Riding today


:) I shoot RAW so I have to go thru all of them. I'm done now, but 56 are still saving and then I get to upload them. That'll take a while even with high speed. I set them to upload and then get some work done. It'll probably be about 1-2 hours.

I am feeling much better than even yesterday though. I can't wait 'til the next time we get to go out. :) With the haulin' ass though I'm sure Peanut was happy he wasn't there today. :)


Horse Poor
Glad that your feeling better. I hate it when my bronchitis flares up....We didn't do a haul ass ride today. I didn't trust my new guy to be that brave....Now if I had had Fat Pony...... :popcorn: But I do really like JR. He isn't the bravest but his fearless Phyxius showed him how to go across that bridge.... :huggy: :lmao: Loper should have been at that bridge for that shot.... :lmao:


mingiz said:
But I do really like JR. He isn't the bravest but his fearless Phyxius showed him how to go across that bridge.... :huggy: :lmao: Loper should have been at that bridge for that shot.... :lmao:

:huggy: :flowers: He's a sweetie!


Pasofever said:
I hope the walk in the heat does not set you back..thanks for coming.. :huggy:

Hey, no jinxing me :lalala:

177 pictures are uploading. :whistle: I'm gonna run and get some more stuff done, hopefully by the time I get back they are done!


Does my butt look big?
Phyxius said:
Hey, no jinxing me :lalala:

177 pictures are uploading. :whistle: I'm gonna run and get some more stuff done, hopefully by the time I get back they are done!

check your email for the crappy ones Giddy took..


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Went for ride Sat at SM Lake!!

Had a really nice ride Sat at SMary's lake, first time riding there. Very nice lake not to mention Happy's new RMH gelding, he was terrific!!!! :howdy:


Does my butt look big?
SouthernMdRocks said:
Had a really nice ride Sat at SMary's lake, first time riding there. Very nice lake not to mention Happy's new RMH gelding, he was terrific!!!! :howdy:

Yeah we had to go behind you all after you broke the bridge.. :lmao:


Does my butt look big?
SouthernMdRocks said:
Hey Paso,
Is Quint around or outta town?? I figured you might know since you see he so often.

Little SOB ant answering my calls either :confused: been 2 days not like him.. :shrug:


Finofan said:
Brighter then the Queens too... :whistle:
Hey you! :huggy:

Took Alvin out for his first trail ride yesterday, out for over an hour and he was GREAT! One little spook over a morning dove and nervous about all Bubby's equipment, but relaxed right into it. He'll go through or near ANYTHING. Shouldn't be long...... :razz: