No, we need to implement speed cameras and take the buddy system, human compassion and sob stories out of it. You speed excessivley and drive recklessy you get a ticket, whether your wife is having a baby, or you the son of a local state trooper, or the state trooper themselves. And you know what, the cameras would catch me too, but I think my getting one or two tickets would be more than worth it if it stops the a-holes we have driving around here and killing each other almost daily.
The cop is not a judge, he witnesses someone breaking the law he should do his job. If there is a sob story involved let the judge hear it, and determine if it's compelling enough to warrant mitigation.
If the judge thinks it's fair to not give a fellow cop a ticket for doing 75 in a 50, than let the judge decide. You cops need to grow a set and start enforcing the laws as you were hired to do.
And by the way, the last time I wrote a law enforcement officer a ticket was about 5 years ago. But since then, I probably have only written five tickets a year, and can't remember the last time I pulled a law enforcement officer over. The law enforcement officer I wrote a ticket to was also arrested for drunk driving by me!
Stop with the "professional courtesy" bullchit, you should be professional before you get any kind of professional courtesy, because if they WERE in fact professional they would go out of their way to abide by every law and not be speeding in the first place.. grow a set, let me know the next time you give a fellow LEO a ticket.