RFK, Jr.


Well-Known Member
What toddler are you talking about? I’m going to take you up on the name calling, you’re a psycho. You’re making up circumstances to make your case and they’re just not there. Nobody’s talking about doing a dickectomy on a kid not even able to form a sentence.

A pedophile is someone attracted to a prepubescent child, no one except for you has said the word boo about that. And child sex torturer? Where did you pull that out of, I’m guessing it’s straight out of your ass because you’re the only one using that in an argument.

So feel free to put me on ignore, I’m going to take your having to make up stories as a win. I’m also going to have to lower my opinion of you quite a lot.


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Actually, Louise, circumcision has been around since about 2300 BC with historical records and archaeological evidence dating the practice back to the ancient Egyptians. And was religious in nature, not to prevent STD's. Both Jewish and Islamic law sanction and indeed promote religious circumcision for males. And if what you say is somehow true, which it is not, then how is it that those men in outer countries, such as Europe, and other uncircumcised men, have no issues concerning STDs? The practice of circumcision is rare in Europe, Latin America, and most of Asia and we don't hear of epidemic outbreaks of STDs there now do we?
Thanks for the more info. All I know is the World is a mess. God bless everyone.


Well-Known Member
So, to get back on topic....we know JFK, Jr is an anti-vaxxer, do we know where he stands on circumcision? Cause I may have a grandson one day and need to know. I'm not talking a full wack-the-doodle, just an ordinary circumcision.


Well-Known Member
So, to get back on topic....we know JFK, Jr is an anti-vaxxer, do we know where he stands on circumcision? Cause I may have a grandson one day and need to know. I'm not talking a full wack-the-doodle, just an ordinary circumcision.


Well-Known Member
I know I am going to get burned for this one.

If circumcision was good enough for Jesus it's good enough for me.
Man, missed opportunity. You should have said "I know I am going to get crucified for this one".