Republicans For Kerry


2ndAmendment said:
Do the words tort reform ring a bell?
Dear Gun toting one,

He/She does not hear what it chooses not to hear. The flat one is unable to grasp any concept that is not in the Democratic Legion briefing book. Totrt reform has been brought up many times yet they refuse to broach the subject for fear olf losing the support of the rich trial lawyers. Yet all the while they decry the right as being funded by big business. Oh the hypocrasy.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
And if the Government gets involved, you'll see a huge increase in costs because now they'll be tapped into Uncle Sam's funding stream.
The problem is government has very little funding stream. The funding stream is us, Taxparyers'RUs. The only funding stream that the feds have that are not from us directly or indirectly are the duties placed on foreign goods. Even then, those cost are rolled into the final price to U.S. consumers so we supply the funding stream again.


Super Genius
2ndAmendment said:
Do the words tort reform ring a bell?
Decreased government regulation (especially safety, IMO) would also make for a better business climate. You'd also think that all those benefits the drug companies get (according to the Dems) would also help. I guess they need more...