My Sweetest Boy
I keep rereading my original statement, and I still don't see where I am speaking in a derrogatory manner about my s/s. I've been in my s/s life for almost 8 years now, and in no way do I feel that I've disrespected him or bio mom by asking for suggestions to give to my husband. That is directly opposite of what I'm trying for. I'm not asking for suggestions for myself to carry out with my s/s, only to give to s/o. I thought that maybe I could receive helpful advice from people on here, because if you look at the statement underneath the headline "Parenting and Children", it states "being a parent is challenging - let's talk about it here". I know there are several parents on here that are in or have been in a blended family, and silly me thought I would ask for help and get helpful suggestions.
And for Twin Oaks, Wenchy, desertrat and sanchezf, thank you for your advice.
I gave you helpful suggestions.