Regime Change in MD. District 29B.


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

mv_princess said:
First off don't being your religious beliefs into this. I have no concern with them.
Second off why don't you think about paying back the money that was spent?
:coffee: I did not spend the money. The State spent it foolishly on me. I told them to get over it but did not listen to me. So I do not owe any money to anyone so that is why I do not think about paying back their money.

Mv_Pricess said:
Where are you getting money for your campaign if you couldn't pay child support?
:bigwhoop: My child support is over and case closed. Plus I am spending very little on my campaign. Like a thousand or less. Piece of cake.

It is wrong anyway of you and others to think a parent must be completely broke or else they must be paying their last dollar to child support. It makes you and that idea into tyrants and it makes child support into oppression and legalized thievery. If my case had not been closed then I would be in defiance of it today.
Mv_Pricess said:
Why are you putting us through all this pain? Don't we all have enough with out you?
:flowers: I do it because others like yourself are trying to ignore the wrong and the injustice that is being forced onto innocent people. Pain and sorrow is a normal part of living and since I can take the heat then I get into the kitchen as the saying goes. If you and others keep doing wrong then it will keep hurting you but it is not me that tells you to start doing right that causes the pain. Oh no.

:bigwhoop: -------------------- :eyebrow:


mv = margaritaville
JPC said:
:coffee: I did not spend the money. The State spent it foolishly on me. I told them to get over it but did not listen to me. So I do not owe any money to anyone so that is why I do not think about paying back their money.

:bigwhoop: My child support is over and case closed. Plus I am spending very little on my campaign. Like a thousand or less. Piece of cake.

It is wrong anyway of you and others to think a parent must be completely broke or else they must be paying their last dollar to child support. It makes you and that idea into tyrants and it makes child support into oppression and legalized thievery. If my case had not been closed then I would be in defiance of it today.

:flowers: I do it because others like yourself are trying to ignore the wrong and the injustice that is being forced onto innocent people. Pain and sorrow is a normal part of living and since I can take the heat then I get into the kitchen as the saying goes. If you and others keep doing wrong then it will keep hurting you but it is not me that tells you to start doing right that causes the pain. Oh no.

:bigwhoop: -------------------- :eyebrow:
I for one did not say you were broke. You stated that. I do think that parents should take care of their kids! If not why did you have him? Its not stealing that they want YOU to pay for YOUR kid. My god pay for something you did?!?! what a crazy idea...

I see no wrong in this county. Expect that people like you walk around trying to change everything. Because you lack in education, You would have learned that not all things are bad.

The base is a great thing. Stop trying to convince us other wise. It wont work.

How are you getting money for campaign? Are you selling drugs? because as you stated before you have no job. So where does it come from????


In My Opinion
JPC said:
I told them to get over it but did not listen to me. So I do not owe any money to anyone so that is why I do not think about paying back their money.
So if someone, (not me because that would be illegal and I would never admit to having illegal thoughts) were to Play Cal Ripkin with your head and try for the home run, you would just get over it when they asked you to? as in, you would not go forward with pressing charges against them?

This might be something to think about prior to actually speaking in public to a group of responsible citizens. One of them just might lose their sanity for a moment and demonstrate their opionion of you and your Assbackwards theiving thought process.

Hey, I hear the beer store across the street from you is having a big sale tonight for anyone that comes in dressed in all black. I think the sale starts after 9 pm.
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JPC said:
I am spending very little on my campaign. Like a thousand or less.

This is the first thing you've said that I like.

Too bad you had to go and eff it all up by continuing to write.

JPC said:
It is wrong anyway of you and others to think a parent must be completely broke or else they must be paying their last dollar to child support.

I would give my last dollar to feed my children. Court ordered or not. I love them more than myself. This is what parenthood is.

Furthermore, if I was down to my last dollar, in the first place, I would be seriously reassessing my career choices. I would be putting in applications at McDonalds, Ruby Tuesdays, Walmart, Holiday Inn, BG&E, Pax, Back-Road's Inn, Target, Bert's, Domino's Pizza, KFC, the ARC of Southern Maryland, Radio Shack, Old Navy, Food Lion, Chik-Fil-A...

And if I got one or more of those jobs, I would work as many hours as I could to ensure that my children and myself all had roofs over our heads, food in our bellies and clothes on our asses.

This is also what parenthood is.

And anyone who shirks that responsibility is a DEAD BEAT.

This is not slander, this is a cold hard fact of friggin' life.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
JPC said:
I did not spend the money. The State spent it foolishly on me. I told them to get over it but did not listen to me.
OMG! :lmao: :killingme

This HAS to be Post of the Day! Possibly the Quarter! Maybe even the Year!


"I told the court to get over the crime I committed, but they did not listen to me."

:killingme :lmao:

My god, how I'd have loved to be the judge in that case! :lol:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

mv_princess said:
... I do think that parents should take care of their kids! If not why did you have him? Its not stealing that they want YOU to pay for YOUR kid. My god pay for something you did?!?! what a crazy idea...
:bigwhoop: I agree with this that you write. I too think that parents need to take care of their own kids. Child support is the State trying to tell parents how to take care of their kids instead of letting the parents do it. You and I agree that the parents are to do it and not the State but the State is stealing it through child support. Why can not we ask for justice for child support here in the USA?? That is what I want is justice.

Mv_Princess said:
I see no wrong in this county. Expect that people like you walk around trying to change everything. Because you lack in education, You would have learned that not all things are bad.
:popcorn: I am trying to change it to the better. Not trying to change the wrong things is gutless. If an education teaches people to turn away from the cry of justice then the education is worthless. Better to self educate and learn the truth.

Mv_Princess said:
The base is a great thing. Stop trying to convince us other wise. It wont work.
:coffee: I am not saying that the base is "bad". I am only pointing out that the excessive growth is hurting our home. It needs to be stopped. You might never come to believe it but me and 29B are going to stop the greed fueled growth. Make the Navy Base act like a respectful guest in our home, which it is not doing now.

Mv_Princess said:
How are you getting money for campaign? Are you selling drugs? because as you stated before you have no job. So where does it come from????
:elaine: Of course I am not selling drugs. I get disability benefits from the gov. It pays for my housing and food and some cash and more. I am appling for a job of Legislator for 29B and then my disability case can be modified or probably closed. My campaign up to the primaries is planned to cost no more than a thousand dollars.

:wench: ------------------------ :buttkick:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
JPC said:
:bigwhoop: I agree with this that you write. I too think that parents need to take care of their own kids. Child support is the State trying to tell parents how to take care of their kids instead of letting the parents do it. You and I agree that the parents are to do it and not the State but the State is stealing it through child support. Why can not we ask for justice for child support here in the USA?? That is what I want is justice.

:popcorn: I am trying to change it to the better. Not trying to change the wrong things is gutless. If an education teaches people to turn away from the cry of justice then the education is worthless. Better to self educate and learn the truth.

:coffee: I am not saying that the base is "bad". I am only pointing out that the excessive growth is hurting our home. It needs to be stopped. You might never come to believe it but me and 29B are going to stop the greed fueled growth. Make the Navy Base act like a respectful guest in our home, which it is not doing now.

:elaine: Of course I am not selling drugs. I get disability benefits from the gov. It pays for my housing and food and some cash and more. I am appling for a job of Legislator for 29B and then my disability case can be modified or probably closed. My campaign up to the primaries is planned to cost no more than a thousand dollars.

:wench: ------------------------ :buttkick:
I think your penis should be cut off. And your hands. No more children you can't support and no more spray painting. Maybe your feet, also, in case you could learn to spray paint with them.


I bowl overhand
JPC said:
:elaine: Of course I am not selling drugs. I get disability benefits from the gov. It pays for my housing and food and some cash and more. I am appling for a job of Legislator for 29B and then my disability case can be modified or probably closed. My campaign up to the primaries is planned to cost no more than a thousand dollars.

:wench: ------------------------ :buttkick:
Cheese and RICE if you aren't too disabled to be my delegate you can get off your ass and get a real job!! How do you plan on getting your disabled ass back and forth to Annapolis? How do you plan to do THAT job if you're too disabled to work for yourself and your kids now??

You are an embarassment to men..


New Member
Am I stupid? Really, I am seriously asking this question....AM I STUPID? I don't get a thing this guy says, like he talks in riddles or something, just tell me if I am stupid and I will stop subjecting myself to this torture!


Well-Known Member
sinwagon said:
Am I stupid? Really, I am seriously asking this question....AM I STUPID? I don't get a thing this guy says, like he talks in riddles or something, just tell me if I am stupid and I will stop subjecting myself to this torture!

Naaaah. You're not stupid. Every time I see a post of his, I'm reminded of Pacino's line in Godfather III: "Just when I thought I was out, his stupidity pull me back in.". Everything he spouts is more outrageous than the last thing.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

BS Gal said:
I think your penis should be cut off. And your hands. No more children you can't support and no more spray painting. Maybe your feet, also, in case you could learn to spray paint with them.

:coffee: It looks like it might snow tonight and tomorrow morning. Baltimore 11 said St. Mary's may get 12 inches, so the library might be closed and I will be away from the Community Forum till Monday maybe.

Guess I might need to think up some new thing to post. :howdy:


mv = margaritaville
JPC said:
:coffee: It looks like it might snow tonight and tomorrow morning. Baltimore 11 said St. Mary's may get 12 inches, so the library might be closed and I will be away from the Community Forum till Monday maybe.

Guess I might need to think up some new thing to post. :howdy:
PLease dont..............

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

mv_princess said:
PLease dont..............

:elaine: Party Princess,

It looks like the snow is coming down as just rain.

Sunday meeting is back on the Forum - maybe?????

:eyebrow: ------------------- :killingme

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
JPC said:
:elaine: Party Princess,

It looks like the snow is coming down as just rain.

Sunday meeting is back on the Forum - maybe?????

:eyebrow: ------------------- :killingme
I think you should just spend the day sleeping tomorrow. Just stay home and enjoy the snow or rain. I don't want you to get a cold going out in the weather.


Lovin' being Texican
sinwagon said:
Am I stupid? Really, I am seriously asking this question....AM I STUPID? I don't get a thing this guy says, like he talks in riddles or something, just tell me if I am stupid and I will stop subjecting myself to this torture!

It is known in the medical community as PSYCHOSIS!


New Member
The real need for change in 29B

While I do not agree with the views of JPC, I do agree that there is a need for a change in who represents our district in Annapolis.

When you have a delegate vote for over ONE BILLION DOLLARS in tax increases and then vote against slots revenue because he thinks that revenue from slots will bloat the state budget there is a problem. How is it ok to reach into the pockets of tax payers and consider us as the sole source of revenue for the government? Revenue from slot machines funding public education is no different than bingo and pull tabs funding our many fine private schools. The delegate makes the argument that with the budget surplus, there is no need for additional revenues at this time. That is all well and good if you are near sighted in planning for the future. Additionally, when that surplus is gone and there are future needs, the current delegate sees the pocket books of the taxpayers as a revenue stream with no thought to other potential sources. Educational systems in Delaware and West Virginia have greatly benefited from the use of those proceeds for public education. Not thinking outside of the taxpayers pocket books is what happens when there is nearly 100 years of one party rule in the Maryland General Assembly. When considering choices for these important positions, one should ponder just how deep they want the government reaching into their pockets.


mv = margaritaville
Footballfreak said:
While I do not agree with the views of JPC, I do agree that there is a need for a change in who represents our district in Annapolis.

When you have a delegate vote for over ONE BILLION DOLLARS in tax increases and then vote against slots revenue because he thinks that revenue from slots will bloat the state budget there is a problem. How is it ok to reach into the pockets of tax payers and consider us as the sole source of revenue for the government? Revenue from slot machines funding public education is no different than bingo and pull tabs funding our many fine private schools. The delegate makes the argument that with the budget surplus, there is no need for additional revenues at this time. That is all well and good if you are near sighted in planning for the future. Additionally, when that surplus is gone and there are future needs, the current delegate sees the pocket books of the taxpayers as a revenue stream with no thought to other potential sources. Educational systems in Delaware and West Virginia have greatly benefited from the use of those proceeds for public education. Not thinking outside of the taxpayers pocket books is what happens when there is nearly 100 years of one party rule in the Maryland General Assembly. When considering choices for these important positions, one should ponder just how deep they want the government reaching into their pockets.
Are you Bubba???