RGIII's knee


Eagles fans are the most trashy fans out there, have you ever been to Baltimore? They are right behind Eagles fans... cowboys fans are all just bandwagon fans, even Troy Aikman said so himself earlier this year. Redskins fans are worse you say? At least we dont give up on our team like DallaSS fans do...when they loose, all of their flags on their cars vanish, and they stop wearing that god ugly blue! Redskins fans do NOT do this, so dont even try to say we are on par with cowboy fans, not even close!!!!!!

I've been to Baltimore several times. But, carry on. Keep defending Skins fans. :lmao:


I'm not a Redskins fan, nor a Ravens fan....I've gone to both stadiums and agree with Dude...Ravens fans are trash.


New Member
I've been to Baltimore several times. But, carry on. Keep defending Skins fans. :lmao:

Have you been to any of the neighborhoods in baltimore besides the inner harbor and the power plant? I have for my job and vowed never to go back once that job was finished! Those are the only nice places in that city...the rest is trashy and run down. So yes I will keep defending skins fans, we dont wear ugly ass purple cammo...purple cammo? Is that what all those f'rs wear in their annual gay pride parades? And we dont have mullets and still have all of our teeth. So go ahead and keep defending baltimorons, they are trash!


Have you been to any of the neighborhoods in baltimore besides the inner harbor and the power plant? I have for my job and vowed never to go back once that job was finished! Those are the only nice places in that city...the rest is trashy and run down. So yes I will keep defending skins fans, we dont wear ugly ass purple cammo...purple cammo? Is that what all those f'rs wear in their annual gay pride parades? And we dont have mullets and still have all of our teeth. So go ahead and keep defending baltimorons, they are trash!

I've had no need to visits the slums. :shrug:

I wouldn't say WE about all of the Skins fans. I've seen many mullet wearing Skins fans. I've also seen plenty of trashy Skins fans. I've seen trashy fans for all sports teams. :lol:


No its not

Yes, it is. My ex SIL lived in Brewer's Hill. It was a nice area. I've been to plenty of office buildings that are not in the Inner Harbor that were in nice areas. EVERY city has a trashy area. EVERY city. Hell, even the most rinky dink towns have trashy areas.


Yes, it is. My ex SIL lived in Brewer's Hill. It was a nice area. I've been to plenty of office buildings that are not in the Inner Harbor that were in nice areas. EVERY city has a trashy area. EVERY city. Hell, even the most rinky dink towns have trashy areas.

The difference is that most cities have a nice to trashy ratio of 10:1...Baltimore's ratio is 1:10.


Well-Known Member
Redskin fans are by far the WORST fans in the entire league. I used to think Raiders fans were bad... until I moved here! I dread coming into work after a Redskins win.


my war
Redskin fans are by far the WORST fans in the entire league. I used to think Raiders fans were bad... until I moved here! I dread coming into work after a Redskins win.

Ha! Go to Philly for a football or hockey game! Definite worse! But SkinTards are up there as well as Baltimore. Surprisingly NY football/hockey fans aren't so bad.