YW.Nothing is guaranteed but death and taxes.
Let's see. I empathize with someone when it is their sorrow I've not felt. And I sympathize with someone whose sorrow I have felt. How's that? Now once again I have to look into the bucket. Looking. Nope. Still no f-cks to give on your analysis of my writing skills or my understanding of words and their proper use in context. Also, and by the way? There are no f-cks available for giving a sh-t how I come across to others here, more so, you, (however in this instance? I do have a proper bucket of ripe sh-t to give you that can eat for dinner), in this wonderful land Forum Mother created for us.I do not think you understand the word "empathize," at least not in this particular context. There are other issues with your poorly phrased, tonally dissonant reply, too (not least of which is the feeble tug on readers' heartstrings by reciting your litany of losses, trials and/or tribulations -- boo hoo, snowflake; get over it and pull yourself up by your bootstraps), but in the interests of forming and preserving a budding alliance between us, perhaps I will privately message you.
If I may ...
Let's see. I empathize with someone when it is their sorrow I've not felt. And I sympathize with someone whose sorrow I have felt. How's that? Now once again I have to look into the bucket. Looking. Nope. Still no f-cks to give on your analysis of my writing skills or my understanding of words and their proper use in context. Also, and by the way? There are no f-cks available for giving a sh-t how I come across to others here, more so, you, (however in this instance? I do have a proper bucket of ripe sh-t to give you that can eat for dinner), in this wonderful land Forum Mother created for us.
I thank all the Greek God's, and even the Goa'uld's, that Forum Mother is a United States Constitution loving person giving me, all of us here, (not speaking for them of course), to say to you, (give me a moment I'm going to look in one last place. Ah. Here it is. Found one). Please go f-ck yourself. It's definitely my last one. Promise.
Who the F**k is this guy ^^
Are you from Texas?I am a local (or at least have been for about 11 years now). I am a patriot. A proud descendant of confederate heroes. A MAGA-hat touring, unapologetic, tired-of-lurking-in-the-shadows-of-this-forum-while-it-gets-taken-over-by-sheeple-and-loonies, red blooded American.
But you can call me Sugar T*ts.
I’ve spent some time there, though I don’t know if it’s fair to say I’m “from Texas.” You know how they are about claiming Texan status. Why do you ask?Are you from Texas?
Do you have a trunk monkey?I’ve spent some time there, though I don’t know if it’s fair to say I’m “from Texas.” You know how they are about claiming Texan status. Why do you ask?
Do you have a trunk monkey?
The funniest guy on SOMD that's who. My 2nd guess is Rodd Rugg.Who the F**k is this guy ^^
Can you recommend a specific model and brand?A dildo
Your comparison is faulty. Heart attacks, aneurysms, cancer and the other maladies you listed are not transmitted like a virus. As for mentioning drunk driving - your comment is without merit. Death caused by a drunk driver is essentially a murder (unless it was they themselves that died). A preventable death, caused by someone who selfishly drove a car under the influence, with no concern for others. A criminal act. But since you brought it up, would you not have preferred that person not drive drunk, and save the life of your loved one? Please! My apologize that you felt I was "chiding" you. My original post, and subsequently mentioning the loss of my loved ones is honestly an attempt at getting people to realize that they "might" be able to help stop the spread. Had we known then what we know now - possibly my loved ones could have been saved. The grief is tremendous... and if there is anything I can do to save this grief from others... then I at least want to try.If I may ...
Fortunate? The newbie comes out boxing. Death is all around. An every minute of every hour of everyday occurrence. Loved ones I've lost plenty over my life thus far. And I'm pretty sure it will not end even after my own death. I empathize with those who have lost a loved one due to this coronavirus. However, my concern is that of my immediate circle of family and friends. I will not tip-toe around an issue because some people die. What I write, about this coronavirus, I believe to be truthful. Not speculation.
Back to your, "fortunate ones", statement. I'm fortunate no drunk driver killed any member of my family or friends. (No. I mis-spoke. I did lose someone, many years ago. And how I loved her. To a drunk driver. Writing this made me remember). I'm fortunate that no member of my family, or any friend, died in their sleep. Or died from a heart attack, or a stroke, or a brain aneurysm, or cancer, or pancreatitis, or the myriad of fatal illnesses and diseases. Including this so called "Novel" "COVID-19" coronavirus. If any of the preceding do happen to happen to a family member or friend, I will grieve, as all who lose someone close does. But I will not be on here chiding someone because of their position using my loss to forward a BS agenda.
Many "healthy" people exposed did not survive long enough to build up their immunity against it. People with compromised health issues are even more at risk. For many - there is no immunity. Their only hope is to not be exposed in the first place. And since we live in a world where we are dependent on each other, we must interact. If we can slow the progression of the virus, and help avoid the spread - why wouldn't you want to?Is the act of wearing a mask and social distancing so vile, that it cannot be tolerated YES AND YES!! Have you ever heard of building your immunities by exposure?
GURPS - I am so sorry for your loss. I certainly realize I'm not the only one to lose loved ones. In fact, I lost a wonderful friend to Parkinson's. She will be forever loved - and forever missed. Diagnosed at 34, and passed at 41. Her Parkinson's was unavoidable. I also lost a good friend, and a family member to Aids. I loved them both of them dearly. I watched them suffer terribly. Their lifestyles put them at risk. We know that Aids is virus, and transmission can be slowed, and even halted - buy taking precautionary measures. I'm not blaming them for having Aids, but I'm sad that their deaths might have been avoided if we knew then what we know now.I lost an ex-wife to Aids ...... and the mother of my 26 yr old died to Parkinson's last yr
you are not the only one to lose family
Sadly, because too many individualistic Americans have become more interested in what makes them happy and comfortable than what is good for those around them. Self sacrifice is a rapidly fading concept in our culture.Many "healthy" people exposed did not survive long enough to build up their immunity against it. People with compromised health issues are even more at risk. For many - there is no immunity. Their only hope is to not be exposed in the first place. And since we live in a world where we are dependent on each other, we must interact. If we can slow the progression of the virus, and help avoid the spread - why wouldn't you want to?
Trying to stop the spread, slow the spread, curb the spread, (use what ever term), of the coronavirus, is ineffectual and an exercise in futility. And if you do catch it? Are you gonna say, 'But I was always following the wearing a mask everywhere protocols'? But continue on with whatever makes you 'feel' safer.Sadly, because too many individualistic Americans have become more interested in what makes them happy and comfortable than what is good for those around them. Self sacrifice is a rapidly fading concept in our culture.
I choose to wear a mask while exercising with a local group. Yes, it totally sucks. It's harder to breathe, and it's hot. And I'm the only one taking that precaution, so I look out of place. But I am willing to tolerate those difficulties, not because I'm infected, but purely to reduce the risk that my wife's nursing home patients might get sick. If they do, data shows that about 1/3 of them would die. So if I inadvertently get infected through the close contact with the others, my actions could kill dozens of elderly people. So I choose to inconvenience myself to keep others safe.
Because it is impossible. There are way too many factors and variables for us mere humans, in our always hubristic fashion, to think we can stop a coronavirus. In addition? There has never, ever, been a successful vaccine produced for, any, coronavirus. This event is nothing but a way to control the masses with fear propaganda.If we can slow the progression of the virus, and help avoid the spread - why wouldn't you want to?