right place, right time


Main Streeter
mdgirlie said:
Thanks for sharing. I'm glad to hear that somebody finally got what they had coming to them. :)

Here’s another one….

A couple weeks ago, someone was tailgating me as I was heading north on Rt 5 approaching the St. Mary’s College. I started to slow down as the speed limit dropped coming into the college area. The guy behind punched it and raced past me. I went on through college area and started to speed up again to head toward the Green Door and Cooks. About half way to the Door, I saw the same guy who’d just been pulled over. That was great I wanted to honk but I chickened out.


Loving My Life...
Richard Cranium said:
:bs: Trying to protect your friend?

Bottom line: A Crown Vic with a spotlight and White man with aviator sunglasses is usually indicative of an "unmarked" car :lmao:

I've seen some wanna be cops driving those cars . :lmao:


Well-Known Member
smcop said:
It was a county car. The detective that pulled him over didn't give him a citation, the guy had some issues going on that day. Sometimes good people do bad things, and this was one of those days.

That's cool. I'm not totally innocent of "those" days, either. Although, they don't really happen much now that I no longer commute to work on 495. Drivers are nicer here than the beltway.


Well-Known Member
smcop said:
It was a county car. The detective that pulled him over didn't give him a citation, the guy had some issues going on that day. Sometimes good people do bad things, and this was one of those days.
I have issues every day. Did not stop me from getting a ticket the week before I moved down here. So, because someone had a bad day, they can flip the bird and speed past a cop?


Well-Known Member
sockgirl77 said:
I have issues every day. Did not stop me from getting a ticket the week before I moved down here. So, because someone had a bad day, they can flip the bird and speed past a cop?
Its usually about being respectful. I'd say i am a little better than 50/50 at getting a warning when pulled over.


Well-Known Member
Midnightrider said:
Its usually about being respectful. I'd say i am a little better than 50/50 at getting a warning when pulled over.
I got my first real ticket in February. Low-cut shirts work well. :yay:


Well-Known Member
sockgirl77 said:
I got my first real ticket in February. Low-cut shirts work well. :yay:
usually the object is to NOT get the ticket, but what ever floats your boat, or knocks the little man out of it.... :yay:


I bowl overhand
smcop said:
It was a county car. The detective that pulled him over didn't give him a citation, the guy had some issues going on that day. Sometimes good people do bad things, and this was one of those days.
As long as he has issues.. I mean, as long as he was in a bad mood, if he had caused an accident out there that caused the death of someone's child it would be ok, becasue yanno, he was in a bad mood and all and we should forgive him

Or was the issue.. "He was a cop"


smcop said:
It was a county car. The detective that pulled him over didn't give him a citation, the guy had some issues going on that day. Sometimes good people do bad things, and this was one of those days.

Sort of disappointed to hear this. Passing on the right, reckless driving, speeding. All issues aside, it really sounds like this guy deserved a ticket for at least something.

IMO, having a bad day doesn't excuse someone from driving safely.

Richard Cranium

New Member
Bud said:
Sort of disappointed to hear this. Passing on the right, reckless driving, speeding. All issues aside, it really sounds like this guy deserved a ticket for at least something.

IMO, having a bad day doesn't excuse someone from driving safely.

Must have been a good family name.....


bohman said:
:eyebrow: I don't know which is more BS - that it really was you that I saw, or that somebody only got a warning after that performance!

It was not me. My post was a lame attempt at humor.

So that part is more BS.


Well-Known Member
Toxick said:
It was not me. My post was a lame attempt at humor.

So that part is more BS.

I assumed both were BS (I've seen you use humor, oh, once or twice :razz: ), but apparently the old saying about what happens when you assume applies to me.


bohman said:
I assumed both were BS (I've seen you use humor, oh, once or twice :razz: ), but apparently the old saying about what happens when you assume applies to me.

It's true... when you make an assumption you make an ass out of you and ...



New Member
sockgirl77 said:
I have issues every day. Did not stop me from getting a ticket the week before I moved down here. So, because someone had a bad day, they can flip the bird and speed past a cop?
It depends on your issues, and the cop that is pulling you over. Just like everything in life, not every cop acts like every other cop. Each are an individual, some are understanding, and some are not. Some may be understanding one day, and have a bad day the next.


New Member
itsbob said:
As long as he has issues.. I mean, as long as he was in a bad mood, if he had caused an accident out there that caused the death of someone's child it would be ok, becasue yanno, he was in a bad mood and all and we should forgive him

Or was the issue.. "He was a cop"
No he wasn't a cop. He didn't cause an accident. I believe if he had, he would have been given the appropriate citations. Have we become so calous to the human struggle that we should forget people can make minor mistakes. Isn't a warning when someone has realized they made a mistake, apologized for that mistake, and that mistake has had no lasting effect on anyone, sufficient?


New Member
Bud said:
Sort of disappointed to hear this. Passing on the right, reckless driving, speeding. All issues aside, it really sounds like this guy deserved a ticket for at least something.

IMO, having a bad day doesn't excuse someone from driving safely.
It depends on what your bad day was. If a significant other was dying, and you were trying to get to thier side, and you found you were too late, should we give you a ticket?


New Member
smcop said:
It depends on your issues, and the cop that is pulling you over. Just like everything in life, not every cop acts like every other cop. Each are an individual, some are understanding, and some are not. Some may be understanding one day, and have a bad day the next.

My last ticket, the officer that pulled me over chose not to make my day any worse. He could have thrown my azz in jail, making it a VERY bad day. But let me off with a very light ticket in comparison. He was in his DNS pickem truck and I was on my go-fast bike, and I went fast with the front wheel JUST grazing the concrete...right passed him as he was tailing another vehicle doing about 50 in a 55. Just as I realized WHAT I was passing, the light in front of me turned red. And he pulled in behind me. He even told me that had that light been green, he wouldn't have even bothered to pull out of traffic to get me. No way he could have caught me. He had "no idea how fast I was going but that it was obvious that I was going WAY above the posted speed limit". :lol:

I won't do THAT again. :lol: *whew*


New Member
Respect doesn't work when your an out-of-stater speeding in Virginia!!

I should have been paying attention to the speed limit drop from 80mph (in TN) to like 65 once you go over the VA line. Especially since it was the weekend after Thanksgiving! I was just cruizing along trying to get home. The cop got me AND the truck with TX tags! Said we were both doing 19 over the speed limit. Considered it "reckless driving" That was a NASTY ticket to pay off :ohwell: Good place for a speed trap in VA!

I couldn't have been nicer to the man, but I guess it didn't help I had my fiance in the car with me, would have worked better if I was alone :doh: