Rosie on the View



So am I the only one who isn't really impressed with Rosie as the new moderator on the View. I used to really enjoy this show. But Rosie is really trying to hard, too loud and too pushy.

I know she's trying to make her mark. But it's not ALL about her. It's a combo show. She needs a big Chill Pill. :smack:


I actually used to like her show. I'm hoping she'll settle down in time. I know...probably a waste of a perfectly good wish...but what the heck!


Gald you are enjoying her. I've always been a fan...but I find her just too much on the View. I've always liked her one-on-one. I'm not sure she's really ready to do the blending that this show requires. Time will tell.


PelyKat said:
Gald you are enjoying her. I've always been a fan...but I find her just too much on the View. I've always liked her one-on-one. I'm not sure she's really ready to do the blending that this show requires. Time will tell.
She should be nailed to a burning tree by her penis....


Geek said:
Wow, you suck. To think I was going to have my friends pm you about buying a house. :nono: not anymore.
If I were you I would not put up such horrible comments when "remax" is in your screen name. How would Remax feel if they were dircted to your post? And what about Gay people I think they would not feel great about giving Remax their business.

I work with a VERY diverse set of clients. I did not make any statements about any group of people. If Rosie is such an excellent example of "gay" then she wouldn't have stayed in the closet until after her bank account was well padded......


New Member
remaxrealtor said:
If I were you I would not put up such horrible comments when "remax" is in your screen name. How would Remax feel if they were dircted to your post? And what about Gay people I think they would not feel great about giving Remax their business.

I work with a VERY diverse set of clients. I did not make any statements about any group of people. If Rosie is such an excellent example of "gay" then she wouldn't have stayed in the closet until after her bank account was well padded......

amen. I'll help nail her to that burning tree :lmao: Ya know, Ellen has a great show and is funny and gets her message across. Rosie makes me cringe.


morganj614 said:
amen. I'll help nail her to that burning tree :lmao: Ya know, Ellen has a great show and is funny and gets her message across. Rosie makes me cringe.
:flowers: Many thanks my friend!


New Member
remaxrealtor said:
If I were you I would not put up such horrible comments when "remax" is in your screen name. How would Remax feel if they were dircted to your post? And what about Gay people I think they would not feel great about giving Remax their business.

I work with a VERY diverse set of clients. I did not make any statements about any group of people. If Rosie is such an excellent example of "gay" then she wouldn't have stayed in the closet until after her bank account was well padded......

Girl, you can think what you want and say what you want. ReMax is in your screen name so you are representing them. If I were you I would choose my words wisely. Or be really brave and post under your own name, instead of letting of your company lose business because of your evil thoughts. Does your company even know you are doing this?


New Member
Geek said:
Girl, you can think what you want and say what you want. ReMax is in your screen name so you are representing them. If I were you I would choose my words wisely. Or be really brave and post under your own name, instead of letting of your company lose business because of your evil thoughts. Does your company even know you are doing this?

#1 go find the duct tape
#2 rip off a large piece of it
#3 tape all your fingers together
#4 stfu TIA


Geek said:
Girl, you can think what you want and say what you want. ReMax is in your screen name so you are representing them. If I were you I would choose my words wisely. Or be really brave and post under your own name, instead of letting of your company lose business because of your evil thoughts. Does your company even know you are doing this?

Slow down cowpoke.......

Here's a quote by your hero Rosie, but I was assuming that we could joke and offer our opinions on here......

"She looks like you could snap her in two but she's a tough-ass, kick-ass woman "I would actually like to fight her. I think for all the people that she's beaten up, I think she needs a big 200 pound lesbian to kick her ass." -On reports of Naomi Campbell allegedly beating up the help.
Source: IMDB


New Member
remaxrealtor said:
Slow down cowpoke.......

Here's a quote by your hero Rosie, but I was assuming that we could joke and offer our opinions on here......

"She looks like you could snap her in two but she's a tough-ass, kick-ass woman "I would actually like to fight her. I think for all the people that she's beaten up, I think she needs a big 200 pound lesbian to kick her ass." -On reports of Naomi Campbell allegedly beating up the help.
Source: IMDB

I like her. But I can say whatever I want, I am not representing a company in my screen name.


Geek said:
I like her. But I can say whatever I want, I am not representing a company in my screen name.
I think that all the things I've done to help people on here just might outweigh one Rosie comment, just maybe. I'm sure you spend a great deal of your free time doing selfless charitable acts..........