Because that's what we're supposed to be - a union of independent states, under a limited federal government.
So anyway, Ron Perlman - who is one of the more ignorant and bombastic voices on Twitter, which is really saying something - says this:
Because he has maybe a 7th grade education, he doesn't realize that there's really no such thing as a "blue state" except for maybe Vermont. To wit:
I'm all for the Marxists seceding from the Union. I don't want to share a country with them any more than they want to share a country with me. Since that's not really feasible, I have another idea: their urban nightmares should become states unto themselves, with the federal representation of their choice and electoral votes corresponding to whatever districts they decide on. It's never been fair that rural and suburban residents are ruled by the overpopulated crime and drug infested metros - they have wildly different needs and concerns.
If the Marxists really meant it (which they don't) they would be happy to form their own state. But they don't want that; they want to force the rest of us into submission and subjugation. That's what fascists do. Plus I think on some level they're smart enough to understand that they'd get the raw end of the deal.
But I'm in! Bring it! Best idea anyone's ever had!
So anyway, Ron Perlman - who is one of the more ignorant and bombastic voices on Twitter, which is really saying something - says this:
Because he has maybe a 7th grade education, he doesn't realize that there's really no such thing as a "blue state" except for maybe Vermont. To wit:
I'm all for the Marxists seceding from the Union. I don't want to share a country with them any more than they want to share a country with me. Since that's not really feasible, I have another idea: their urban nightmares should become states unto themselves, with the federal representation of their choice and electoral votes corresponding to whatever districts they decide on. It's never been fair that rural and suburban residents are ruled by the overpopulated crime and drug infested metros - they have wildly different needs and concerns.
If the Marxists really meant it (which they don't) they would be happy to form their own state. But they don't want that; they want to force the rest of us into submission and subjugation. That's what fascists do. Plus I think on some level they're smart enough to understand that they'd get the raw end of the deal.
But I'm in! Bring it! Best idea anyone's ever had!