Regime Change in MD. District 29B.


mv = margaritaville
JPC said:
:whistle: It is a small little Enterprise (2.8.2006) campaign ad, but it is like the small seed planted in the dirt and when harvest time of September 12th comes - then that little seed blossoms with ripe fruit of a landslde victory for Cusick in 29B.

The link here to Democrats of St. Mary's County, by God.

Democrats Rock!!!!!! :howdy:

I do believe you were going for landslide? Not going to happen........I still think you should work at Disney World........You have the best dreams!


I WAS going to vote for you. But then you went and posted with the color green. I hate the color green. Sorry, you just lost my vote.


I bowl overhand
JPC said:
:whistle: It is a small little Enterprise (2.8.2006) campaign ad, but it is like the small seed planted in the dirt and when harvest time of September 12th comes - then that little seed blossoms with ripe fruit of a landslde victory for Cusick in 29B.

The link here to Democrats of St. Mary's County, by God.

Democrats Rock!!!!!! :howdy:
Who paid for the add, or did you just take it out of your child support.. "Look what your daddy did with your food money!!"?


Well-Known Member
Do you think we could get the library to move and not give him the forwarding address? I'm out of ideas to shut this fool up.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

NoMoney said:
I WAS going to vote for you. But then you went and posted with the color green. I hate the color green. Sorry, you just lost my vote.

:coffee: Green is a great color. Is that why your post name is no money? as in no green? Money is not evil. What people do with the money is some times wrong but the money is just plain old green.

Remember Scotty and Data drinking some alcohol and it was "green".

I even spray painted the SMC Circuit Court with green spray paint saying "Child Support is legalized Thievery" and "Thou Shalt Not Steal".

The color green really works. :lalala:


mv = margaritaville
JPC said:
:coffee: Green is a great color. Is that why your post name is no money? as in no green? Money is not evil. What people do with the money is some times wrong but the money is just plain old green.

Remember Scotty and Data drinking some alcohol and it was "green".

I even spray painted the SMC Circuit Court with green spray paint saying "Child Support is legalized Thievery" and "Thou Shalt Not Steal".

The color green really works. :lalala:
Yeah it you a first class ticket to jail!

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

itsbob said:
Who paid for the add, or did you just take it out of your child support.. ...

:howdy: I paid for the ad. It was the least I could do and happy to do it.

My child support case is long over and case closed.

:flowers: -------------------- :eyebrow:


I bowl overhand
JPC said:
:howdy: I paid for the ad. It was the least I could do and happy to do it.

My child support case is long over and case closed.

:flowers: -------------------- :eyebrow:
Ok, so WHO's money was it.. you already admitted you have NO job.. Did you spend your welfare money.. which in turn would be MY money on it? I don't support your views, so I don't like the idea of you spending MY money on your ads, please cease and desist!


24/7 Single Dad
The first couple of line in the County Democrat platform state:
supporting our military, our police, and our emergency Service providers to keep this country safe;
protecting workers' rights and pensions;

How does this work with your plan to shut down Pax River?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
The first couple of line in the County Democrat platform state:
supporting our military, our police, and our emergency Service providers to keep this country safe;
protecting workers' rights and pensions;

How does this work with your plan to shut down Pax River?
Don't confuse him with logic. He has his mind made up.


Lem Putt
Hey bonehead. Deny you wrote this:

When I get elected then the growth at the Pax River Naval Base is going to be stopped. It is true that it will not happen instantly but it will be stopped or at least curtailed.

I would like to tell people not to believe the fear mongers that claim St. Mary's County has got to have this Base and got to have the Base growth or else the County will suffer. It is not true at all.

The Base contracts can go to other Naval facilities and they too will be fine.


Asperger's Poster Child
It's a tiny ad on page A-6, with seven lines of text (not including the obligatory "Paid For" credit) crammed in as tight as possible. I had to look three times before I found it. If I wasn't looking for it, I would have mistaken it for a legal ad.

I'm in District 29B, and based on Cusick's postings here, I would only vote for him if I was completely wasted on absinthe.

but it is like the small seed planted in the dirt and when harvest time of September 12th comes - then that little seed blossoms with ripe fruit .
I prefer, "Great nuts :crazy: from little acorns grow."


Would THIS face lie?
Tonio said:
It's a tiny ad on page A-6, with seven lines of text (not including the obligatory "Paid For" credit) crammed in as tight as possible. I had to look three times before I found it. If I wasn't looking for it, I would have mistaken it for a legal ad.

I'm in District 29B, and based on Cusick's postings here, I would only vote for him if I was completely wasted on absinthe.

I prefer, "Great nuts :crazy: from little acorns grow."

I was curious....I looked through the paper three times and I have yet to find it..Maybe I was looking for something like a campaign ad.....


Super Genius
Dupontster said:
I was curious....I looked through the paper three times and I have yet to find it..Maybe I was looking for something like a campaign ad.....
Maybe he only spray painted it in some of the papers... :shrug:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

aps45819 said:
The first couple of line in the County Democrat platform state:
supporting our military, our police, and our emergency Service providers to keep this country safe;
protecting workers' rights and pensions;

How does this work with your plan to shut down Pax River?

:yay: I am not going to shut down Pax River Navy Base. I am only going to make it act like a respectful guest in our home. Something that it is not doing now.

:wench: ---------------------- :lmao:


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:yay: I am not going to shut down Pax River Navy Base. I am only going to make it act like a respectful guest in our home. Something that it is not doing now.

:wench: ---------------------- :lmao:
Liar. Here's your real agenda in your own words:

When I get elected then the growth at the Pax River Naval Base is going to be stopped. It is true that it will not happen instantly but it will be stopped or at least curtailed.

I would like to tell people not to believe the fear mongers that claim St. Mary's County has got to have this Base and got to have the Base growth or else the County will suffer. It is not true at all.

The Base contracts can go to other Naval facilities and they too will be fine.

The only shred of truth is that you will not suceed in your plan because you will never be elected. Your intention is to shut down the base and socialize the economy. You want to remove all personal accountability. Your ad today didn't speak to the cost of housing, it talked about high rent. Your intention is to provide rent subsidies and welfare, isn't it? Have the state pay child support?

Guess what. Without the base there are no jobs, which means no taxes, which means no money to pay lazy, low life, bottom feeding scum suckers like you.

Remember, when crossing Great Mills road, don't watch for traffic.