Roadside Memorials

Too Hot 4u

New Member
Nucklesack said:
Dumb@$$ Fat Momma (or TooHot4U MPD)

Grey vs Gray

Both are a Color, the word GREY is the British/English (ie original) and GRAY is the Americanized (ie Newer).

From Link

Don’t bring me into your dumbazz shiat. I know the difference in the two words.
WTF are you talking about? Stupid drama queen, get it in your head, I am not an MPD.

You have nothing better to do than sit in here hoping someone says something about you or something that you can jump on? Then you waste even more time posting things like above and tell others to get a life????

Shrinky dink, GTFOY, you are a freaking loser. Why did you ask what gray was then go and post need to go hang yourself.
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Fat Momma

Too Hot 4u said:
Don’t bring me into your dumbazz shiat. I know the difference in the two words.
WTF are you talking about? Stupid drama queen, get it in your head, I am not an MPD.

You have nothing better to do than sit in here hoping someone says something about you or something that you can jump on? Then you waste even more time posting things like above and tell others to get a life????

Shrinky dink, GTFOY, you are a freaking loser. Why did you ask what gray was then go and post need to go hang yourself.

The reason small di^k accuses you of being an MPD is because he has a few himself.

Around the same time he posted that he sent me karma so that goes to show what a loser he is…..he should not worry about grey/gray and look up the word received…..looks like we are not the only ones that do not like DA. Check out the karma someone sent him.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha


Well-Known Member
I wish you would stab yourself in the eye..I hate it when you come in these threads you are a complete and utter fool

Why don't you leave your name next time?

09-12-2006 02:36 PM WTF r u an MPD? Stop you are losing the battle for us

Ok, an MPD? I joined this forum 4 yrs ago.....

And I'm losing the battle for you? Get an effing life.... A battle? It's an internet forum. :rolleyes:


New Member
Cowgirl said:
And I'm losing the battle for you? Get an effing life.... A battle? It's an internet forum. :rolleyes:


  • retarded.jpg
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Fat Momma

Roadside Memorials 09-12-2006 07:20 PM Tell mikey...people who can track karma are retards

Thanks for the green baby but I have no clue what you are talking about.
Clue me in sweety.

And to the retard that keeps posting this
Roadside Memorials 09-12-2006 08:27 PM Hi Slotted. Go beat your wife.

Why don't you go beat her for him, after you are done go beat off yourself and STFU, loser :buttkick:
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New Member
Fat Momma said:
Roadside Memorials 09-12-2006 07:20 PM Tell mikey...people who can track karma are retards

Thanks for the green baby but I have no clue what you are talking about.
Clue me in sweety.
Here, they can have this... :lol:


  • Understand-Testicle.jpg
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New Member
Fat Momma said:
See I was trying to be nice and you go and send ala ball in a cup.
That is for your anonymous karma giver... :lmao:

P.S. I have no clue how to track krama and some who think they do really don't. :yay:

Fat Momma

Mikeinsmd said:
That is for your anonymous karma giver... :lmao:

P.S. I have no clue how to track krama and some who think they do really don't. :yay:

Ohhhh my bad..... sorry. :flowers:

Fat Momma

Cowgirl said:
Why don't you leave your name next time?

Ok, an MPD? I joined this forum 4 yrs ago.....

And I'm losing the battle for you? Get an effing life.... A battle? It's an internet forum. :rolleyes:

Not that I lweft that for you, but now you know what all the other people were saying about unsigned red karma.


Well-Known Member
Fat Momma said:
Not that I lweft that for you, but now you know what all the other people were saying about unsigned red karma.
Fat Momma smells like a Caucasian Hen.

Fat Momma

willie said:
Fat Momma smells like a Caucasian Hen.

And why is that wee Willie? Because I happen to speak and write better than you think I should? Please explain to me what you meant in your last statement….I am waiting with anticipation at your cleverness.

You smell like a old caucasian #### but what does that have to do with anything?


Well-Known Member
Fat Momma said:
And why is that wee Willie? Because I happen to speak and write better than you think I should? Please explain to me what you meant in your last statement….I am waiting with anticipation at your cleverness.

You smell like a old caucasian #### but what does that have to do with anything?
Yep, lousy Ebonics.

Fat Momma

willie said:
Yep, lousy Ebonics.

Ebonics was created by some black people with a lack of education and self esteem. Which I do not lack in either. But I am 100% black and proud of it.

Negative Nancy

Pissy Biatch
:deadhorse Looks like it's time to drag this one out again.

Chancellors Run and Foxchase Drive:shrug:

Almost saw another person killed there today. It's a blind curve, STAY OUT OF THE ROAD PEOPLE.