JPC, Sr.
The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.
I did not spend the money. The State spent it foolishly on me. I told them to get over it but did not listen to me. So I do not owe any money to anyone so that is why I do not think about paying back their money.
My child support is over and case closed. Plus I am spending very little on my campaign. Like a thousand or less. Piece of cake.
It is wrong anyway of you and others to think a parent must be completely broke or else they must be paying their last dollar to child support. It makes you and that idea into tyrants and it makes child support into oppression and legalized thievery. If my case had not been closed then I would be in defiance of it today.
I do it because others like yourself are trying to ignore the wrong and the injustice that is being forced onto innocent people. Pain and sorrow is a normal part of living and since I can take the heat then I get into the kitchen as the saying goes. If you and others keep doing wrong then it will keep hurting you but it is not me that tells you to start doing right that causes the pain. Oh no.
mv_princess said:First off don't being your religious beliefs into this. I have no concern with them.
Second off why don't you think about paying back the money that was spent?

Mv_Pricess said:Where are you getting money for your campaign if you couldn't pay child support?

It is wrong anyway of you and others to think a parent must be completely broke or else they must be paying their last dollar to child support. It makes you and that idea into tyrants and it makes child support into oppression and legalized thievery. If my case had not been closed then I would be in defiance of it today.
Mv_Pricess said:Why are you putting us through all this pain? Don't we all have enough with out you?