Rude Drivers

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

First you say you were 95% backed out, then you say you were all the way, which is it or don't you know?  Seems if you are unsure of what you were doing you shouldn't be bitching about what someone else was doing.


95% backed out means brakes applied at or very close to a complete stop before shifting into forward.  

Either way he was going to fast for parking lot driving.  

You demonstrate the "maryland attitude" very well.  

(Edited by geekboy at 7:23 pm on Feb. 8, 2002)

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

95% backed out means you have 5% still in the parking space.  If you had completely exited the space and were in the process of shifting into forward then you were on the travel portion of the lot.  The person who offended you should have stopped behind you and allowed you to move on.  I am only basing my opinion on what you provided and it is apparent to me that you are unsure of what happened other then the ruffling of your feathers.  Lighten up Slick, we all have to SHARE these roads and occasionally you'll run into an idiot that is too busy doing whatever they are doing instead of paying attention to operating the vehicle.  If this gets your panties all knotted up I can only imagine what a real problem does to you.  BTW if you have a problem with my attitude you can just head back to where you came from.  I won't lose any sleep over it and who knows you might be happier.   Also, please define what a Maryland attitude is, I'm interested in you perspective of this classification.


I guess I didnt do a very good job explaining backed out,  I was considering it the whole process,  100% backed out would have ment I was going forward.  

The maryland attitude was described to me by a "naitive St Marys Girl" she was upset with the men of St Marys.  Saying they all drive arround in a Camaro or Mustang with decals on their rear windows that say something  like "NuffSaid" or "Can't Catch Me".  They often have kids that they don't claim and refuse to pay child support.  Oh yea she also said they all think they are Eminem.  

I really didnt believe it for a while then I realized that she was right.  

Don't get me wrong there are plenty of great people here, but the jerks just tend to show up better or get away with more than what I am use to.  

I think it also includes the utter discontempt people have for those that transfered to PAX from another base due to the BRAC.  Those that came from Warminster and Trenton do not get the same treatment as others do at PAX.  

(Edited by geekboy at 8:07 pm on Feb. 8, 2002)

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Okay, so it’s a difference of what is meant.  Enough of that, I’ll defer to your meaning.  

As to the Maryland attitude you might want to actually meet some more local folk.  An upset woman describing the attitude in such a general way is likely to be tainted.  While I have an older high powered vehicle I don’t sport around with decals blazing, stereo thumping, doing burn-outs, or the such.  I will admit to airing out the motor on occasion, but I know where to go to do that and it is off state maintained property.  I also have taken care of my children, was awarded custody by the court when I divorced (from a native St. Mary’s County woman), and continue to help them even though they are full grown.  During the period I was separated I paid my child support and alimony every month.  I had to work an additional job to keep our heads above water but I did it.  I even paid rehabilitative alimony for three years after I had custody of the kids and she was employed in another part of the state.

I disagree with your comment about PAX.  I have been down there for about 15 years now and I think highly of those that arrived from the closed activities and the knowledge and skills they brought to us.  Maybe it is just the group you work with, but I don’t see it the same as you do.  

If they are government employees and feel they have been treated differently they should definitely bring it up in a formal complaint to the MSPB, the local union should be able to offer assistance even if your aren’t in their bargaining unit. I sat on the early transition team (for the union) and welcoming the new employees and embracing them into the team was the top priority and at the highest level of our focus. If you want further information or assistance email through the link above and I’ll see what I can do, even though I am no longer active with the union (just a dues paying member).

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

I sent you a message.  You are right it is off topic.  Get back to me and we'll take this off forum.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Two things: (because I hate it when ya'll mix it up without me)

1.  If geekboy was even only partially out of his spot, the oncoming car should have simply stopped, allowed geekboy to say "oops", waved and everyone goes on their way.  Those parking lots aren't designed for safe pulling in and out because visibility is usually poor AND someone parked by the lot entrance takes their life in their hands when pulling out.

2.  Anyone who says that St. Mary's guys are the worst needs to get out more.  Having lived and dated all over the US, I can say with some authority that St. Mary's guys are just as terrific or crummy (depending on the guy) as anywhere else.

That said, I think all East Coast people are partially insane because I'm from the mid-West where we aren't afraid to let someone else be ahead of us in traffic and don't get excited about someone driving slow in the hammer lane.  There are bad drivers in Nebraska, too - everyone's just nicer about it.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

To your point number (1).  Prior to moving a vehicle from a parking place to the traveled portion of the lot the vehicle parked is the yielding vehicle until it is safe to move.  That is how the law reads.  When it pulled out it might have been safe, then again the driver might not have looked, who knows.  This is one of those "I said, they said" issues and we only have one side of the story so without witnessing what happened can we determine who was at fault, no, not for sure.  Anyway, point being there are idiots out there that you need to be careful about, whether they are flying into a parking lot or pulling out of a parking space (Geekboy, I am not calling you an idiot, just making a generalization).

BTW, Vraiblonde, you using that seatbelt all the time now?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No, Ken, I still feel it's my civil right to not wear a seatbelt if I don't want to :smile:  But I do insist my that kids are buckled up.

My point about the parking lot situation is that a little consideration is needed among all parties.  I know that I've almost nailed people who were coming out of a parking space when I've pulled into fast food joints or convenience stores because the parking spaces are too close to the entrance.  I'm anticipating them and give them some slack - I don't scream around them and give them the finger.  

If there had been an accident, I'm not sure geekboy would have been found at fault.  It depends on where he hit the other car (or the other car hit him).  However, I can say with some certainty that if the other driver had hit a pedestrian by screaming around geekboy's car like that, they would surely have been found at fault.  There's right - and there's <i>dead</i> right - nome sane?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

As driving is a privilege and not a right it cannot be a civil rights issue.  Anyway, watch for that cop shifting lanes to come snag you again.  I agree that all should exercise consideration to others operating vehicles out there and this scenario would be one you would have to see before making a judgment.  I too watch out for the unexpected idiots because some folks seem to think that they own the roads, parking lots, and that the world rotates around them.  I guess we will always have idiots out there making bonehead maneuvers that we have to contend with.  Be safe, be observant, and be on the look out for the idiots.


New Member
I just have a question for Ken...Do you think you know everything?  I've read several posts from you under every topic under the sun and you always criticize.  I'm sure i'm not the only one who agrees with geekboy about that driver being rude, the whole thread is you arguing with him.  If you see someone backing out of a spot and they're more than just a foot or so out, the polite thing to do is to wait. period.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Do I know everything, of course not, but I do have opinions on a lot of things.  I am not afraid to express those same opinions and I use my name so there is no doubt about what I say or that it was me that said them, unlike you.  Mostly in this case it is about people describing some pretty stupid maneuvers and saying that they are rude.  Rude implies ignorance of or indifference to good form; it may suggest intentional discourtesy.  What was described was not that, as I doubt that the person driving into the parking lot said, “Oooh, there is Geekboy pulling out of that parking spot lets go intentionally make him stop”.  That would be rude.  Rude would also be entering a conversation just to criticize a poster, like what you have done.  Now I have a question for you.  If you want to criticize anyone why not include your name or is it that you are just a little too much of a chicken to do that?  I doubt you have the balls to do such as you seem to like to hide in the safety of your anonymity.    

Another question is did you see the evolution and do you know for a fact that what was described happened?  Of course not so you don't know what the polite thing to do is in this case and you are basing your assumptions on one side of the story.  What I have said is that the person backing out of a parking spot does not have the right of way, but your little brain hasn't picked up on that yet or you simply do not understand the laws of the road as they deal with the right of way.  I also said that if Geekboy was all the way out and shifting into drive (or first gear) then the person that offended him should have stopped and waited.

It seems to me that you just want a pissing contest with me from the safety of the shadows.  I’m here and waiting, the question is are you person enough to identify yourself,  I won’t hold my breath waiting for the answer.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Well Laura,

No, trust me there is nothing else I care or desire to know about you, but it is nice to see that you came out from under the rock of your alias that you had been hiding under.  I was giving an opinion that happened to be based on what is in the Maryland law.  I see it as a critical phase in adopting a position or opinion on a matter especially when discussing driving and rules of the road.  The fact that I care to research it should come as no surprise to you or anyone else that reads these forums as I don't rely on emotion alone to come to an opinion.  I don’t open my mouth (or should I say type my response) unless I know what I am talking about.  

I get nasty when someone jumps in and ridicules a person for sharing an opinion, which is what you did.  Had you not made your comments would we even be discussing this now, most certainly not.  In your first post, this topic, you said I “always” criticize.  Well you are wrong on that point.  Always is an absolute term and trust me there is nothing absolute with what and how I post.  I have agreed with some I normally argue with and fought with some that I generally agree with.  The proof is in these posts.

If you read the posts made in this topic you should be able to see how by just reading what was posted and not reading into the posts it was unclear to me if Geekboy was in or out of the space.  You will also see that before you chimed in I had deferred to Geekboy’s meaning and had said if he was out of the spot that the other driver was wrong.

Finally, as to your comment, “To let you know I think you need to be a little more open and not such a *rude* jerk to people who don't agree with you.”  Well, Little Missy, just pucker up your lips and press them to my hairy cheeks.  When I disagree with someone I will say so and neither you nor anyone else can prevent that.  Also if you didn’t butt into the conversation in your uncivilized, ill-mannered, and discourteous fashion I wouldn’t have had to post this reply, now would I.


Wow,  everyone is so confrontational before I moved here I never really saw it as prevelent as here.  That is part of what I was refering to as Maryland attitude, the "don't **** with me"  Maybe there are just alot of angry people here from their high stress jobs, mine has really been getting to me lately.  

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Do you let people trod on you?  I doubt it, so why should this be any different.  As to the Maryland attitude, I still think you are wrong and you shouldn't look only at the forum for your impression.   Not everything is as it appears.  After all, I offered to look into that problem we were discussing.  I was very serious.  Is that part of what you mean by Maryland attitude?  We can be friends helping one another and totally disagree about something else the very next minute.  You've got to love it.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

At least I have opinions and don't just flame for the sake of it.  I have yet to see anything in any of these posts that I would consider as rude, a lot of stupidity but nothing rude.  Do you have any thoughts on the matter?

What do you expect?  Should we pull to the sides of the road as you come by just on the off chance we might offend you.  