Rosie on the View


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
K_Jo said:
He just doesn't look like a dick.
I had him pictured as one, though, by his posts. :lol:

I'll never read him the same way again - now he will forever sound like Carlton in my head.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I had him pictured as one, though, by his posts. :lol:

I'll never read him the same way again - now he will forever sound like Carlton in my head.
I know! I really like him now that he's Carlton! :lmao:


I think Rosie needs to be back in her own show where the spotlight is on her. With the rest of the View ladies she seems like she is always trying to interupt...but hell they all do. Sounds like a bunch of chickens clucking. Don't get me wrong I love Rosie..but whoever decided to put her on the view was an idiot.


PelyKat said:
So am I the only one who isn't really impressed with Rosie as the new moderator on the View. I used to really enjoy this show. But Rosie is really trying to hard, too loud and too pushy.

I know she's trying to make her mark. But it's not ALL about her. It's a combo show. She needs a big Chill Pill. :smack:
Time will tell if she stays or goes...

Uncle Rico

New Member
Bronwyn said:
Time will tell if she stays or goes...

Please, it's time to stop talking about this stupid DIKE! She's nothing but a nasty waste of human flesh. Can't we talk about something more important, like the weather. I am really getting sick of these fags and dikes. barf!


New Member
Uncle Rico said:
Please, it's time to stop talking about this stupid DIKE! She's nothing but a nasty waste of human flesh. Can't we talk about something more important, like the weather. I am really getting sick of these fags and dikes. barf!

You know I am going to be all over your stupid ass for this post :buttkick: :smack:

Uncle Rico

New Member
Geek said:
thought so

That's funny! At least you have a sense of humor. I just can't understand why a guy would want to go through the back door of another guy when there is so much puzzy out there. Oh, and why would a woman want a rubber double ender when there are so many willing real johnsons out there.

There is a reason why men have penis' and women have vaginas. Think about it. If you are gay, fine. You are gay but you are not normal. Try to lead a happy life but stop trying to change the world.


New Member
Uncle Rico said:
That's funny! At least you have a sense of humor. I just can't understand why a guy would want to go through the back door of another guy when there is so much puzzy out there. Oh, and why would a woman want a rubber double ender when there are so many willing real johnsons out there.

There is a reason why men have penis' and women have vaginas. Think about it. If you are gay, fine. You are gay but you are not normal. Try to lead a happy life but stop trying to change the world.

Dude, if my choice was Angelina Jolie or you, I would pick Angie everytime :yay: