly managed in my view.
(first, referring to a post where you responded in my quote) You can disagree on the late hit on the QB all you want, but there is a rule where extending the arms like he did is unnecessary roughness. There is no "interpretation" -- it's a rule. All he had to do was keep his arms where they were and he was fine.

And you're telling me with a straight face that every single holding on every single play is noticed by the refs? Most people don't even notice it half the time from an aerial view. I watch for stuff like that and I'll miss most of the holding calls, then scream alot for a missed call. That's just the way it is.

That game was a load of bs. Very one sided officiating.
Yep you're right. The two overturned calls on very close challenges and the BS safety that could have potentially lost the Steelers the game were both favoring them since they had to keep it "even". Did it ever occur to you that the Cardinals have some thug players that get penalized more than other teams? Wait...have you even watched another Cardinals game all year? :whistle:

He got RAN over! Where's he supposed to go when he falls down, into a shell, like a turtle? He did not have a handful of jersey, he did not grab his mans wrist, he kept trying to block the guy. Holding in the end zone had GOT to be a total take down, clear cut because it directly gives the other team points AND the ball. It reeked of make up call to me.
When you fall down as an offensive lineman, you're out til you get back up. You CANNOT continue to keep trying to block him from the ground. That's illegal. I am just continuing that analysis based off of what you said though, since I dont specifically remember the play anymore. I completely agree the holding needed to be pretty obvious AND it should impact the play -- which is why I didn't really like the call. But that doesn't necessarily make it wrong. The problem with that call, more than anything else, is the official who called it. He was behind the defender and couldn't see much, except the offensive guy falling and the defensive guy falling as well. From his vantage point, it definitely looked like a takedown/hold.

That was a make-up for the last call. Pittsburgh never got out of their endzone on the play before and the Refs knew they blew that.
Umm...yes he did! He was stood up initially, then he powered his way out. Looked like he made it out on replays. It was very close and could have gone either way, but I think he was out of the endzone before he was down.


Here Larry,

Mr. Noetall is here to explain everything :yay:

(first, referring to a post where you responded in my quote) You can disagree on the late hit on the QB all you want, but there is a rule where extending the arms like he did is unnecessary roughness. There is no "interpretation" -- it's a rule. All he had to do was keep his arms where they were and he was fine.

And you're telling me with a straight face that every single holding on every single play is noticed by the refs? Most people don't even notice it half the time from an aerial view. I watch for stuff like that and I'll miss most of the holding calls, then scream alot for a missed call. That's just the way it is.

Yep you're right. The two overturned calls on very close challenges and the BS safety that could have potentially lost the Steelers the game were both favoring them since they had to keep it "even". Did it ever occur to you that the Cardinals have some thug players that get penalized more than other teams? Wait...have you even watched another Cardinals game all year? :whistle:

When you fall down as an offensive lineman, you're out til you get back up. You CANNOT continue to keep trying to block him from the ground. That's illegal. I am just continuing that analysis based off of what you said though, since I dont specifically remember the play anymore. I completely agree the holding needed to be pretty obvious AND it should impact the play -- which is why I didn't really like the call. But that doesn't necessarily make it wrong. The problem with that call, more than anything else, is the official who called it. He was behind the defender and couldn't see much, except the offensive guy falling and the defensive guy falling as well. From his vantage point, it definitely looked like a takedown/hold.

Umm...yes he did! He was stood up initially, then he powered his way out. Looked like he made it out on replays. It was very close and could have gone either way, but I think he was out of the endzone before he was down.

There you have it. Every call against the Cardinals was fair and every call against the Steelers was :bs:.

Thanks for the fair and balanced (pun intended) commentary.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
(first, referring to a post where you responded in my quote) You can disagree on the late hit on the QB all you want, but there is a rule where extending the arms like he did is unnecessary roughness. There is no "interpretation" -- it's a rule. All he had to do was keep his arms where they were and he was fine.

Oh yeah? Says who? :lol:


They're out to get us
Here Larry,

Mr. Noetall is here to explain everything :yay:

There you have it. Every call against the Cardinals was fair and every call against the Steelers was :bs:.

Thanks for the fair and balanced (pun intended) commentary. The game was called fairly. Holding calls are never perfect. The PF calls were more or less fine on both sides. Calls were missed, calls were made, calls shouldn't have been made. The game was fair. I wasn't particularly rooting for either team so I couldn't have cared less how the refs went. :yay:

Oh yeah? Says who? :lol:
I'm gonna have to go with the NFL rule book. I've seen it happen 3 or 4 times before where the commentator had to explain the rule so everyone understood why it was called that way. I think they dropped the ball last night, since nobody really understood why. It should have been explained better.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm gonna have to go with the NFL rule book. I've seen it happen 3 or 4 times before where the commentator had to explain the rule so everyone understood why it was called that way. I think they dropped the ball last night, since nobody really understood why. It should have been explained better.

Nah, don't bother. I'm over it. :lol:


Active Member
Crying about officiating is the cry of the losers.

Sorry nope...hubby nor I were rooting for any team last night and hubby said the officiating was ridiculous. And he knows his football...right down to specifics and the technicals of the game.


Football addict
I agreed with some of the calls but about a quarter of them were clearly ticky tacky. It kinda ruined the game when the men couldn't play the game. That's me, the NFL grand supporter saying that.


Football addict
Nor will it change the fact that the Arizona Cardinals are better than the Redskins.
All timing. If they played last night the Cards would have won. They played earlier in the season and the Skins won.

Timing is everything.


New Member
The officials sucked. The commercials were terrible and the official who chose the halftime show should be hung. But the game was good so whoever picked the teams did a good job!!!