Reggie Bush is OVER RATED...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
We've been fed...

AK-74me said:
Well all we can do is speculate, but everyone is touting Bush as the top runner in the NCAA and he will be the top pick. Yes he has had a couple bone head plays and maybe USC didn't have the toughest schedule in all of college football but they certainly didn't have a "cake" schedule either.

Bush is 20 yrs. old and at 200 lbs. should easily be able to play at 220 or so in the NFL in a couple years making him more of a NFL sized tailback. The one thing that you can not deny is his speed and play making ability, I think that he is smart enough to be able to get the couple areas that he is lacking in up to par with the rest of his game and should be a good runner in the NFL.

...Reggie Bush as the next coming of Gale Sayers all year. Then we get fed his awesome high school tape. Whoopie.

The guy's a good college player playing on a GREAT team, not the other way around like Vince Young.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
There's 7 rounds of 32, or 224 kids picked, and then off to free agency land where teams might add 5-10 guys for cannon fonder. No way 10% of next years rookies are from these two schools.

So you're saying that all 44 players are seniors, or leaving early, so they will be available to the pros in this years draft??? I didn't say that all of them would be in the NFL next year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You still...

AK-74me said:
I seriously doubt that Larry.

...gonna take him #1 when he's not even the best pro prospect on his own team?

Tell me you're gonna take Reggie Bush over anyone else in the entire draft.

Last week he was Gale OJ Barry Sweetness Bush.

This week he's just another fast college running back with good moves who may or may not pan out in the pro's.

Unless you're still gonna take him #1 and give him the biggest rookie contract in history, which he was gonna get last week, he lost money by showing up last night because, through no fault of his own, we were sold a bill of goods that doesn't match the receipt.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're right...

otter said:
So you're saying that all 44 players are seniors, or leaving early, so they will be available to the pros in this years draft??? I didn't say that all of them would be in the NFL next year. always. I read you wrong.

I still argue that, eventual or not, there is not 30+ pros on that field.


"Typical White Person"
Larry Gude said:
...Reggie Bush as the next coming of Gale Sayers all year. Then we get fed his awesome high school tape. Whoopie.

The guy's a good college player playing on a GREAT team, not the other way around like Vince Young.

Hey I don't believe the hype, I am not saying that he is going to be great ( he could be?) nor am I saying he is gonna be a flop(could happend too). I am just saying that just because everyone had pumped this guy up so much when he has a medicore game he doesn't deserve to get trashed. Did he live up to the expectations that alot of people had for this game? No. Did he get shut down? not by a long shot. USC was using White so effectively that it would of been dumb not to keep giving him the ball. Bush still showed me enough to know that he is one heck of a player even if he didn't have huge stats this game.


"Typical White Person"
...gonna take him #1 when he's not even the best pro prospect on his own team?

Reggie Bush did not lose draft poistion becasue of last nights game. He will still be #1 unless ofcourse he pulls a Maurice Clarett at the combines, but I am sure he won't let that happend.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think we agree...

AK-74me said:
Hey I don't believe the hype, I am not saying that he is going to be great ( he could be?) nor am I saying he is gonna be a flop(could happend too). I am just saying that just because everyone had pumped this guy up so much when he has a medicore game he doesn't deserve to get trashed. Did he live up to the expectations that alot of people had for this game? No. Did he get shut down? not by a long shot. USC was using White so effectively that it would of been dumb not to keep giving him the ball. Bush still showed me enough to know that he is one heck of a player even if he didn't have huge stats this game.

...he is an above average college player BUT...the hype is the hype.

If you ever saw Marcus Allen or Charles White, you saw a dominant USC running back.

Ricky Williams, Ron Dayne, these were players who were truly special.

Bush got the ball plenty last night and his stats were pretty good with about 100 yards running and receiving and I've still seen better, much better. Hell, Maurice Clarett was dominant a few years ago against Miami.

Like I said, it ain't his fault but when people use words like Sayers and such, people are gonna pay attention and are gonna comment.

I say right now he is no #1 pick. First round, OK, but not #1.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You are avoiding the question...

AK-74me said:
Reggie Bush did not lose draft poistion becasue of last nights game. He will still be #1 unless ofcourse he pulls a Maurice Clarett at the combines, but I am sure he won't let that happend.

After watching the last few weeks in the NFL become the Bush derby for a few teams and after watching last night would YOU, having the #1 pick and assuming you WERE gonna take him #1, still take him #1?


"Typical White Person"
I say right now he is no #1 pick. First round, OK, but not #1.

Are you saying this is what you would do or what you think will happend?

I am saying regardless where any of us feels he falls on the greatness scale he will be the #1 pick barring any unforseen circumstances.
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"Typical White Person"
Larry Gude said:
After watching the last few weeks in the NFL become the Bush derby for a few teams and after watching last night would YOU, having the #1 pick and assuming you WERE gonna take him #1, still take him #1?

So you are saying last night change everything in your mind about him?

13 carries for 82 yds

6 catches for 95 yds.

One so, so game would not change my mind. To me he still showed enough to "retain" the #1 pick.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ok...'d still take him #1.

I would not and yes, it's based on last night because, from what I saw, we've been hyped a good player on a great team all year, not a great player on a good team.

All of Reggies highlights have been his high hurdle routine and we all know that stuff doesn't last long in the NFL.

What I saw was a guy far easier to tackle than what I expected; if someone got a hand on him, they had him. Vince, on the other hand, just seemed, every time he took off, like they just couldn't get him down.

Reggie may turn out to be the next Gale Sayers or the next Walter or Barry or Emmit or whomever but I ain't seeing it. He is the most over hyped player I've seen in some time and I've never seen a Heisman winner get outplayed by at least three the same game.


Nothing to see here
Bush is a gamebreaker, he will be the number 1 pick IMO. Has he been overhyped? yep..Is he a great running back? I still say he is.

Can't believe you considered Taylor Dayne in same breath as a Charles White or Ricky Williams.

TRULY special running backs that I have seen start with Jim Brown, Sayers and Payton.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ron Dane...

otter said:
Bush is a gamebreaker, he will be the number 1 pick IMO. Has he been overhyped? yep..Is he a great running back? I still say he is.

Can't believe you considered Taylor Dayne in same breath as a Charles White or Ricky Williams.

TRULY special running backs that I have seen start with Jim Brown, Sayers and Payton.

...was a monster, to me, like Keith Byers, in college.


"Typical White Person"
Bush is a gamebreaker, he will be the number 1 pick IMO. Has he been overhyped? yep..Is he a great running back? I still say he is.


Larry, I still can't believe you are basing all of this on 13 carries.

You are telling me you were not impressed with anything Bush did on the field last night? Nothing?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And on top of all that...

...Jim Brown may be the ONLY running back in history important enough to the main goal, winning a championship, to be worth a #1 pick.

He did not go down. he did not get hurt.

Payton was like OJ, another great RB who would never win a thing but then along game Buddy and his monsters on defense.

Hershell Walker, Earl Campbell. Gotta have TEAM first.

I would trade Bush (the pick I guess) if I was Houston. He will not, can not make that team any better as it is.


Well-Known Member
Softballkid said:
But thats what they say that about alot of RB's now....there are quite a few under "NFL size" that are making an impact....Warrick Dunn for instance, had a great year, an he's what...all of 185, 195...LT, he is undersized, but a hell of an RB.....I think if Bush can get on a team with an offensive line, he will be a good RB....

But, it outta be interesting to see however it pans out

There are ALWAYS exceptions, but when you look at Bush he is lean and lanky; where Dunn is shorter and wider(especially in the upper body). I just don't think Bush will stand up to the pounding. I haven't seen hype like his since another Heisman winner who was going to set the league on its collective ear: Archie Griffin. And anybody over 30 knows how THAT turned out.
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Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...was a monster, to me, like Keith Byers, in college.

:lmao: Funny how we judge things..If you were to ask me before today about the most overhyped running back of the last 20 yrs, Dayne would have been the first name that came to my mind. Agree with you on Byers, tho.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What are you saying?

AK-74me said:

Larry, I still can't believe you are basing all of this on 13 carries.

You are telling me you were not impressed with anything Bush did on the field last night? Nothing?

You just agreed with otter saying he was over hyped. I've said he is a very good college player.

Hell, I pointed out first that his stats were good last night, about 100 and 100.

Reggie Bush is fast and he plays hard. His cuts are not exceptional, IMHO. His 'physicalness' is not exceptional. His ability to break tackles is nothing special.

He was not the best player on the field last night. He was not among the top three.

He did have a good game against Notre Dame but then look at their schedule.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Would you have said...

otter said:
:lmao: Funny how we judge things..If you were to ask me before today about the most overhyped running back of the last 20 yrs, Dayne would have been the first name that came to my mind. Agree with you on Byers, tho.

...Dayne was over hyped during his last college season or once he hit the NFL?


"Typical White Person"
I said I didn't believe all the hype earlier in the thread

He is over-hyped no one could live up to what they were saying about him. I knew that before last nights game. I agree with otter that he is still a great player(college, pros- we'll see, but I already stated that) and will still be the #1 pick.
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